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10 Oct News 2022 Flipbook PDF

10 Oct News 2022




October Newsletter 2022 Our Mission: Bible EFC exists to honor God first in Eastern Monroe County and then throughout the world by making disciples of Jesus Christ who are and are becoming convinced by him, changed to be like him, called to his priorities, and committed to loving relationships. (Mark 12:28-33)

OCTOBER Connecting People to Jesus & Others



Join us in the sanctuary for worship. We will live-stream this service on our Bible Evangelical Free Church Facebook page 10:15 AM WORSHIP Join us in the sanctuary for worship: Nursery, Preschool and Elementary options in the gym Middle & High school Sunday School on the north end of the building Adult Bible Fellowship will be held in the Patio Room (top of the ramp) Open Small Group, childcare available, in the James & John Room 6 PM Open Small Group, in the James & John Room

MONDAYS 6 PM Prayer time in the Sanctuary (2nd Monday of the month) (5:30 PM in Oct) 6 PM Women's Group- Contact Krishna to learn location 608.343.3282.

WEDNESDAYS 8:30-10 am, Women in the Word, in the Patio Room 10 am OWLS, in the Dining Room 5-6 pm Café, in the Dining Room 5:45-7:30 pm Awana, in the gym 6:30-8 pm Youth, begins in the sanctuary

THURSDAYS 6 am Men's Group at the Baker's Table Contact Pastor Neil 608.343.5101.

Adults at Bible EFC

Finding ways to be convinced by him, changed to be like him, called to his priorities and committed to loving relationships

PRAYER NIGHT // OCT 10 // 5:30 PM Join a member of our Pastoral staff the second Monday of the month. We normally meet at 6 PM but we will meet at 5:30 in October. Prayer is so important, so why not get together to do it? Upcoming Prayer Nights: Oct 10, Nov 14 & Dec 12.

WOMEN'S EVENING GATHERING // NOV 4 // 6:30-8 PM Who doesn't love to tell a story? God has a story to tell. Join us this evening for fellowship and to prepare for the upcoming season by telling God's story through the Advent season with the Jesse Tree. Most kids talked about Santa, presents, and treats…but the Jesse Tree is about Jesus. The Jesse Tree is a way of telling the story of God’s plan from the beginning of time to redeem His people by sending a Savior. It follows the lineage of Christ’s family and key people in the Old Testament that God uses to tell His story from Creation through Christ’s birth. It is a countdown daily to Christmas with the telling of a story, and an ornament that acts as a symbol and visual reminder of the story. A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit. The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him— the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of might, the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the LORD— and he will delight in the fear of the LORD. Isaiah 11: 1-3

WOMEN'S TEA REGISTRATION OPENS IN NOV Ladies! You are invited to this year's Women's Christmas Tea on Dec 2 at 7 PM. Tickets are $3 each and will be available beginning Nov 6.

NO REGRETS CONFERENCE Men! Save the Date for the 2023 No Regrets Men's Conference. It is February 4. Talk to Pastor Neil about buying your ticket.

MARRIAGE MATTERS Marriage is something that needs constant work, not just when it is in crisis. Join us for a three week marriage series (October 10, 17 & 24 from 6:30-8 PM) with a culminating event on October 29 for a way to continue to nurture your marriage. Childcare is provided for the Monday nights. Stop at the Connection Point for more details. Contact Briana Kortbein (608) 387-6033, Mattie Walter (608) 567-8630, or Ranee Parrish (701) 870-1644 with questions.

MEMBERSHIP CLASS // OCT 25 // 5 - 8 PM Would you like to learn more about church membership at Bible EFC? Are you wondering about what Bible EFC believes? Consider joining Pastor Tim and Carole, his wife, for a one-eveningonly membership class. A light dinner is provided. Please let us know if you are interested by Monday, October 24 (for planning purposes). Pastor Neil: [email protected] // 608.343.5101 [email protected]

Outreach at Bible EFC Outward & Inward Serving Opportunities

FAMILY PROMISE We are up to host Family Promise October 9-16. We are potentially hosting TWO families during our week. Stop in the foyer to see what our volunteer needs are. What is Family Promise? Family Promise is a non-profit organization that helps families in homelessness situations in Monroe County and we rotate with other churches in Monroe County to help house and serve these families. Contact Krishna Battista to learn more. 608.343.3282

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD We will have boxes available for you to pick up and fill for Operation Christmas Child mid-October. Watch the foyer for the display. What is Operation Christmas Child? Operation Christmas Child is a project of Samaritan’s Purse, an international relief organization. Our mission is to provide local partners around the world with shoeboxes filled with small toys, hygiene items, and school supplies as a means of reaching out to children in their own communities with the Good News of Jesus Christ. We ship these simple gifts outside the United States to children affected by war, poverty, natural disaster, famine, and disease; and to children living on Native American reservations in the U.S. Our children's ministry is supporting Operation Christmas Child through their offering and donations. Families should read the "Children's Weekly" to learn more. Contact Krishna Battista to learn more. 608.343.3282

