Author:  P

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REPORTED SPEECH Choose the right option 1. My mother said that Peter ____________ at her a. was shouting

b. were shouting

c. are shouting

2. They asked me ______ my birthday is a. when

b. if c. what

3. He suggested ______ to the new pool in the town a. to go

b. going

c. that we

4. She told me that he ________ the next day a. is coming b. was coming c. were coming 5. He told me that she ________ some clouds at that moment a. sees b. saw c. would see 6. They asked me _________ some chocolate bars in the supermarket a. buying

b. to not go

c. to go

7. He told me that he _____________ at the bus stop number ten before you arrived a. has been waiting

b. was waiting

c. has been waiting

8. The president asked them __________ the painter would arrive soon a. that

b. when

c. if

9. He mentioned that he ________ bought this house but he didn’t want to a. could

b. could have

c. was

10. Our friends decided that Mary __________ as a nurse a. didn’t worked

b. don’t work c. doesn’t work

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