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21603 - Gemstones Flipbook PDF
21603 - Gemstones
Circulating File
GEMSTONES A compilation of Extracts from the Edgar Cayce Readings
Edgar Cayce Readings Copyrighted by Edgar Cayce Foundation 1971, 1993-2008 All Rights Reserved These readings or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the Edgar Cayce Foundation 215 67th Street Virginia Beach, VA 23451
Printed in U.S.A.
GEMSTONES CIRCULATING FILE Circulating Files are collections of verbatim quotes of what Edgar Cayce said during his readings on a given subject or, in some cases everything. We have medical circulating files which focus on the over 9,000 health-related readings with subjects from AcidityAlkalinity to Weight Loss. We also have non-medical circulating files on a broad range of topics, for example Egypt: Sphinx, Pyramids, and Hall of Records, Fear and Its FarReaching Effects, Advice to Parents, Serving in Accord with Ideals, and Business Advice. Each circulating file is simply a collection of reading quotes or full readings given for different individuals on a similar subject or disease. The A.R.E. cannot and does not suggest treatments for physical ailments nor make claims about the effectiveness of the therapies. We encourage anyone working with the health readings to do so under a doctor's care and advice. The circulating files support the research aspect of the Cayce work. We appreciate any feedback informing us of progress made in improving one‟s life or achieving good health by applying suggestions given in the readings. Please send any feedback (testimonies, experiences, results, etc.) to: Library: Circulating File Desk A.R.E. 215 67th St Virginia Beach VA 23451 Or e-mail: [email protected] Please note: The complete Edgar Cayce Readings are available through the members only section of our web site, or on CD-ROM. Some circulating files contain commentaries or summaries written by physicians. These reports are to be used as a basis for further research in the form of controlled studies, and should not be misinterpreted to be either a refutation or an endorsement by the doctor. Referral doctors wanting to borrow a file for an extended period may do so by writing to the Library: Circulating File Desk. Our hope is that through the Cayce readings you will find the wholeness and oneness which is God's plan for us. Blessings, A.R.E. Member Services Team
There are in truth no incurable conditions…. 3744-2
This Circulating File consists of an introduction and the Edgar Cayce psychic readings on gemstones. The information is not intended for self-diagnosis nor self-treatment. Articles are included because the information is of a helpful nature. Their inclusion does not imply endorsement or recommendation.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Gemstones Contents
A. Introduction
B. Vibrations
C. Strength
D. Healing
E. Mental Health
F. Spiritual and Psychic Development
G. Crystals: Crystal Balls, Tuaoi Stone and Fire Stone
H. Miscellaneous
I. Articles: 1. “Lapis Lazuli” 2. “Stones of Egypt” 3. “Reflections of a Rockhound” 4. “The Beneficent Influence of Gems and Stones” 5. “Tuaoi Stone – An Enigma”
40 47 56 61 70
J. Related Circulating Files and Research Bulletins*: 1. ESP Series 2. Healing Series 3. Meditation Series 4. Thought, Concentration and Memory 5. Vibrations K. Related Books: 1. Edgar Cayce Guide to Gemstones, Minerals, Metals, and More by Shelley Kaehr 2. Gems and Stones, Based on the Edgar Cayce Readings, Scientific Properties and Occult Aspects of Twenty-Two Gems, Stones, and Metals by A.R.E. Press 3. Edgar Cayce on the Power of Colors, Stones, and Crystals by Dan Campbell
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Introduction Edgar Cayce recommended a number of different gemstones in his readings. It was the vibratory nature of stones and metals that was beneficial. Some stones have universal qualities and some have a more individual nature. They could impart healing, raise ones vibration to help connect with the higher self, stabilize mental health, and increase psychic abilities. Some stones could increase strength or be used as an aide for protection. However he also mentioned that a stone could amplify a negative personality trait. These readings are compiled by the qualities the stones impart. Study the readings, read the articles and use your own intuition to lead you to the stones, which most attract you. Hold different stones to see how they resonate within you. Choosing a stone is an individual endeavor. You may be attracted to different stones at different times. Jewelry with gemstones may be selected for their esthetic qualities. But Cayce recommended considering their vibratory qualities as well. He warned against worshiping stones. They are to be used as tools or “stepping stones” to aid us toward our goals. He also stated they were not “good luck charms”, for they are to assist us. We must do the work, not the stones. Other stones Cayce mentioned were in the breastplate of the High Priests. The High Priest‟s Breastplate is covered in the chapter on crystals. The Tuoai Stone and the Fire Stone, both mentioned in the readings, are also included in the chapter on crystals. These stones existed during the Atlantean times and, according to Cayce, their misuse caused the destruction of the Atlantis. The last chapter contains information about ancient interests in gems and stones and about the cutting and mounting of stones. A number of relevant articles have been included at the end of this file.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
440-18, Male 24, 6/20/34 (Q) You will examine the [lapis] stones, which I hold, telling which is the most powerful for the various uses it may be used for. You will explain these various uses and recommend those that would be most helpful. (A) In giving that which may be helpful it is necessary, for this mind or body seeking same, that there be rather the analysis of the composition of the stones as related to their vibrations - as relate then to a human body, see? Either of these shows a variation of their composition; as to the elements of those influences that make for vibrations in the ether as related to that which may be effective in drawing to or disseminating from - through, of course, the vibrations being those that are of the positive and negative natures in the very stone itself making for, then, the analysis; knowing same by what is called the constituents of it, through the mineralogy, the activity through those channels themselves. We would then find that the one that is the nearer in accord to the vibrations of the body that may use same would be the more effective with THAT particular body. Yet the very NATURE of the thing makes it effective with any - ANY - human body, you see; but the more effective with one that is more in accord, or whose positive and negative vibrations are according with the stone itself, see? for it throws off as well as draws in, you see, through the positive-negative vibration. This assists, then, in the unison as a relationship. This is as a comparison - don't confuse it and say that it is electricity; it is electrical, of course, in its vibration, but as the stone in its vibration, is then in sympathy with a body that is also sympathetic - or may be said to be SENSITIVE - it assists in "stepping up" the sensitiveness of the body as would the electrical vibration in an alternating force step up by the addition of influences or forces of electrical vibration being thrown off from other channels in making it more powerful. See? Towards what? Towards the effectiveness in its sensitiveness (that is, the body) as to what it maybe seeking. Hence, as given of old, use such for the abilities to become more of all those influences called in the present psychic, clairaudient or any of those vibrations that build up or "step up" a body. Also effective, of course, in bringing to the body the abilities to become more effective in giving out of itself for activity in any of these various directions. (Q) Why were these stones mentioned to me in the beginning? (A) They are as those things of old, which if followed (and the body was seeking at the time for those things) may be used as stepping-stones for the understanding of vibrations as related to the mineral forces and as to man.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
1620-2, Female 44 (Housewife, Quaker), 8/11/38 In the material things - wear as an ornament, preferably a ring, the moonstone; and have the activities of all the influences of metals, especially the platinum, about thee. Their vibrations are in accord with that to keep thy animation in accord with the best thou mayest accomplish.
5322-1, Female 47, 7/3/44 In Venus we find appreciation of beauty, as well as of things. Ye should find the diamond and the ruby close to your body oft, for their vibrations will keep the vibrations of the body in better attune with infinity and not with purely mental or material things of life.
1714-1, Female 18, 7/18/30 In this experience, in the portion the entity gained in the abilities to give to others that understanding as attained from the builders and from those who wrought in fine metals, those who had the understandings of precious stones and their settings, and their colors, and their vibrations, as gave for the influences in peoples. In this the entity gained, and the stones the entity should have about same, is the sardius - for this gives for an influence as may be best made in the entity's influence to understand those laws as apply to man's relationships to the higher forces. In the field of the understanding of the magic or mysterious forces, especially as applied to the influences over peoples, and in the APPLICATION of same whether as to song, music, or of precious stones - even these that have to do with the odors - may the entity gain, conquer self, and develop through these experiences; keeping in that way in which the criterion for the development is made as the ideal holding that, the entity may reach to that position as to WHATEVER is desired, so long as the DESIRE is in accord with that universal force or development, called - God.
440-11, Male 23 (Elec. Engr., Student, Protestant), 1/9/34 . . . it has been given the lapis linguis is that name which was implied to touchstones, or those used by initiates in their various ceremonial activities, and hence gained for themselves through those forces that are seen, as indicated, that they adhere to the activities of those bodies or associations in such a way and manner (the stones, see?) that those that are of a psychic turn may hear the emanations as retained or thrown off by influences about such stones. They are of semi-gem or semi-value to those for other than decorative or for those (continued on the next page) Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
that have not as yet comprehended, or there has not been admitted by certain fields of activity the value of such stones in relationships to such conditions for those that are not gifted or those that are not so sensitive as to be able to hear those vibrations giving off, or the singing or talking stones - as they have been called in places. Yet, as has been indicated for this body, there should be - there is - the ability within this body, [440], we are speaking of, to hear the singing or the movements, much as in the same way and manner as was given or is given to any if they will listen for days at a growing tree, or as was accredited to and as heard by many of those who have so developed in certain portions of this world as to be able to gain much from especially the growing oak, or certain other trees peculiar to those vicinities. So, in this stone lapis. Lapis linguis is that one that has been in use or in touch with those whose vibrations or emanations or auras are of such natures as to have given those vibrations in the nature that any portion of such a stone may give off that which may be heard, see? (Q) How will I know when I have found this stone that is most useful for my purposes? (A) When there is found that which is sufficiently clear for the transmission of light and that which may be held in the hand for five to ten minutes and then set aside and listening hear the movements or the vibrations given off from the emanations from self. (Q) Would it not be best over the lyden gland? [Leydigian gland?] (A) Not be best over the lyden gland, for too great emanations from its surroundings might influence the body itself. You are used to influence the stone to an effect, either upon those to whom it may be given or to bring for self the ability to aid in its abilities as raising the vibrations for self. Hence would come over this particular portion, or if desired - for the better in training of self - held over that portion of the hollow on the left side above what is commonly called the collar bone.
1189-1, Female 22 (Student, Religion: None), 4/28/36 About the entity we find unusual characters, that may be called hieroglyphics. We find jade as combined with pearls unusual in their effect upon the entity, especially in moods. For the entity finds its experience as being at times with unseen or unusual influence of vibrations about the entity. These would be helpful, then, to be about the entity when seeking to give expression of that which is either felt in the emotional self or for the accomplishing of same. Not as influences that would be called charms, but rather the vibrations of certain characters of stones, or the certain combinations as indicated in the pearl - which HAS been produced by irritations. Hence the ability to build resistances is a natural influence that comes about same, and not as a talisman for preventing this or that - but that the vibrations created make for same. Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
The entity was among those who came under the periods of destructive forces to the PHYSICAL structure of the school, yet later when there were the establishings of the teachings in the 'city in the hills and the plain' the entity gave forth in those activities that make for the influence of the vibrations from jade and pearls in the experience in the present. (Q) Any other talents that should be developed? (A) Anything that pertains to art and art's expression. Those things particularly in those very associations of stones and their vibrations may be as a portion of self; knowing the vibrations, the EFFECT of vibrations of stones and their wearing of same upon the bodies of others. This will not only be interesting, but will make for abilities within self to know others.