COATS FOR KIDS Coats for Kids is a local outreach to provide winter gear to children in our community that have a need. Bible EFC is one of the drop off locations again this year. We will accept gently used hats, mittens, coats, snow pants and boots through October 17. Distribution will be Oct 21 4-7 PM & Oct 22 10-12 at Lighthouse Assembly of God, 762 West Clifton (HWY 16)

SHOVELING SEASON IS ALMOST HERE Winter will be here before we know it. Would you be willing to shovel our sidewalk and by our exits? Contact Nikki in the office to learn more or to talk about a schedule.

OCTOBER IS PASTOR APPRECIATE MONTH Feel free to email, drop off or mail a card, note or word of encouragement to the pastors that God has blessed us with! We are so thankful for them and the way that God works through all three of them!

[email protected] // // 608.372.9377

Resources BIBLE LIFE CARDS What is a Bible LIFE Card? They are cards written each week based on the message. We started using them to encourage people to interact with one another using scripture as the base of the conversation. Our hope is that real growth together, as disciples of Jesus Christ, brings encouragement. Printed cards are located at our Connection Point each week. You can find the digital copy on our website ( or posted in the Bible EFC- Adult Ministries Facebook Group.

WEEKLY ANNOUNCEMENTS This is where we will post more specific details or highlight things that are approaching, as a reminder. Our weekly announcements can be found in a couple places. Printed copies can be found in the announcement stand in the foyer and hallway coming from the main restrooms. We post the digital copies at and on the Bible Evangelical Free Facebook Page.

ARE YOU NEWER TO BIBLE EFC? Have you filled out a Connection Card yet? What is a Connection Card and Why do we fill it out? They are a way for us to get to know you. They also have the option to sign up for our general emails or prayer chain emails. They can be found at the Connection Point or on the main page of We have welcome gifts available at the Connection Point for newer people so stop by and say hi!

WHAT ARE WE READING? Every couple months we like to share what our Pastoral Staff has been reading or studying. Pastor Tim: "Strange New World", Carl Trueman, "The New Reformation", Shai Linne (Neil’s hero), Christianity Today website: Top 5 Heresies among American Evangelicals: Pastor Neil: "The Joy of Hearing" Tom Schreiner, "What is the gospel" Greg Gilbert, "Church History Volume One" Everett Ferguson, "50 People Every Christian Should Know" Warren Wiersbe, "Showing the Spirit" D.A. Carson, "Spiritual gifts Tom Schreiner, "The death of Porn" Ray Ortlund, "Creeds, Confessions, & Catechisms" Chad Van Dixhoorn, "Caste" Isabel Wilkerson, "The Explicit Gospel" Matt Chandler, "The Gospel According to Jesus" John Macarthur, "Hearers and Doers" Kevin Vanhoozer (with Small Group Leaders), "A Secular Age" Charles Raylor Pastor Ben: "Brothers, We Are Not Professionals" – John Piper, "Typology: Understanding the Bible’s Promised-Shaped Patterns" – James M. Hamilton Jr., "Lead Small" – Reggie Joiner, Tom Shefchunas, "Sustainable Youth Ministry" – Mark DeVries Krishna Battista: "Praying Through the Bible for Your Kids" by Nancy Guthrie (highly recommend and Krishna has 3 extra copies to give away!), "Courageous Teens" by Michael Catt and Amy Parker, "Mama Bear Apologetics" by Hillary Morgan Ferrer, "The Questions Christians Hope No One Will Ask (with answers)" by Mark Mittelberg

[email protected] // // 608.372.9377

Youth at Bible EFC Helping Youth become Rooted & Built up in Him

Sunday School is offered during the 10:15 service most weeks throughout the school year. Sunday School takes a break the first Sunday of each month so students can go to service and are able to participate in communion. Other weeks of no Sunday School are Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, Easter, Memorial Day Weekends and Districts weekend.



5: Regular Youth 12: Regular Youth 19: Districts Deposits Due 19: Regular Youth 26: Costume Party & Contest (Watch Band for details about the Costume Party)


2: Regular Youth 9: Regular Youth 16: Regular Youth 23: NO YOUTH- Thanksgiving Eve Service at 6 PM 30: Hot Topic Q & A

We're excited to be heading to Districts this January! Cost of the conference is $150 and it covers the conference, hotel, transportation, and most meals. Students may want to bring extra money for food and the Districts store.

The first payment of $75 is due with your registration by October 19th. The final payment is due on November 16th. We will NOT be accepting registrations past November 16th.

Students have the option to order a Districts t-shirt for an extra $15.