1770-2, Female 49 (Widow, Former Concert Singer), 12/29/38 Hence we find these as signs or omens, - as also the numerological, the vibratory forces of color, or those of the mineral as may be crystallized in material forces. Hence the bloodstone or the ruby is well to ever be about the entity, upon its body; so that the very vibratory forces of same give - with that of thought in constructive force - creative environs or vibrations for the entity in its use or application.
694-2, Female 45 (Stenographer, Christian), 10/16/34 Hence we find these as those things that should be in the form of omens about the body; not as good luck charms, but they may be termed so by many; for these are from those activities and sojourns that will make for variations in the VIBRATIONS about the entity, hence bringing much more of harmony into the experience of the entity in the present activity: The very red stones; as of coral, that is rather of the deep sea variety, and when this is worn about the neck or about the waist - or upon the arm - let it rest upon the flesh, for it will bring quiet to the body…. Hence the red, the deep red coral, upon thine flesh, will bring quietness in those turmoils that have arisen within the inner self; as also will the pigments of blue to the body bring the air, the fragrance of love, mercy, truth and justice that is within self.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
691-1, Female 34 (Secretary, Christian), 10/12/34 In giving that which may be helpful for this entity in this experience, not only from the astrological sojourn of the entity in the environs about the earth - that have been accredited by the ancients to those influences upon the earth, the activative forces in their positions about the earth - but those things that are more as omens, the various accredited vibrations as in stones, etc., we find having an influence upon the entity. For the entity should ever wear about the body the lapis lazuli or the lapis linguis; for these will bring strength to the body through those vibrations that are brought or built in the innate experience of the entity from its sojourn in the Egyptian land.
2285-1, Male 16 (Student), 6/24/40 As to the elemental influences having to do with the entity's experience, - we find that the crystal as a stone, or any white stone, has a helpful influence - if carried about the body; not as an omen, not merely as a "good luck piece" or "good luck charm" but these vibrations that are needed as helpful influences for the entity are well to be kept close about the body.
824-1, Male 20 (Musician, Singer, Christian), 2/11/35 A lover of the beautiful; depicting the beautiful, whether in art, song, music, painting, in dress even. All of these have their influence upon the entity, as would the harmonies of stones; and ever should the entity have about the body the bloodstone, which is - with its vibrations - that element which from the etheronic energies of nature in itself creates the proper environs for vibratory forces about the entity.
1986-1, Female 39 (Clerk, U.S. Navy Yard, Protestant), 8/27/39 Stones, - the entity should have the amethyst (the white) about self often. These vibrations will bring greater harmony, in not only body but in the mental attributes.
2648-1, Female 11, 1/14/42 (Q) Is there any special color, stone or symbol that would be good for the entity to wear? Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
(A) As indicated, symbols of a straight line, a T and the triangle. These are to the entity as the development or the spreading, or the closing in, as each implies. Stones, - those of the yellow tint or nature would be the better. These bring the vibrations for more harmonious influence in one who is especially influenced in Mercury, Venus and Mars. For, as each of these is indicated in the white, the red, the blue, the yellow harmonizes in same.
1847-1, Female 60 (Occupation: Attending Lectures), 3/24/39 Pearls and diamonds are the stones that bring the vibratory reactions and the experiences in the environs of the entity.
2533-1, Male 36 (Insurance Agent, Protestant), 7/8/41 Keep such a one about the body, not only because of the vibrations but because of the abilities indicated. For, as is realized - and is oft analyzed by the entity this is among those of the precious stones that indicates in its formation, in its beauty, the hardships overcome by the very source that made the beauty of the stone itself.
2163-1, Female 28 (Actress, Protestant), 4/8/40 When there is the analyzing of those influences about the entity, we find that irrespective of what the entity has done or may do about same, the influences especially as relating to stones and the activity and vibrations arising from same would be beneficial for the entity in its application of self towards whatever activity may be chosen. Hence we would wear especially the bloodstone, cut in the form of a triangle, though ovaled on its edges. This about the body brings that vibration which will be beneficial; not merely as a "good luck" charm, not merely as something upon which to depend, but as an influence, a vibration about the entity.
2683-1, Female 8, 2/10/42 As to stones, - the blue or white stone should be as a lavaliere about the body. This is the better form of vibration for the entity, keeping a temperament gentler and more open.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
307-15, Female 59, 3/17/38 (Q) Are there any colors or jewelry that I should wear in order to have better vibrations? If so, what? (A) Any of jewelry or ornaments that are of coral would be well; for this is - as it represents, as it is in itself of Creative Forces, or from the water itself. Red, white or coral in any form.
2746-1, Male 30 (Naval Officer), 5/8/42 (Q) What metal and stones hold the better vibrations for me? (A) The pearl as the stone, zinc as the metal.
1651-2, Female 49 (Housewife, Protestant), 4/11/40 We find that it would be very helpful for the entity to wear upon the body a piece of stone that is of the lapis lazuli variety, but the essence or fusion of copper; not as a charm but as a helpful force in the vibrations that will coordinate with the body. This worn as a locket or the like would be helpful. (Q) Describe in more detail the lapis stone suggested for the body to wear. (A) As understood, and may be found by the investigating of same, there is a blue-green stone, that is a fusion in copper deposits, that has the same vibration as the body; and thus is a helpful influence, not merely as an omen or good luck charm, but as the vibratory helpful force for health, for strength, for the ability through the mental self to act upon things, conditions, decisions and activities. Because of its softness, it will necessarily have to be encased in glass - as two crystals and this between same. It may be worn around the neck, the wrist or the like. But wear it, for it will bring health and hope, and - best of all - the ability to DO that so desired.
2376-1, Female 23, 10/7/40 (Q) Is there any special jewelry or stone I should wear that would raise my vibration? (A) The lapis lazuli would be very good for the body, if it were worn in crystal next to the skin.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
816-3, Male 51 (Lawyer, Protestant), 2/17/35 In the present the innate influences of metals and stones upon the entity will have their influence through those activities of the atomic forces. Hence the bloodstone or the lapis, or both, should be as a stone that would be about the body of the entity; not as an omen, not as a symbol; rather that the vibrations of the higher forces from these proper expressions of activities throughout the universal forces in materiality may be an aid or as a strengthening. From one there are the emanations of high electrical forces from its copper base. From the other there are the high electrical vibrations that emanate from its PURENESS of the higher vibration.
1651-2, Female 49 (Housewife, Protestant), 4/11/40 (Q) Describe in more detail the lapis stone suggested for the body to wear. (A) As understood, and may be found by the investigating of same, there is a blue-green stone, that is a fusion in copper deposits, that has the same vibration as the body; and thus is a helpful influence, not merely as an omen or good luck charm, but as the vibratory helpful force for health, for strength, for the ability through the mental self to act upon things, conditions, decisions and activities.
1981-1, Female 18 (College Sophomore), 8/22/39 As to stones, - have near to self, wear preferably upon the body, about the neck, the lapis lazuli; this preferably encased in crystal. It will be not merely as an ornament but as strength from the emanation, which will be gained by the body always from same. For the stone is itself an emanation of vibrations of the elements that give vitality, virility, strength, and that of assurance in self.
3374-1, Female 35 (Housewife), 11/23/43 …The stone - the pearl should be worn close to the body; not as an ornament, but rather as that which gives strength to the body.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
707-2, Male 58, 2/1/35 (Q) How can I use the astronomical, the numerical, the environs of the creations in the vibrations from metal, from stones, which influence me, to advantage in my present life? (A) As these are but lights, but signs in thine experience, they are as but a candle that one stumbles not in the dark. But worship NOT the light of the candle; rather that to which it may guide thee in thy service. So, whether from the vibrations of numbers, of metals, of stones, these are merely to become the necessary influences to make thee in attune, one with the Creative Forces; just as the pitch of a song of praise is not the song nor the message therein, but is a helpmeet for those that would find strength in the service of the Lord. So, use them to attune self. How, ye ask? As ye apply, ye are given the next step.
1931-1, Male 19 (College Student, Protestant), 6/23/39 As to the material inclinations, - we find things that become what might be termed as omens. Not that these should be merely considered as good luck stones that the entity should wear about self often, or most always, - but the lapis liqurius [?] would bring much that will act in that manner as would be termed a PROTECTIVE influence, if kept about the entity. This is the green stone, you see, - the crystallization of copper and those influences that are creative within themselves.
1931-2, Male 20(College Student, Protestant), 12/14/39 (Q) Is the stone which I found in Alaska last summer the lapis linguis? (A) Lapis linguis [GD's note: My sp. EC spelled l-i-n-g-u-a, in re stones, so linguis [?] must be the singular.], lapis lazuli. This as we find might be said to be a part of that same composition referred to; for it carries that vibration which will give strength to the body. Well that this be preserved between thin layers of glass or such compositions, else its radiation is too great.
5125-1, Female 30 (Secretary, Baptist), 5/19/44 But the entity learned from those experiences that which would be well for the body. While it should never wear a great deal of jewelry - it doesn't befit the universality of mind of the entity, nor does the vibration of jewelry (cheap or good) mean much to the entity, but - wear the moonstone close to your body, or on your body. It will give strength, and it will keep that which is nearest to you closer to you; not as an omen but as a part of your mental and spiritual consciousness. Have same as a chain, or upon a chain, about your neck; not as an ornament, but rather as a helpmeet, as an urge, as a vibration that will be most helpful… Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
2281-1, Female 32 (Widow, Catholic), 6/16/40 Then, in choosing the interpretations of the records of those things that have their influence or urge, - keep the topaz as a stone about thee always. Its beauty, its purity, its clarity, may bring to thee strength. For this ye have found, and will find oft needed in thy dealings with thy problems, and with thy fellow men.
1144-2, Female 46 (Hebrew, Widow), 4/16/36 The entity gained throughout that experience. And, as indicated, that which would be called the flag or the emblem of the king - as given to Nehemiah then should be a portion of those influences about the entity in the present; that which is now more closely depicted in the Maltese Cross that is only half of same, with the crown overlapping same in purple and in blue. These should be the colors about the entity, as should be the stones of the ruby and the pearl. For these have their influences; the purity of the pearl, though under stress it may come into being; the valor and the strength that is imparted in the inner influence of the ruby about the body.
2571-1, Female 14 (Protestant), 8/10/41 However, if the ruby is kept close to the body, it will bring strength, power and might in a manner to the purposes set by the entity, or those choices given.
2390-1, Female 30 (Housewife, Bookkeeper, Protestant), 11/2/40 We find here that stones, too, have an influence; lots of bangles at times become confusing and at others almost necessary. Hence those things that are stable - as plain gold, or plain silver, or platinum, with the finishings - are those influences that are strongest about the entity for helpful forces.
2132-1, Female 69 (Musician, Protestant, Retired), 3/5/40 Symbols and such activities have always meant something to the entity. Hence certain characters of adornments would be well about the entity. Keep something blue, and especially the color and emanations of the lapis lazuli; not the slick or polished nature, but of that nature that the emanations from same may give life and vitality.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
1719-1, Male 10 (Protestant Background), 7/14/30 In this experience the entity rose to power, position, place, fame, through the experiences in that period, as related to the various manners of expression of praise in music, in art, and ESPECIALLY in that of placing of stones. In the present, the innate desire to feel precious stones, to compare same, to watch the change in the color in same, is seen from THIS experience. These will make for much JUDGMENT to the entity, and the beryl and scarab should be a portion of the entity's dress, EVER; either worn as the amulet, the ring, or such, will make for a safety in the entity's present experience.
1193-1, Female 15 (Student, Hebrew), 4/30/36 The ENTITY came into the experience in Egypt but was of the Atlantean peoples, and interpreted in the Temple Beautiful those beauties of the temples in Poseidia; for from there we find those great lights - opaline lights, as it were - about the entity. And these, as we find, would be those stones that to others may bring as mystery yet the fire opal would be of the stones that should be about the entity; for the holding of that fire, that vigor, that UNDERSTANDING that makes for purification, even though the fires of the flesh must be BURNED OUT that the glory of self may be made manifest in being a channel for the glory of the living truths to be known and experienced among others.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
1651-2, Female 49 (Housewife, Protestant), 4/11/40 In giving the interpretations of the records as we find them here, there are many conditions that are latent and manifested as urges, - as those things in the natural sources or natural forces, that are as emblems or as emblematical influences, that would be helpful, - as will be indicated for the entity. We find that it would be very helpful for the entity to wear upon the body a piece of stone that is of the lapis lazuli variety, but the essence or fusion of copper; not as a charm but as a helpful force in the vibrations that will coordinate with the body. This worn as a locket or the like would be helpful.
1037-1, Female 49 (Widow, Christian), 10/28/35 The pearl and the moonstone, these in combination or in their setting alone, are well to have about the body.
3416-1, Female 39 (Housewife), 11/23/43 (Q) Please give my colors, stone, odors and musical notes. (A) The lapis lazuli, worn close to the body would be well for the general health of the body - and this you will have to be careful of very soon. The lapis lazuli, of course, is an erosion of copper; but this encased in a glass and worn about the body would be well. The color is green. Hence the entity should ever be as a healing influence to others when it comes about them. Odors - have the Life Everlasting about thee often, and ye will find whether as a sachet or as a liquid it will bring strengthening vibrations to the body.
2564-3, Male 39 (Christian Scientist), 7/10/41 Upon thy body wear the lapis lazuli, which bringeth strength to thy weakened and faltering body at times. The vibrations from these emanations, as you so well used in Egypt, may again bring in thy consciousness the awareness that life itself, health itself, cometh from the Creator.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
1189-1, Female 22 (Student, Religion: "None"), 4/28/36 The entity was among those who came under the periods of destructive forces to the PHYSICAL structure of the school, yet later when there were the establishings of the teachings in the 'city in the hills and the plain' the entity gave forth in those activities that make for the influence of the vibrations from jade and pearls in the experience in the present. For as these brought healing through the very associations and activities, creating in the physical experience and making for the impression upon the inmost forces of the bodily force then, we find these come as a HELPFUL influence by the very atmosphere of vibrations created by the emanations. For each and every atomic force throws off a vibration to which a sensitive soul becomes aware. Not always aware as to its source or its activity; but as both of these in the experience made for an activity or an active force, thus may they bring help not only of a healing nature but in becoming a hopeful, HELPFUL force in the experience of the entity.
276-5, Female 15, 5/1/33 (Q) What stones have a beneficial effect on body? (A) Opal and moonstone.
275-31, Female 20, 4/12/33 (Q) What precious stone sends out the most healing vibrations for my body? (A) Those of the pearl and of the bloodstone.
688-2, Female 61 (Widow, Podiatrist, Christian Background), 10/17/34 For as the vibrations and the HEALING in the amethyst, that make for the helping and aiding in individuals' assistance or help, the wisdom is balanced in those things that are founded in CONSTRUCTIVE forces - which it must be, in the healing. But give ever, my child, the credit where the credit is due, rendering unto Caesar the things that ARE Caesar's and unto God the things that are God's. For only growth, only increase, only CONSTRUCTIVE force may come THROUGH the living influences in the ever creative energies that are the birthright of every soul that seeks to do His biddings - and to be a channel of blessings in HIS name. Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
951-4, Female 24, 10/3/39 The pearl should be worn upon the body, or against the flesh of the body; for its vibrations are healing, as well as creative, - because of the very irritation as produced same, as a defense in the mollusk that produced same.
951-6, Female 28, 3/27/43 (Q) My Life Reading suggested the wearing of pearls next to my skin for the healing vibration. Does the pearl necklace I'm now wearing help or hinder? (A) When its vibrations have taken the body-forces, it will be well. Or if the body would demagnetize the necklace as it is, it would be more helpful for the body. Do not touch with same, but expose necklace to the ultra-violet ray for one-tenth of a second, or as a flash. This will demagnetize it and set it for better body vibration for this body.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Mental Health
1058-1, Female 23 (Clerk Typist, Christian), 11/15/35 Hence, as we would find, the wearing of the stone lapis linguis would be as an aid in its meditative periods, and would become as a helpful influence. Not as that of "lucky," but rather that as of a helpful influence towards making for the ability to make decisions in dealing with mental attributes.
2163-1, Female 28 (Actress, Protestant), 4/8/40 When there is the analyzing of those influences about the entity, we find that irrespective of what the entity has done or may do about same, the influences especially as relating to stones and the activity and vibrations arising from same would be beneficial for the entity in its application of self towards whatever activity may be chosen. Hence we would wear especially the bloodstone, cut in the form of a triangle, though ovaled on its edges. This about the body brings that vibration which will be beneficial; not merely as a "good luck" charm, not merely as something upon which to depend, but as an influence, a vibration about the entity. For, each soul, each entity, has within its inner being the sum of what it has done, is doing, about its relationships to the whole. And this is the stone to which the entity vibrates. Thus it is a helpful force physically, an encouragement to the mental, and vibrates upon the real or inner self.
282-7, Male 27 (Office Clerk, Protestant), 1/15/34 (Q) What are the entity's stone, mineral and metal? (A) These are rather the same; for in the kingdom that the influences of an entity have developed with or acted as concerning, that has made for its advancement or retardment and is to be an influence in its experience in the varied activities to which and through which the entity may be influenced by that association in its mental forces. We find near the same, as in MOST individuals - and as the stone, would be the bloodstone - or moonstone.
2015-3, Female 15 days, 10/12/39 From the astrological aspects, - we will find that BLUE in the clothing, and especially in stones of every nature, should be part of the apparel for the entity; for it will bring not only the vibrations of healing for the entity but a pleasant and a beautiful reaction to the mental efficiencies of the body. Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
1450-1, Male 19 (Construction Foreman, Protestant Background), 10/6/37 In giving the interpretations of the records here, we find there are many influences astrological, numerological as well as the influence of the elemental activities in stones, metals and the like. For the dealings of the entity with same have constituted or do constitute in the mental experience the giving of that influence or power to such in the experience of the entity. While in themselves the power is only as their individual activity or expression of the one influence or power. But if these are accredited to such activities, then these are brought into the experiences as influences in the directing of the mental and the spiritual forces.
1528-1, Male 23 (College Student, Hebrew), 2/3/38 Well that there be carried on the person the sardonyx stone (that is, in its semiprecious state); either in statuettes, pins, buttons, or a piece of same carried. Not as a protection but rather for the vibratory forces that influence the choices made by the mental forces of the entity itself. Statuettes, frames or the like are well. Much of the same vibrations may be obtained from using those combinations of stone made from the soya bean; that may act in much the same capacity. Figures made of same are well to have about the entity's SLEEPING quarters or abode.
1189-1, Female 22 (Student, Religion: None), 4/28/36 (Q) Any other talents that should be developed? (A) Anything that pertains to art and art's expression. Those things particularly in those very associations of stones and their vibrations may be as a portion of self; knowing the vibrations, the EFFECT of vibrations of stones and their wearing of same upon the bodies of others. This will not only be interesting, but will make for abilities within self to know others.
3407-1, Female 40 (Housewife, Art Teacher), 12/16/43 As to stones - the blood stone, to be sure, is that which will bring more harmony as to vibrations, but in all it is the mental in self that must bring harmony whether the entity applies itself in music or in art.
2533-1, Male 36 (Insurance Agent, Protestant), 7/8/41 Thus the entity should ever keep a pearl about the self or upon the person, not only for the material vibration but for the ideal expression. For, it will be an omen, not only because of the vibrations that it may give to self but because of keeping the even temperament, yea the temper itself. For the entity can get mad, and when it is mad it is really MAD! Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
1561-1, Male 57 (Engineer, ―Universal Love - Christ Principle‖), 3/31/38 In Mercury also we find the inclinations for definite divisions of application of the mental self to material things - minerals and their attributes; that is, the EMOTIONS that arise in the experience from individuals in the variations, as might be said, of carbon; in its variations between coal and a diamond - they are the same, but one is under pressure, the other is with water! Gold, silver, those things pertaining to the variations between uranium and radium and the effect of the various elements that would prevent the separations - all urges in these directions would arise from those experiences of the entity, INNATELY, in the Mercurian sojourn.
3657-1, Male 58 (Horologist, Jeweler, Optometrist), 1/29/44 The entity was among those set in charge of the preparations of the precious metals; as a carver of gold, a carver of stones - as of rubies, diamonds, emeralds and those prepared for those in authority and in power. As each stone indeed has the spirit - as the spirit of the pearl, the spirit of the diamond - it is the fire that may be in a little different vibration, burned - so in its oppression it may bring that which fires the imagination of those who are very selfish or it may bring peace to the wearer. The diamond is selfish in its very nature, while you will find that the pearl is a natural consequence of irritation and it will bring either peace or irritation to the wearer as will the diamond, while all of the others have their varying vibrations as the blood-stone or the others, as the entity has indicated in the things set down during those periods of activity in Egypt as Ark-uen.
2154-1, Female 19 (Stenographer, Protestant), 3/23/40 Ever wear about the entity rose coral. The vibrations of same, from same, may aid in the mental as well as vibratory urge to make those influences less of a disturbing nature, which might otherwise become disturbing.