For more information about Districts, visit or email Pastor Ben at [email protected] or LeighAnne @ [email protected]. More details will be sent out at a later time to those that register.

Children's Ministry Connecting children and families to Jesus & others

SUNDAYS // GYM // 10:15 AM We have a nursery available for children 0-2. A preschool room is available for children 3 years thru 4k Elementary Sunday School is available for children in kindergarten through 5th grade. All students and volunteers are asked to check in and put a nametag on prior to entrance and the gym in locked when it is unattended. A doorbell is available for families that need to enter when the door is locked. Families will be dismissed to parents after the service is over.

WEDNESDAYS // GYM // 5:45-7:30 PM As children enter into the pivotal elementary years, our Elementary curriculum ensures that kids are not only knowledgeable of God's Word but are able to apply His truth to their lives and face anything as disciples of Christ. At Bible EFC, Awana is for children 3 years through 6th grade. Register at $30 per clubber for 30 nights of club. Payment plans and scholarship (part or full) available. October Schedule: 5: Regular Awana; Fall bdays & campfire night. We will be outside around a campfire, weather permitting, so please dress for the weather. 12: Regular Awana 19: Regular Awana 26: Regular Awana; Dress Up Night. Dress up to show a favorite activity (sport, recreation, hobby) Game Time Reminder: No Flip-flops, Boots, Crocks. Shoes need to stay on while running. Tie, Tap or Slip on.

Join us for supper before Awana. Café is from 5-6 PM Suggested donation is $2 per adult & $1 per child

CHILDREN'S WEEKLY Has your child attended Sunday School since we started our Fall Kick Off on September 11? You may have received our Children's Weekly. This is a way for Krishna (our Children's Ministry Director) to communicate and help keep you informed. We are trying to hand them out at check in on Sundays. It talks about what Family Time is, what our offering is supporting and other announcements for Children's Ministry. They are slightly different each week so be on the look out.

OFFERING Children are encouraged to bring offering each week. This year we will be supporting different ministries and missions so keep an eye out for who is being supported and how we can give offering. We may be requesting specific items, depending on who we are supporting. Through Oct 2 we are supporting our friend, Ruthie. She is from Uganda and We learned that it only takes $7.00 to send a child to school and provide them with 2 meals/day for an entire month! In September, our goal is to provide as many months of school and meals to children as we can! The rest of October we will support Operation Christmas Child. Watch the Children's weekly to see what our goals are AND how many children in Uganda we were able to support.

Krishna Battista // Children's Director 608.343.3282 [email protected] Sue Bannan // Awana Commander 608.427.2253 [email protected] Bible EFC- Children's Ministry Facebook Group

Children's Ministry Schedule






Check In Attendant

Caleb Renaud

Caleb Renaud

Caleb Renaud

Caleb Renaud

Caleb Renaud

Lorraine Anderson

Brianna Pasch


Mattie Walter Val Cunningham


Jane Meeusen


Isabelle Renaud


Ladina Whitegull Cameron Pasch

Isabelle Renaud Isabelle Renaud Isabelle Renaud

Jocelyn Battista Jocelyn Battista

Isabelle Renaud

Jocelyn Battista

Jocelyn Battista

Jocelyn Battista


Carole Erickson

Carole Erickson

Carole Erickson

Carole Erickson

Carole Erickson


Marie Bannan

Shaelee Finn

Marie Bannan

Shaelee Finn

Marie Bannan

Large Group Teacher

Krishna Battista

Krishna Battista Krishna Battista Krishna Battista

Krishna Battista


Rhonda Hunkins

Rhonda Hunkins Rhonda Hunkins Rhonda Hunkins

Rhonda Hunkins


Hannah Hunkins

Hannah Hunkins Hannah Hunkins Hannah Hunkins

Hannah Hunkins


Tanya Manhart Tanya Manhart

Tanya Manhart

Tanya Manhart

Tanya Manhart


Ethan Manhart Ethan Manhart

Ethan Manhart

Ethan Manhart

Ethan Manhart


Krishna Battista

Krishna Battista Krishna Battista Krishna Battista

Krishna Battista


Ana RosaRivera

Ana Rosa-Rivera Ana Rosa-Rivera Ana Rosa-Rivera

Ana Rosa-Rivera

Contact Krishna Battista with questions about the Children's Ministry Schedule 608.343.3282 // [email protected]

Upcoming Counting Schedule October 2: Curt Patterson October 9: Jim Retzlaff October 16: Greg Jordan October 23: Chris Walters October 30: Deidre Nauman

November 6: Curt Patterson November 13: Jim Retzlaff November 20: Heidi Jordan November 27: Chris Walters

Contact Linsey Abel with questions about the Children's Ministry Schedule 215.970.8767