4006-1, Female 41, 3/29/44 (Q) Will wearing opals by one who does not have them as birth stone signify ill omens for that person? (A) No, opals will be helpful if there is kept the correct attitude, for it will enable the entity to hold on to self or to prevent those who would be angry from flying off the handle too much.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
5294-1, Male 61 (Navy Food Inspector, Religious Preference: None), 6/26/44 Of these, then, take note: In any form, which will be seen from the sojourns in the earth, which has to do with color, as in decoration, as in wallpaper designing, as in wallboard designing, might the entity bring a great deal of joy, of harmony into the experience of those with whom he might work, or direct such, as a collector of stones that are colored, especially opals, emeralds, moonstone, bloodstone, what may be termed the semi-precious stones. These not merely as a collector, but as one who might prepare or gather such for not merely setting, for each of these have their value in the effect, the vibrations that they each bring about the body. There being, then, individuals who when wearing a fire opal would be hard individuals to deal with when it came to sex. There would be others having different effects. The same individual wearing or having in the apparel the moonstone might find that it would bring peace, harmony and those tendencies towards spiritual things. There are those to whom the bloodstone brings harmony, and less of the tendencies for anger; and so with each. Study them, then, with the purpose of acquainting individuals as well as preparing same; as a pendant of the lapis lazuli or the corrosion of copper. These are well for the entity to study, as well as considering the physical, as well as mental, auras of individuals. The auras as compared to the stones, these should work in ninety-nine percent of the conditions where these are considered as those things that work with, not against, the colors seen in the auras; that is, those which indicate the fire signs in the aura of such should never wear opals, and they will even fade flowers when worn on their bodies. But the more delicate, as would bring the nature, is preferable.
1580-1, Female 47 (Housewife), 4/25/38 . . . while the fire opal, the lapis or copper in its ELEMENTAL form, bring great passion, intenseness, the abilities to loose emotions through the very centers of the body for the closer association of the spiritual with the activative influences of the mental self.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Spiritual and Psychic Development
3053-3, Female 11, 11/11/43 (Q) Any color, stone or symbol for spiritual development? (A) The lapis lazuli should be the better, but this should be encased and worn for this body - about the waist; not around your neck.
559-7, Female 6 (Protestant Background), 5/25/34 Then the name was Ai-Ellaiin, and the hieroglyphics will be found to be marked as these: The Ibex (the bird of same), the hornheaded man, the Ibex turned in the opposite direction, the sacred bull of Ipis (?), the hooded man as of the Ethiopian people, the cross, the serpent (upright), the staff with the symbol (that should be the symbol of the entity throughout its experience) as the B's turned toward each other - or one upright with two loops on either side of same, with the serpent head two ways from the top of same. This should be the symbol ever of the entity, as should be the scarab with same; one as the amulet and the other either as a pin or about the body; as well as the lapis linguis also would bring to the entity much, if it were worn about the body, keeping low the fires of passion from materiality that there may be greater mental and spiritual development of this entity in the experience.
440-2, Male 23, 12/13/33 (Q) To what stones do you refer? (A) The lapis lingua [?]. It's blue! [1/3/34 See 440-9, Par. 9-A verifying GD's spelling of lingua. However, in same reading he used the word linguis [?], which he did not spell. GD thinks lingua may be plural & linguis singular.] (Q) Of what value is it? (A) Of particular value to those who are interested in things psychic! Read what was in the first effort that was made, as to all those that used the stones as settings to induce the influences from without that would aid an individual in its contact with the higher sources of activity! [Ex. 28:15-30 Urim & Thummim]
440-3, Male 23, 12/18/33 For, lapis is not considered a high quality of gem; rather a very low form, but for that indicated in the character of the stone itself, it would be most helpful in creating that vibration which will make for developments of certain characters of demonstrations with any psychic forces or psychic individuals. Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
440-11, Male 23 (Elec. Eng., Student, Christian), 1/9/34 (Q) In relation to the lapis, I found a 9000 lbs. stone enclosed in a glass case, etc. Is this the one referred to? (A) This, as we find, is the one referred to - though it has been moved from its former locations or surroundings, but is in general in the same - AND the stone as referred to. As there is in the mind of the body, [440] confusions respecting lapis and lapis linguis - it has been given the lapis linguis is that name which was implied to touchstones, or those used by initiates in their various ceremonial activities, and hence gained for themselves through those forces that are seen, as indicated, that they adhere to the activities of those bodies or associations in such a way and manner (the stones, see?) that those that are of a psychic turn may hear the emanations as retained or thrown off by influences about such stones. They are of semi-gem or semi-value to those for other than decorative or for those that have not as yet comprehended, or there has not been admitted by certain fields of activity the value of such stones in relationships to such conditions for those that are not gifted or those that are not so sensitive as to be able to hear those vibrations giving off, or the singing or talking stones - as they have been called in places. Yet, as has been indicated for this body, there should be - there is - the ability within this body, [440], we are speaking of, to hear the singing or the movements, much as in the same way and manner as was given or is given to any if they will listen for days at a growing tree, or as was accredited to and as heard by many of those who have so developed in certain portions of this world as to be able to gain much from especially the growing oak, or certain other trees peculiar to those vicinities. So, in this stone lapis. Lapis linguis is that one that has been in use or in touch with those whose vibrations or emanations or auras are of such natures as to have given those vibrations in the nature that any portion of such a stone may give off that which may be heard, see?
440-18, Male 24, 6/20/34 Yet the very NATURE of the thing makes it effective with any - ANY - human body, you see; but the more effective with one that is more in accord, or whose positive and negative vibrations are according with the stone itself, see? for it throws off as well as draws in, you see, through the positive-negative vibration. This assists, then, in the unison as a relationship. This is as a comparison - don't confuse it and say that it is electricity; it is electrical, of course, in its vibration, but as the stone in its vibration, is then in sympathy with a body that is also sympathetic - or may be said to be SENSITIVE - it assists in "stepping up" the sensitiveness of the body as would the electrical vibration in an alternating force step up by the addition of influences or forces of electrical vibration being thrown off from other channels in making it more powerful. See? Towards what? Towards the effectiveness in its sensitiveness (continued on the next page) Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
(that is, the body) as to what it maybe seeking. Hence, as given of old, use such for the abilities to become more of all those influences called in the present psychic, clairaudient or any of those vibrations that build up or "step up" a body. Also effective, of course, in bringing to the body the abilities to become more effective in giving out of itself for activity in any of these various directions.
691-2, Female 34, 2/10/35 (Q) If I were to wear the stone, as suggested in a previous reading, would it improve my mental, physical or spiritual condition? (A) This naturally is to make, as indicated, the body more sensitive to the higher vibrations. Not so much in the physical health as in the mental and spiritual influences, that would be materially aided.
2073-2, Female 39 (Housewife, Catholic), 4/12/40 Coral should be about the entity at all times; worn, - not as a charm, not other than the vibrations of the body as related to same. Because of the very nature of its construction, and the very activity of the soul forces of the entity, this would become a helpful influence in the experience of the entity. Hence this we would wear about the body, but against the flesh. Through the very indications of that element as would be helpful in its experience (the coral), we find that the entity is highly sensitive to intuitive forces, spiritual aspects, spiritual imports. Cultivate these, for they - as the activities in the imaginative realms (should some choose to call them such) - become close akin to the real soul self; just as the wearing of the coral - not as a worshipfulness, but as the omen or as the charm (if one would choose to call it such) - would keep the body in better attunement.
500-1, Female 35 (Naturopath, Christian), 1/26/34 As to the astrological aspects, as we find, these are of specific activity. The omen the body should ever wear on the person is a Maltese cross, or a stone of the agate or amethyst - for their vibrations are the better. But, as the body should comprehend in regard to all such influences, it is as to what the body does about same; not that it relies upon such, but knowing that such influences aid in increasing the ability or efficiency in the periods of exertion or activity, use them rather as stepping-stones and not those things upon which the activities in a mental and spiritual plane would be builded. They are step-stones rather than foundations, then, in the experience. Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
696-1, Female 38 (Divorced, Writer, Protestant), 10/15/34 (Q) Are there any other suggestions for the better spiritual development of the entity? (A) Keep the faith thou hast in those influences and forces that guide from within. Keep the emblems of truth before thee in the vibrations of color and stones about thee; those of the pearl and of the blue should ever be close to the body.
688-2, Female 61 (Widow, Podiatrist, Christian), 10/17/34 Well that the entity have the stones or minerals about self when in periods of meditation, or in those periods when it may find itself the more easily attuned to the influences that may use the body, either in the healing forces that flow through - through its attunements, or through the visions and the associations of the entity; the chrysolite or the amethyst. For the color purple should be close to the body; and the perfumes or odors as of lavender have their influence - not as in great quantity, but that, which makes for attunements.
707-1, Male 57, 10/23/34 The astronomical, the numerological, the environs of the creations in the vibrations from metals, from stones, from those of every form, have - through the experience of the entity at times had their influence; and thus bear for the entity something that must be used as an omen, or as an experience that may aid the entity in making the proper interpretations of those things that to many an one are not lawful to be spoken in materiality - hence come only to those who have eyes to see, through the spiritual realms, or who have ears to hear the music of the spheres, the growing or the beauty in all the relationships to man that make for expressions of the divine that may be, and is, a portion of man's experience. Hence we find the agate, the beryl, should be STONES with the vibrations and under the influence that the entity may find carrying an incense to the finer self that makes for an awakening, an opening of the inner self for the RECEPTIVENESS. And attunement is made through such vibrations, just as there may be with the tungsten in a portion of a vacuum that may raise those sound Waves that through their relativity of activity of the electrical vibration that makes for the activity of the atomic forces in same give that which is gathered from the ether waves. So may numbers and those vibrations from stones as given, with metals such as come in the lapis lazuli, make for the raising of the attunement in self through meditation. But know these, my child, are but means and are NOT the God-Force, NOT the Spirit, but the MANIFESTATIONS of same.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Crystal Balls 254-71, Psychic Work Group, 2/6/34 (Q) What is the significance of the crystal ball sent Mr. Cayce from India and referred to by Uvani? (A) A means of concentration for those that allow themselves either to be possessed or to centralize their own spiritual activity through the raising of those activative forces in the physical body known as the centers through which concentration and meditation is accentuated by the concentrated effort on ANYTHING that will CRYSTALLIZE same into activity. A means for some. Rather, as has been given, let the proof come from that as may be visioned in the self.
275-39, Female 21 (Musician [Harpist], Protestant), 1/31/34 (Q) Will I develop any psychic power by looking into a crystal ball? (A) If there is ever held that only that which is of the Christ-making may be presented there. The crystal offers rather the concentration of the physical powers, and thus offers many channels for the entering in of many an influence; yet if it is held only in His name, in His right [rite?], MUCH may be received there. (Q) Give guidance that will help me to develop this? (A) Rather presumptuous is this to take this means first, but rather before know that there has been the still small voice from within that "He will guide." Then, if it is chosen for a more perfect way, place the crystal upon a background of royal purple and with subdued lights that would come from over the left shoulder - and not from the front. Then passing the hands over the ball or crystal, in such a manner as to cover the surface with the emanations of the power that is raised from the physical body by deep meditation, then look - look - and behold HIS face may appear, HIS directing spirit may lead thee; and again may there be opened the vistas of light that may guide others. And ever, when such is done, in the recesses of the heart give the glory to the Father - and not to self. (Q) Should a colored light be used? (A) No. Preferably a six to ten watt light. Clear white.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
311-2, Male 22 (Commercial Agent …R.R., Protestant, Rosicrucian), 2/21/31 (Q) Was my work completed in my life in India or will that cycle return to be completed, and will I play a part? (A) The opportunity is before you, for, as has been seen, the entity may make for itself here quite an interesting demonstration, which to ITSELF will bespeak that as has been given as concerning abilities of the entity in USING the various forces. Be WARNED - do not use to self's undoing! but that thou mayest know, this thou mayest do! Gaze into a crystal, in thine own conscious moments - thou may see many of the spheres through which YOU, THYSELF, have passed. Possibly not the first, but before the FIFTH time they will begin to appear; for these are a portion of those same forces studied. USED - not abused - in India, as WELL as in Egypt.
Tuoai Stone and Fire Stone Some of the other stones Cayce mentioned were the ones in the breastplate of the High Priests. According to the Bible Dictionary the breast plate of the High Priests was a metal plate fashioned with twelve gemstones inscribed with the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. The stones were arranged in a specific order. The identification of the exact stones is still subject to debate due to translation differences between the Hebrew, Greek and Latin records. The entity then was among the daughters of Levi, and those chosen to make the vestment of the priest. And to the entity, because of its own abilities, there was given the preparation of the settings of the breastplate and the putting of the stones thereon, and the preparation of the Urim and Thummim for the interpretations of the movements that came upon the high priest in the holy of holies to be given to his people in or from the door of the tabernacle. 987-2
The breastplate of the High Priests was one of three in a list of gemstones referred to in the bible. The others were the „covering‟ of the King of Tyre and in the Foundation of the New Jerusalem. The covering of the King of Tyre had 9 of the same 12 stones as the breastplate. The Foundation Of the New Jerusalem had 12 stones similar to the breastplate depending on which translation you use. According to Spiritual Value of Gem Stones by Wall Richardson and Lenore Huett, the stones used on the breastplate provided vibrations that gave the wearer protection, intuition, insights, and heightened healing abilities. Touching a specific stone gave the priest access to its properties. And by pointing to different stones on the breastplate the priests utilized a secret communication between the priests. The Urim and Thummin was also mentioned in the readings a number of times. They were used exclusively by the High Priest during the Biblical era. For, as will be seen, the entity made FOR the priest the Urim and the Thummim! 987-2 Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
The Urim and Thummin were kept in special pouches on the sides of the breastplate worn by the High Priests. The Urim belonged in the pouch on the right side of the breastplate. It allowed the priest access to the aura of a person. It helped to attract the positive vibrations needed by the person. The Urim was a powder ground from a straw colored plant called thoynosis. The Thummin was a powder ground from the marrow of animal bones. It caused confusion and a jumbling of emotions to reveal the truth of a matter to promote healing. It also helped to heal the mind and body. Referring to Atlantean times, Cayce mentioned the Tuaoi Stone and the Fire Stone. Cayce blamed the misuse of the Tuaoi Stone as the cause of the destruction of Atlantis. In the beginning it was the source from which there was the spiritual and mental contact…. Man eventually turned this into that channel for destructive forces, and it is growing towards this in the present. 2072-10 About the firestone that was in the experience did the activities of the entity then make those applications that dealt with both the constructive and destructive forces in the period. 440-5
Included in this file (see page 70) is an article on the Tuaoi Stone by John Sutton, Ph.D. Cayce went on to described the size and used of the stone and how things went wrong. And he mentioned how modern man is in danger of heading in the same direction, misusing our technology. (Q)Going back to the Atlantean incarnation - what was the Tuaoi stone? Of what shape or form was it? (A) It was in the form of a six-sided figure, in which the light appeared as the means of communication between infinity and the finite; or the means whereby there were the communications with those forces from the outside. Later this came to mean that from which the energies radiated, as of the center from which there were the radial activities guiding the various forms of transition or travel through those periods of activity of the Atlanteans. 2072-10
Perhaps with the right intention and right knowledge we can avoid the mistakes of the past. The following excerpts are about the stones of Atlantis taken from readings. 987-2, Female 47 (Housewife, Christian), 8/9/35 The entity then was among the daughters of Levi, and those chosen to make the vestment of the priest. And to the entity, because of its own abilities, there was given the preparation of the settings of the breastplate and the putting of the stones thereon, and the preparation of the Urim and Thummim for the interpretations of the movements that came upon the high priest in the holy of holies to be given to his people in or from the door of the tabernacle. For, as will be seen, the entity made FOR the priest the Urim and the Thummim! Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
2072-10, Female 32, 7/22/42 (Q) Going back to the Atlantean incarnation - what was the Tuaoi stone? Of what shape or form was it? (A) It was in the form of a six-sided figure, in which the light appeared as the means of communication between infinity and the finite; or the means whereby there were the communications with those forces from the outside. Later this came to mean that from which the energies radiated, as of the center from which there were the radial activities guiding the various forms of transition or travel through those periods of activity of the Atlanteans. It was set as a crystal, though in quite a different form from that used there. Do not confuse these two, then, for there were many generations of difference. It was in those periods when there was the directing of aeroplanes, or means of travel; though these in that time would travel in the air, or on the water, or under the water, just the same. Yet the force from which these were directed was in this central power station, or Tuaoi stone; which was as the beam upon which it acted. In the beginning it was the source from which there was the spiritual and mental contact.
519-1, Male 39, 2/20/34 Before that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land when there were the preparations of those things that had pertained to the ability for the application of appliances to the various elements known as electrical forces in the present day; as to the manners and ways in which the various crafts carried individuals from place to place, and what may be known in the present as the photographing from a distance, or the fields of activity that showed the ability for reading inscriptions through walls - even at distances, or for the preparations of the elevations in the various activities where there was the overcoming of (termed today) the forces of nature or gravity itself; and the preparations through the crystal, the mighty, the terrible crystal that made for the active principles in these, were a portion of the activity of the entity in that experience. Much of it brought destruction; hence was not for the glorifying of Him who gave the ability or who made for the activities in a material plane for the influences of the higher forces, or the higher laws of what is called nature in itself. Hence destructive forces and constructive forces were both as influences in the experiences of Elam in that sojourn.
820-1, Male 25 (Government Clerk), 2/8/35 Once lost in this direction, again those greater shadows of those impending forces that the entity saw in those mighty upheavals from the destructive forces used for the people from the prisms' activities and from the fires that were started for the fires of the deeper inferno that brought to the surface those destructive forces as from nature's storehouse itself. Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
877-1, Male 43 (Corp. Lawyer, Protestant), 4/3/35 Before that we find the entity was in that known or called the Atlantean land, and in the city of Poseidia did the entity reside, during those periods when there were the first of the destructive influences used by the sons of Belial and those that were in authority that made for the using of the influences that were for the increasing of the activity of the peoples for destructive influences. The entity made the attempts to save much of that which was consummated by those peoples; and there are many things within the entity's inner self often that have almost found expression in what might be made for the crystallizing of the influences of the sun through the crystal that then controlled the motivative forces in the experience of the entity.
877-26, Male 46 (Corporation Lawyer, Protestant), 5/23/38 These were not only the rays from the sun, set by the facets of the stones as crystallized from the heat from within the elements of the earth itself, but were as the combination of these.
263-4, Female 23 (Housewife, Protestant), 3/6/35 The entity made for a foregathering with these for power, having been of the priestesses of the land; and through the activities of Belial became the priestess in the temple that was built in opposition to the ones - or the sons of the ONE. And in this the entity lost. When there were those destructive forces brought through the creating of the high influences of the radial activity from the rays of the sun, that were turned upon the crystals into the pits that made for the connections with the internal influences of the earth, the entity through turmoil again joined with those of the Law of One. Returning in those activities, the entity rose to one of power, in the name Ameene. 813-1, Female 49 (Secretary, Protestant), 2/5/35 Before that we find the entity was in that called or known as the Atlantean land, during the periods when there was much turmoil and strife from the rejections by many of those laws and tenets of One; when the upheavals began that made for the egress of many from that city of the Poseidon land - or in Poseidia the entity dwelt among those where there was the storage, as it were, of the MOTIVATIVE forces in nature from the great crystals that so condensed the lights, the forms, the activities, as to guide not only the ship upon the bosom of the sea but in the air and in many of those now known conveniences for man as in the transmission of the body, as in the transmission of the voice, as in the recording of those activities in what is soon to become a practical thing in so creating the vibrations as to make for television - as it is termed in the present. Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
440-5, Male 23 (Elec. Engr., Student, Christian) 12/20/33 About the firestone that was in the experience did the activities of the entity then make those applications that dealt with both the constructive and destructive forces in the period. It would be well that there be given something of a description of this, that it may be better understood by the entity in the present, as to how both constructive and destructive forces were generated by the activity of this stone. In the center of a building, that today would be said to have been lined with nonconductive metals, or non-conductive stone - something akin to asbestos, with the combined forces of bakerite [bakelite?] or other non-conductors that are now being manufactured in England under a name that is known well to many of those that deal in such things. The building above the stone was oval, or a dome wherein there could be or was the rolling back, so that the activity of the stone was received from the sun's rays, or from the stars; the concentrating of the energies that emanate from bodies that are on fire themselves - with the elements that are found and that are not found in the earth's atmosphere. The concentration through the prisms or glass, as would be called in the present, was in such a manner that it acted upon the instruments that were connected with the various modes of travel, through induction methods - that made much the character of control as the remote control through radio vibrations or directions would be in the present day; though the manner of the force that was impelled from the stone acted upon the motivating forces in the crafts themselves. There was the preparation so that when the dome was rolled back there might be little or no hindrance in the application direct to the various crafts that were to be impelled through space, whether in the radius of the visioning of the one eye, as it might be called, or whether directed under water or under other elements or through other elements. The preparation of this stone was in the hands only of the initiates at the time, and the entity was among those that directed the influences of the radiation that arose in the form of the rays that were invisible to the eye but that acted upon the stones themselves as set in the motivating forces - whether the aircraft that were lifted by the gases in the period or whether guiding the more pleasure vehicles that might pass along close to the earth, or what would be termed the crafts on the water or under the water. These, then, were impelled by the concentrating of the rays from the stone that was centered in the middle of the power station, or power house (that would be termed in the present). (continued on the next page)
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
In the active forces of these the entity brought destructive forces, by the setting up - in various portions of the land - the character that was to act as producing the powers in the various forms of the people's activities in the cities, the towns, the countries surrounding same. These, not intentionally, were TUNED too high - and brought the second period of destructive forces to the peoples in the land, and broke up the land into the isles that later became the periods when the further destructive forces were brought in the land. Through the same form of fire the bodies of individuals were regenerated, by the burning - through the application of the rays from the stone, the influences that brought destructive forces to an animal organism. Hence the body rejuvenated itself often, and remained in that land until the eventual destruction, joining with the peoples that made for the breaking up of the land - or joining with Baalilal [Baal? Belial?] at the final destruction of the land. In this the entity lost. At first, it was not the intention nor desire for destructive forces. Later it was for the ascension of power itself. As to describing the manner of construction of the stone, we find it was a large cylindrical glass (as would be termed today), cut with facets in such a manner that the capstone on top of same made for the centralizing of the power or force that concentrated between the end of the cylinder and the capstone itself. As indicated, [See 996-12] the records of the manners of construction of same are in three places in the earth, as it stands today: In the sunken portions of Atlantis, or Poseidia, where a portion of the temples may yet be discovered, under the slime of ages of sea water - near what is known as Bimini, off the coast of Florida. And in the temple records that were in Egypt, where the entity later acted in cooperation with others in preserving the records that came from the land where these had been kept. Also the records that were carried to what is now Yucatan in America, where these stones (that they know so little about) are now - during the last few months - BEING uncovered. (Q) Is it for this entity to again learn the use of these stones? (A) When there have come those individuals who will purify themselves in the manner necessary for the gaining of the knowledge and the entering into the chambers where these may be found; yes - if the body will purify itself. In '38 it should come about, should the entity - or others may - be raised. In Yucatan there is the emblem of same. Let's clarify this, for it may be the more easily found - for they will be brought to this America, these United States. A portion is to be carried, as we find, to the Pennsylvania State Museum. A portion is to be carried to the Washington preservations of such findings, or to Chicago. The stones that are set in the front of the temple, between the service temple and the outer court temple - or the priest activity, for later there arose (which may give a better idea of what is meant) the activities of the Hebrews from this - in the altar that stood before the door of the tabernacle. This altar or stone, then, in Yucatan, Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
stands between the activities of the priest (for, of course, this is degenerated from the original use and purpose, but is the nearest and closest one to being found). As to the use of same, and as to how it's to be applied, one must prepare self and it may not wholly be given through any channel, until an individual has so purified his purposes and desires. For, as given, not again will man bring to himself, or to those that have not been awakened to their individual development, destruction for the earth - saving man does it himself! (Q) How many facets did the crystals previously referred to have? (A) Would be better were these taken from that pattern of same that will be eventually put in the museum in Pennsylvania. For, as given, do not confuse self in the attempt to use something without having prepared self to know what to do with same - and bring, unintentionally as before, destructive forces in the experience of self and those about self. Not that this should not be sought. Not that information may not be asked for, but be sure that the records are read - and those that have been given may ONLY be read by those who have cleansed themselves, or purified themselves!