October Connection Point Schedule 2-Oct

Main Door



Activity Center Door


Connection Point


Grant M

Paul K

Karalee N

Carol L


Grant M

Karalee N

Carol L


Wendy P

Lindsey G

Charissa F


Wendy P

Lindsey G

Charissa F


Main Door



Connection Point


Linda M

Nathan J

Gabe P

Kathleen J


Linda M

Nathan J

Kathleen J

Kathleen J


Jim G

Mattie W

Linda G


Jim G

Linda G

Linda G


Main Door


Connection Point


Grant M

Lindsey G

Diana R


Grant M

Lindsey G

Diana R


Amber W

Megan S

Megan S


Amber W

Megan S

Megan S


Connection Point


A.C. Door

Neil N Neil N


A.C. Door

Craig & Mack B


Main Door


Jim S

Nathan J


Jim S

Nathan J


Chris W


Chris W


Main Door


Linda M


Linda M


Robert J




Paul K

Craig & Mack B


A.C. Door

Lorraine A

Dawn S

Lorraine A

Dawn S

Mattie W

Charissa F

Charissa F

Charissa F


Connection Point

Gabe P

Neil N

Lindsey G

Neil N



A.C. Door

Robert J

Neil W

Charissa F

Charissa F

Neil W

Charissa F

Charissa F

Contact Charissa Finn if you have questions about the Connection Point Schedule or if you are interested in learning more about our Connection Ministry Charissa Finn 608.462.7725

Elder Minutes

Meeting Date: August 17, 2022

Present: Mark, Neil, Ben, Dustin, Robert, Frank, Nate, & Wayne Mark called the meeting to order at 4:06 p.m. Mark opened the meeting by asking for prayer requests and we prayed for the requests and praise items presented. Some time was spent discussing and reflecting on Chapter 4 of the book, “Sticky Teams”, by Larry Osborn. Chapter 5 will be discussed next month. The July Elder Board minutes were approved as emailed. Mark made a motion that was seconded by Frank to add Linsey Abel as a signer to any of the bank accounts that Brenda Strike is on since she is the new Financial Secretary. The motion was passed unanimously. The Marriage Application for Grant Miller and Kara Juhl was approved. Pastor’s Updates: Tim was not in attendance due to the passing of his father. Ben reported on the progress of the “Ministry Architects” activities, the young adults’ group is going well, and the youth internships started today. Neil gave updates related to the 7-week small group emphasis on finding our spiritual gifts this fall. The small group leaders will be reading the book “Hearers & Doers”. The “Church Family Gathering” has been postponed until September 11 at 6:00 p.m. He has copies of the book; “Praying the Bible” if anyone would like a copy, see him. Mark closed in prayer and the meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.

Elder Gatherings

Prayer is the first Monday of the month. Elder Meeting is the third Wednesday of the month.


Frank Best, Church Chairman, Robert Joyce, Elder Chairman, Wayne Edgerton, Dustin Robertson, Mark Schack & Nathan Jungmeyer



EACH "CHAIR" IS $250 and helps to COVER THE REST OF THE RENOVATION COSTS. INCLUDED IN THE COST OF EACH "CHAIR": all of the SOUND PANELS (& INSTALLATION) to help dampen the echo in the dining room and the gym; the EXTERIOR SANCTUARY DOORS and NEW SANCTUARY CHAIRS. WHY? We started this renovation in 2017 and were delayed due to COVID, so we are hoping to finish it all this year. Once this renovation is done we will be able to start tackling other needs throughout the building.


Current Renovation Team Members: Pastor Tim, Pastor Neil, Frank Best, Jason Renaud & Nikki Renaud

39 Chairs "Purchased" 186 to go

Finance Update

Final Numbers for the July 2021 - June 2022 Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Giving


2021-2022 Expenses Paid


2021-2022 Budget


General Budget Update for Current Fiscal Year (July 2022 - June 2023) General Offering through 9.28.22


Budget Goal through 9.25.22


Expenses Paid through 9.28.22


Checking Balance as of 9.28.22


Money Market Balance as of 9.28.22


Chair Campaign April 2022 - Sept 2022 Totaling 39 of the 225 needed

3 Ways to Give: Mail your tithe or gift: Bible EFC 625 W Veterans St. Tomah, WI Give online: In Person: We have offering boxes in the back of the sanctuary

Besides the General Fund and the Renovation, you can also donate money to our Scholarship Fund or the Benevolent Fund. Please make note on your check or envelope if you wish to donate to something other than the general fund. Online Donating only accepts donations for the General Fund & Renovation.

Finance Team

Pastor Tim, Walt Weiland, Linsey Abel, Robert Joyce, Dustin Robertson, Nathan Jungmeyer, Ron Nicks & Nikki Renaud Treasurer: Walt Weiland 608.343.1761 Financial Secretary: Linsey Abel 215.970.8767