1470-1, Male 29 (Radio Broadcasting Mgr., Protestant), 11/4/37 In the experience the entity was associated with those activities called or termed or known in the present as COMMUNICATIONS; in the abilities for activities of every nature pertaining to messages, wireless, and the abilities to direct ships that flew in the air as well as sailed under the water; and those influences or forces that were directed by the generation from prisms of light and from the center of the sources of forces that made for such directions.
540-1, Female 30 (Baptist, Housewife), 4/26/34 Again, in some deeper experiences, the activities that were in the Atlantean land before the entity left there. The temples there, the enormous prisms that were as the lights and the guiding influences in those sojourns.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
294-148, Male 55, 7/26/32 Hence the opening by Araaraart [341] of mines in Ophir, in what was later known as Kadesh, or in the land now called Persia. Also in the land now known as Abyssinia, and those portions yet undiscovered or used in the upper lands of the river Nile, there were those mines of the precious stones - as onyx, beryl, sardis, diamond, amethyst, opal, and the pearls that came from the sea near what is now called Madagascar. In the northern (or then the southern) land of Egypt, those mines that produced quantities - and quantities - and quantities - of gold, silver, iron, lead, zinc, copper, tin, and the like, that these might be matched with those in the valleys of the upper Nile. Also there was the producing of the stonecutters who began gathering materials for the establishing of the residences of the incoming or the king's peoples.
5294-1, Male 61 (Navy Food Inspector), 6/26/44 Of these, then, take note: In any form, which will be seen from the sojourns in the earth, which has to do with color, as in decoration, as in wallpaper designing, as in wallboard designing, might the entity bring a great deal of joy, of harmony into the experience of those with whom he might work, or direct such, as a collector of stones that are colored, especially opals, emeralds, moonstone, bloodstone, what may be termed the semi-precious stones. These not merely as a collector, but as one who might prepare or gather such for not merely setting, for each of these have their value in the effect, the vibrations that they each bring about the body. There being, then, individuals who when wearing a fire opal would be hard individuals to deal with when it came to sex. There would be others having different effects. The same individual wearing or having in the apparel the moonstone might find that it would bring peace, harmony and those tendencies towards spiritual things. There are those to whom the bloodstone brings harmony, and less of the tendencies for anger; and so with each. Study them, then, with the purpose of acquainting individuals as well as preparing same; as a pendant of the lapis lazuli or the corrosion of copper. These are well for the entity to study, as well as considering the physical, as well as mental, auras of individuals.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
The auras as compared to the stones, these should work in ninety-nine percent of the conditions where these are considered as those things that work with, not against, the colors seen in the auras; that is, those which indicate the fire signs in the aura of such should never wear opals, and they will even fade flowers when worn on their bodies. But the more delicate, as would bring the nature, is preferable…. Before that we find the entity was in the Persian land, among those who carried the goods from one portion of the land to another, or a caravan maker, dealing in the linens of Egypt, the pearls of Persia, in the opal, the firestone, the lapis lazuli in Indo-China, yea the diamonds and rubies of some of the cities of gold. These find an attraction for the entity in the experience in the present. Be not rather as a hoarder but use such, then, of the knowledge of such, in the study as to the helpful force in the experience of thy follow man.
1664-1, Male 19, 8/29/42 Jewels, or things of such natures, will in some manner play a part in the entity's experience; possibly wore in its relationships to those of the opposite sex, or the finding of heirlooms or the gatherings of same.
707-2, Male 58, 2/1/35 (Q) How can I use the astronomical, the numerical, the environs of the creations in the vibrations from metal, from stones, which influence me, to advantage in my present life? (A) As these are but lights, but signs in thine experience, they are as but a candle that one stumbles not in the dark. But worship NOT the light of the candle; rather that to which it may guide thee in thy service. So, whether from the vibrations of numbers, of metals, of stones, these are merely to become the necessary influences to make thee in attune, one with the Creative Forces; just as the pitch of a song of praise is not the song nor the message therein, but is a helpmeet for those that would find strength in the service of the Lord. So, use them to attune self. How, ye ask? As ye apply, ye are given the next step. (Q) Should I carry these stones on my person? and how may I know thru meditation the message they would give me? (A) If necessary. And how may ye know? These do not give the messages! They only attune self that the Christ Consciousness may give the message! Listen to no message of a stone, of a number, even of a star; for they are but servants of the Lord and Master of all - even as thou!
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
440-3 Male 23, (Elec. Engr., Student, Christian), 12/18/33 (Q) How should they be set and cut? (A) As pendant, either on wrist and worn on body or around the waist. (Q) What results may we expect from such setting and cutting? (A) Now we are going backwards from what we have given! These, as indicated, are not the channels to be relied upon except in creating the atmosphere. The same thing may be done with an oak tree, or with a persimmon tree - but the activities that come about are because of the emanations thrown off from the stones themselves to the active forces in the body itself!
440-11, Male 23, 1/9/34 (Q) What is the best method of cutting, and what metals should be used in mounting? (A) Use in cutting the ordinary use for the precious or semi-precious stones, in whatever shapes or forms - that are usually the larger in the center and tapering towards the outer edge. Of course, not too large for the use to be worn. The mountings would be white gold or silver.
440-18, Male 24, 6/20/34 (Q) You will examine the [lapis] stones, which I hold, telling which is the most powerful for the various uses it may be used for. You will explain these various uses and recommend those that would be most helpful. (A) In giving that which may be helpful it is necessary, for this mind or body seeking same, that there be rather the analysis of the composition of the stones as related to their vibrations - as relate then to a human body, see? Either of these shows a variation of their composition; as to the elements of those influences that make for vibrations in the ether as related to that which may be effective in drawing to or disseminating from - through, of course, the vibrations being those that are of the positive and negative natures in the very stone itself making for, then, the analysis; knowing same by what is called the constituents of it, through the mineralogy, the activity through those channels themselves. We would then find that the one that is the nearer in accord to the vibrations of the body that may use same would be the more effective with THAT particular body. Yet the very NATURE of the thing makes it effective with any - ANY - human body, you see; but the more effective with one that is more in accord, or whose positive and negative vibrations are according with the stone itself, see? for it throws off as well as draws in, you see, through the positive-negative vibration. Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
This assists, then, in the unison as a relationship. This is as a comparison - don't confuse it and say that it is electricity; it is electrical, of course, in its vibration, but as the stone in its vibration, is then in sympathy with a body that is also sympathetic - or may be said to be SENSITIVE - it assists in "stepping up" the sensitiveness of the body as would the electrical vibration in an alternating force step up by the addition of influences or forces of electrical vibration being thrown off from other channels in making it more powerful. See? Towards what? Towards the effectiveness in its sensitiveness (that is, the body) as to what it maybe seeking. Hence, as given of old, use such for the abilities to become more of all those influences called in the present psychic, clairaudient or any of those vibrations that build up or "step up" a body. Also effective, of course, in bringing to the body the abilities to become more effective in giving out of itself for activity in any of these various directions.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Lapis Lazuli
by Ken Carley* The A.R.E. Journal, July 1975 The most frequently mentioned gem material in the Cayce readings seems, actually, to exist in a variety of forms. Perhaps a study of this material can best be made by taking the readings apart, extracting descriptions of the materials not now known, and applying them to materials we do know. I must confess my surprise at finding so much detailed information in the readings. The excerpts used here are by no means all possible ones on the subject, but they seem representative and were selected to present a wide span of physical qualities without too much duplication. Conclusions concerning them are left to you. Questions have been raised about lapis, lapis lazuli, lapis linguis, and lapis ligurius, as to whether there are really five materials or only three. According to the readings there are three basic stones associated, through mineral content, with each other. The readings indicate what some of their different effects may be. A complete listing of all readings consulted is included for your own further research. The personal experiences presented here are offered with the hope that they may help give deeper insight into the nature of these stones. Evidently, these stones have definite influences on one's body. Lapis lazuli helps to develop innate psychic abilities and to increase sensitivity (440-3, 4409). Its high electrical vibration may give strength and aid to an individual (691-1, 813-1, 816-3). It helps one create a better relationship between the mental and spiritual selves; it helps one to place material things in their proper perspective (880-2, 1580-1, 1651-2). It also brings "intenseness, the abilities to loose emotions through the very centers of the body . . . " (1580-1), and brings life and vitality into manifestation through healing (2282-1, 2132-1, 1931-4 letter, 1651-2, 1580-1). It has often puzzled me that Cayce used names, which are foreign to present usage, or names, which we recognize but which appear to refer to other materials. Why use the name lapis lazuli, and then describe known characteristics of copper? Were these names deliberately used to disguise the gem, to protect its use for those of sincere heart? There is value in seeking, because the end result is a far greater understanding of ourselves. One learns early in the study of the "mysteries" the awesome responsibility of possessing knowledge. The more knowledge one acquires, the more responsibility one has for its use. Cayce has said that knowledge not used is sin. I like the definition of sin as "missing the mark." I cannot approach this subject without realizing my responsibility for the right use of what I have learned. If I allow any special knowledge of stones to remain hidden and do not attempt to "lift the veil," I feel that I would be missing *
Mr. Carley, a lapidary supply deafer with his own business in Des Moines, Iowa, wrote "Reflections of a Rockhound" (November 1973 Journal) and "The Stones of Egypt" (September 1974 Journal). Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
the mark. I believe the time is at hand to make known, as best we can, what is disguised-to present all aids for finding the Christ-way. As these are but lights, but signs in thine experience, they are as but a candle that one stumbles not in the dark. But worship not the light of the candle; rather that to which it may guide thee in thy service. So, whether [thou art guided] from the vibrations of numbers, of metals, of stones, these are merely to become the necessary influences to make thee in attune, one with the Creative Forces; just as the pitch of a song of praise is not the song nor the message therein, but is a helpmeet for those that would find strength in the service of the Lord. So, use them to attune self. How, ye ask? As ye apply, ye are given the next step. 707-2
Lapis lazuli is a rock consisting of an aggregate of several minerals. Any given specimens will show differences in exact mineral content. Lapis lazuli is formed through the metamorphic action of a magma body (igneous) on impure limestone. Its major mineral content is restricted to the blue minerals, all of them members of the feldspathoid group. Generally, its chemical composition consists of silicates of sodium and aluminum, with some necessary calcium, chlorine and sulfur. It has a moderate hardness, ranging from 5 to 5.5 on the Mohs scale. Its name, now often shortened to "lapis," was given to this gem material in the Middle Ages. It comes partly from the Latin word for stone and partly from.the Arabic word meaning blue. Lapis lazuli is compact, massive, and has a granular texture. It is usually opaque, and its polished surfaces have a waxy luster. Colors range from gray-blue to azure or Berlin-blue. Some pieces display golden flecks of "fool's gold" (pyrite), and these deep blue stones with their pleasing display of pyrite are considered valuable. Its occurrence is rare, which adds to the value. This, combined with the difficulties of working with it, tends to incline the lapidary to use substitutes such as "Swiss lapis" which is a dyed jasper or the material, sodalite. Sodalite is composed of approximately the same minerals but it is formed by intrusive igneous crystallization. In addition, there are paste imitations made of glass or plastic. Although most Chilian lapis is a gray-blue, some stones will display a good medium blue color. Russian lapis tends toward the deeper shades and shows a good display of pyrite. The favorite material of most rockhounds, however-myself included-is from Afghanistan. This material is a vibrant blue, with abundant pyrite. It does not occur in large pieces because it has many internal fractures. Working with lapis lazuli is challenging and teaches patience. It must be cut slowly, sanded with care to avoid overheating, and polished with tin oxide on a slow leather disc. It almost seems that one must approach this gem with love in order to bring out its hidden beauty. Perhaps this love and patience are necessary in unlocking its mysteries. When I get into lapis, its blue color seems to give me a feeling of peace and harmony. It has a quiet way of encompassing me with universal love and compassion. Perhaps its blue color partly explains this beneficial effect. In the booklet, Auras, Edgar Cayce says that blue "has always been the color of the spirit, the symbol of contemplation, prayer, and heaven."
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
We find clues in the Cayce readings, which strongly suggest an interrelationship between the lapis materials: In the seeking, as was given in the information, the lapis--not lapis lingua, because that is different but of the same formation, or comes from the same formation-but the lapis is there, in the hall--north side--front of the north window, in the mineral division here [New York Museum of Natural History]-large blue stone. It weighs nearly a ton and has many facets, in the manner in which it was removed from the mines; Is from Arizona, and the color necessary for use as instructed-may be seen by stooping below or getting the light through a portion of the upper part, though-to be sure-it's very much thicker than would be necessary for use. It's there! Not lapis linguis, but lapis! 440-9
In this reading, we learn several things about lapis: it is blue; it is translucent; it is of the same formation as lapis lingua (notice also the spelling of lingua and linguis); and it comes from Arizona. This reading uses the word lapis, however, not lapis lazuli. A letter written by Edgar Cayce to [813] describes a relationship that exists between these stones and the persons wearing them. "Now, about the stone you should wear, I don't know what to say. The reading must have meant something definite when it said blue-green chalcedony. At the next opportunity, where we have a reading in which it would be permissible, we will ask just what this is and where it may be obtained, and under what name. Your experience with this reminds me of that of a young man whose reading told him to wear about his person a lapis linguis. We had never heard of such a stone, and neither had the jeweler; but I was with him several months later when we found one in a mine several hundred feet under the ground (which was being operated for other purposes) out in Arizona. It was of the family of lapis lazuli. So, I hope we will be able to help you find your stone-and not with such great trouble either." 8/2/35 [See 440 series] This seems to make it clear that lapis lazuli is related to lapis lingua (notice the spelling), that it is from Arizona, and that it was found several hundred feet under ground. Q. Please give my . . . stone . . . A. The lapis lazuli, worn close to the body would be well for the general health of the body-and this you will have to be careful of very soon. The lapis lazuli, of course, is an erosion of copper; but this encased in a glass and worn about the bodv would he well. Q. Where may I find the stone lapis lazuli or lapis ligurius? A. This is an exuding of copper. Either in the copper mines of the southwest, or about Superior, or in Montana. 1931-3 The lapis lazuli stone would be well to wear about the body. This is as chrysalis, to be sure, of copper ... 880-2 Q. Describe in more detail the lapis stone suggested for the body to wear. Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
GEMSTONES CIRCULATING FILE A. As understood, and may be found by the investigating of same, there is a bluegreen stone, that is a fusion in copper deposits, that has the same vibration as the body; and thus is a helpful influence, not merely as an omen or good luck charm, but as the vibratory helpful force for health, for strength, for the ability through the mental self to act upon things, conditions, decisions, and activities. Because of its softness, it will necessarily have to be encased in glass-as two crystals and this between same. It may be worn around the neck, the wrist or the like. But wear it, for it will bring health and hope and-best of all-the ability to do that so desired. 1651-2 The lapis lazuli, or the rays from copper.
Lapis langis, lapis lazuli. This as we find might be said to be a part of the same composition referred to ... 1931-2 This may be-will be-a very interesting experiment for the body. Go to the New York Museum of Natural History. Sit by a large quantity of this type of stone and listen at it sing! Do it in the open! Don't let others make a fool of you, or their remarks overcome you-but sit by it and listen at it sing; for it does! It's from Arizona. 440-3 Q. This stone contains malachite and azurite. Is the lapis linguis either of these? A. The azurite…. Q. How will I know when I have found this stone that is most useful for my purposes? A. When there is found that [specimen] which is sufficently clear for the transmission of light and that which may be held in the hand for five to ten minutes and then set aside and listening hear the movements or the vibrations given off from the emanations from self. 440-11
Many more quotes could be given, but I think we have sufficient information to draw together a word picture of the lapis lazuli referred to in the readings: 1. Its composition is of copper, either through erosion, fusion, or exuding. 2. Its color is blue or blue-green. 3. It is composed of lapis linguis, and lapis ligurius or part of the same formation. 4. It is soft. 5. It is translucent to transparent. 6. It sings. 7. It is like a chrysalis. Chrysalis, in this context, has an unusual meaning, and finding it was connected with a special interest of mine. When I have time, I enjoy working with silver and, when I can afford it, gold. There is a technique for achieving a decorative effect on the surface of a stone by applying small spheres to it without using solder. This process is called granulation. The Greeks and the Phoenicians Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
had developed this art to a high degree but, later, the art was lost, and it has only recently been rediscovered. Some years ago, I read a book on metal work in which the author reported on an old manuscript which describes the granulation process. The trick, it seems, is to get those little balls to stay put until molecular fusing takes place. At any rate, one of the adhesives used to accomplish that was called chrysalis. The dictionary defines chrysalis as (among other things): a stage of development or change; golden sheath. Chrysos is from Greek and means gold. In Popular Gemology, R.M. Pearl says that chrysocolla is derived from two Greek words and means gold glue. In Creative Gold and Silversmithing by S. Choate, copper carbonate is given as one of its ingredients. The April 1973 issue of the Lapidary Journal has an article, "Arizona Minerals in Retrospect," which states that the American Museum of Natural History has "a huge block of azurite ore which is about four feet in each of six directions, and is riddled with vugs lined with botryoidal and crystallized azurite." This description was included along with those of other materials from the Bisbee mining area. However, no mention was actually made as to orgin of this particular specimen. In reading 440-11, lapis linguis is identified as being azurite, and the stone as lapis. Mary Ann Woodward says the stone is copper ore, probably chrysocolla. Fay Clark, author of Beyond the Light and the final chapter of Healing Stones, says the stone at the museum is chrysocolla. However, he has identified lapis lazuli as being the aluminum material, or as what we know today as lapis lazuli. Rather than attempting to build the case on supposition, it may prove helpful to look at another part of reading 440-11: Many various characters of this lapis may be found in Arizona, as may be of other stones in the same vicinity of a semi-precious value or nature, but those that are of the greater value as the touchstones or those that may receive (we are putting it in another form or manner) a blessing and transmit same to another, or a curse and transmit same to another, will be found in the nature where the greater portion of the azurite is evidenced in the immediate vicinity. 440-11
Many various characters of this lapis, the reading says, may be found in Arizona. Perhaps a look at some of these variations will shed more light. Azurite, a basic carbonate of copper, is azure blue in color, opaque to translucent, and in its pure form is too soft (or too brittle) to cut into gems. It is a useful ore of copper. Under normal conditions, it slowly alters to malachite. When both minerals are found together, the resulting stone is called azurmalachite. (Popular Gemology, p. 171) Shattakite is a massive opaque silicified form of azurite and malachite. In very thin sections, it is translucent. This material will cut into very beautiful gems and, because of its color, is usually set in silver. Burnite is another gem-grade form of azurite and malachite, which comes from Montana. It is an ore of copper, is massive and opaque, will cut, but will not polish well. Its background material is grayish-green. The mine from which it once came is now closed, and no more burnite is available.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Chrysocolla, a translucent hydrous copper silicate with variable composition, is a finely crystalline-like chalcedony quartz. It is colored by delicate hues of green and blue, and possesses a luster, which may be either vitreous in quality or enamel-like. This form is more commonly referred to as "electric blue chrysocolla." Found in the upper zone of copper deposits, it is formed by the alteration of primary minerals and is associated with two other gems, azurite and malachite. It is a rarer form of copper ore. (Popular Gemology, p. 193) The name, which means "gold glue," was possibly given it by ancient jewelers who may have used it to solder gold. The chrysocolla of the Bisbee area is more opaque, with veins of clear chalcedony. It is a deep blue-green, and, today is being sold as "turquoise." This form of chrysocolla, while not as pure as the silica gem form, is the material I am more familiar with. It cuts into very lovely gems, but due to the varying hardness of its component minerals, will show some undercutting. One must be very careful when buying rough chrysocolla. Much of it is so soft and brittle it will not hang together long enough to get a piece cut. Some suppliers are coating this specimen quality with epoxy resin, giving it something of a crystal effect. "Reflections of a Rockhound" (The A.R.E. Journal, Nov. 1973) mentioned my personal sensitivity to copper. As a cutter, I can really get "stoned" on chrysocolla, azurite and malachite. The latter, however, sometimes contains arsenic, and I suggest wearing a dust mask to help keep such poisons out of your lungs! Generally chrysocolla affects me in a variety of ways. Sometimes touching it with my right hand produces a very mild "electrical" shock. At other times this sensation occurs after I lay the stone down. Not all chrysocolla, though, is "hot," and sometimes I feel nothing at all. I suspect this has something to do with mind or, perhaps, body chemistry. In the cutting, when I get into the stone I become aware of a copper taste under my tongue. It seems to give me a feeling of harmony. At the same time, however, it is a very energizing positive feeling. It is a feeling, which is very hard to describe - like a drawing in, a sort of attracting essence to myself. With azurite there is the copper taste, the feeling of universal harmony, but there is also a very keen awareness of my surroundings. It even becomes difficult to concentrate on the cutting. It's like an expansion of consciousness. Malachite is one material I have not done much with since my rather bad experience with the arsenic. It produced a burning feeling in my nose and I began having difficulty with breathing. I've passed along the warning about malachite to a lot of rockhounds, and except for one other person who was hospitalized; no one has ever reported any problems. There is another effect that must be mentioned here - the "singing." In the middle fifties, I had about 150 pounds of "good" to "fine" Bisbee chrysocolla, but all that remains of it are the fond memories of a very fine gem material. Among the memories is my only experience with the "singing." On the 3rd of December, 1973, while I watered my turquoise (turquoise is a hydrous compound of copper and aluminum and loses color when it loses water), I became aware of a very clear, high-pitched chirping, or beeping sound. I thought I was experiencing the sound aurally and that it was brought about by a dehydrated material absorbing water. Thinking it would be of interest to others who had experienced ringing or Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
singing stones, I attempted to tape the sound. On play back, all I could hear was a lot of background sound and the ticking of my watch. What I heard seemed definitely "outside" because the sound decreased as I moved away from the stone. However, if you have ever experienced a person's voice speaking your name when the person was not there - well, you know it sounds like it comes through your ears. But nobody else there hears it! To this day I can't tell you if the ringing of the chrysocolla occurred inside or outside of my head.
Readings dealing with Lapis Lazuli: 691-1 691-2 1651-2 880-2 1532-1 1861-16 1981-1 1931-1 1931-2
Readings referring to Lapis: 440-3 440-9 440-11 440-12 440-18 813-1 (reports) 816-3 1580-1 1931-4 (reports)
1931-3 2072-10 2132-1 2282-1 2376-1 2564-3 3053-3 3416-1
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
The Stones of Egypt by Ken Carley* A.R.E. Journal, September 1974 Ever since I can remember, I have been fascinated by Egypt and its ancient cultures. The numerous Edgar Cayce readings on Egypt and their frequent recommendations that gems and stones be used for healing purposes suggest a strong tie with the reports of archeologists. In Doris Hodges' Healing Stones, Fay Clark speculates that the Atlanteans brought the use of stones for occult and healing purposes, and there is evidence that the ancient Egyptians had knowledge of the stones' chemical composition and their uses. The Eber Papyrus recommends lapis lazuli as an ingredient for eye salves and hematite (an iron oxide) for checking hemorrhages and reducing inflammation. It might also be noted that the Egyptians were greatly afraid of the "dark forces" and spent a good deal of time and effort in protecting themselves from their influences. According to G.F. Kunz in The Curious Lore of Precious Stones, there is, in the Munch Collection at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, a piece of limestone, the hieroglyphs on which state in the cursive Egyptian of 1600 B.C., that lapis lazuli was used by the wealthy (and hematite by those of limited means) for the treatment of hysteria. Reading 1931-1 says that lapis ligurius (probably malachite) would act as "a protective influence." In their manufacture of jewelry and ornaments the ancient Egyptians also used many stones, which, today, would be considered of low commercial value. The Egyptian craftsmen, with very few exceptions, used stones, which were available locally. Pliny mentions about thirty different kinds of precious stones, which would be found in Egypt or Ethiopia. Because he used names whose meaning has been lost to time, very few of them can be identified. However, archeological investigation indicates that the principal stones were agate, amethyst, beryl, calcite, carnelian, chalcedony, coral, feldspar, garnet, hematite, jade, jadeite, jasper, lapis lazuli, malachite, olivine, onyx, pearl, peridot, rock crystal, sard, sardonyx, and turquoise. The Cayce readings describe a prehistoric King Araaraat who drew the races together and developed their abilities. Under his leadership the rich material resources of the land were discovered. Mines were opened at Ophir (later called Kadesh) in Persia, in Abyssinia and in other areas of the upper Nile. There was mining of such diverse precious stones as onyx, beryl, sardius, diamond, amethyst, and opal. Pearls were taken from the sea near what is now Madagascar. Stone cutting and polishing was encouraged as a major craft. From other mines about the country iron, lead, zinc, tin, copper, silver, and gold were produced. Much jewelry was made. Thanks to the Egyptian habit of recording every detail, there are many Egyptian writings, which have been carefully preserved and are in collections in the great museums of the world. These writings tell us about the uses to which *
Mr. Carley, a lapidary supply dealer with his own business in Des Moines, Iowa, wrote `Reflections of a Rockbound," which appeared in the November 1973 Journal. Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
precious stones were put throughout pre-dynastic as well as later dynastic periods. Gemstones were often acceptable as tribute and were always among the more important spoils of war. It is interesting that the Cayce readings and some of the surviving Egyptian writings speak of diamonds, opals, sapphires, and rubies while the archeologists have stated that these particular stones were not known to the ancient Egyptian. Possibly, they are both right. The confusion may be due to the changes of names. Perhaps the "diamond" of the ancients and of the readings was rock crystal, yet the readings refer to both. The sapphire is another puzzler and to what stone this name was given is not certain. For some, including Pliny, it seems to be confused with lapis lazuli. For others, sapphires seem confused with turquoise and the hyacinth. Perhaps with time and new discoveries, the Cayce readings and the archeologists will agree. At the time of their use, the stones of ancient Egypt were costly and highly prized. The most commonly used materials were the silica-based carnelian onyx, sardonyx and agate. Today, these are usually grouped together as agate, which in turn, is a sub-variety of chalcedony. Agate beads, as well as onyx, have been found in pre-dynastic graves. They were also used to a limited extent in jewelry of the early dynastic periods. Carnelian is found in the form of pebbles in the eastern desert of Egypt where it occurs in abundance. It had very early use in the pre-dynastic era as beads and amulets. In later times, it was used for inlays on jewelry and sarcophagi and on various pieces of furniture. The earliest use of sardonyx, according to the archeologists, was in the 22nd Dynasty, and the principal use of agate, sardonyx, and onyx was in the creation of jars or canopic vessels. This is evidenced by the discovery of such vessels in ancient tombs. [In Egypt] the entity gained in abilities to give to others that understanding as attained from the builders and from those who wrought in fine metals, those who had the understandings of precious stones and their settings, and their colors, and their vibrations, as gave for the influences in peoples. In this the entity gained, and the stones the entity should have about same, is the sardius - for this gives for an influence as may be best made in the entity's influence to understand those laws as apply to man's relationships to the higher forces. 1714-1
Amethyst was used primarily in necklaces. However, the gem was also used in bracelets, beads, amulets, and scarabs. Its major use came during the period of the Middle Kingdom, continuing until the Roman times. Old amethyst workings have been discovered about 40 miles northwest of the original Temple of Abu Simbel and other workings 20 miles southeast of Aswan. Most of the Egyptian deposits and the artifacts found there are rather pale, but two very fine amethyst scarabs were found in the tomb of Tutankhamen. It may be worth noting that some Brazilian amethyst specimens known today seem to have a tendency to become pale after long periods of exposure to sunlight. The Rubric of Chapter CXL of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, to be recited during the longest day of the Egyptian year, was repeated over two Udjat
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
amulets, one of them to be made of lapis lazuli and the other, of amethyst or carnelian. The use of natural resins and amber reach as far back in Egyptian history as the pre-dynastic periods. Some of these resins have proved difficult to indentify. Discovered in the tomb of Tutankhamen were a double ring, a variety of beads and scarabs, a unique hair ring, and a pair of earrings, all of which were made of a dark red resin of unknown organic origin. Perhaps other objects identified earlier by archeologists will prove, through further investigation, to be incorrectly identified Extensive old workings of the mineral, beryl, occur in the Sikait-Zubara region of the Red Sea hills. These workings could have been the source of these materials for the Egyptians. Some authorities, however, think they are more likely of Greco-Roman origin. The materials from these mines are always transparent or translucent - never opaque. Many stones of such good quality as to be called emerald have been taken from this deposit. Most of these gems are full of flaws, however, and by our standards unfit for jewelry. Most of the crystals are pale or whitish green. Prized for their hexagonal shape, the early working of these gems was in the form of beads and pendants. It was late in the dynastic periods before the Egyptians learned to cut the stone satisfactorily. The scarcity of beryl artifacts in the tombs indicates its limited use in pre-dynastic times. One large uncut emerald was taken, however, from a pre-dynastic grave at Kubanieh. … we find [the entity] in that land known as the Egyptian ... then in the household of the priest, and of those that waited on the companion of the priest. In the name Is-Eli. In this experience the entity rose to power, position, place, fame, through the experiences in that period, as related to the various manners of expression of praise in music, in art, and especially in that of placing of stones. In the present, the innate desire to feel precious stones, to compare same, to watch the change in the color in same, is seen from this experience. These will make for much judgment to the entity, and the beryl and scarab should be a portion of the entity's dress, ever; either worn as the amulet, the ring, or such, will make for a safety in the entity's present experience. 1719-1
Calcite, known in Egypt as alabaster, is found in abundance in that country's eastern desert. The pure, transparent variety is termed Iceland spar, and this is the variety, which exhibits a double reflective ability. It was used in flat cleavage pieces, as inlay for jewelry and furniture. Dating from about the 6th Dynasty on, it seems to have been used in cylindrical seals, and several varieties of these have been found in almost all of the more important dynastic tombs. A number of forms of carnelian were used. The darker, almost black varieties are called sard and were used, to a small extent, in pre-dynastic times. Yellow carnelian was used occasionally for beads. Other forms of agate - more correctly called banded chalcedony - occur commonly in Egypt. They are usually grayish white but, due to depth or cutting technique, often display a bluish tint. They were used for beads, pendants, and scarabs.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Another form of chalcedony, chrysophrase - colored apple green by nickel in silica - has been found in beads of pre-dynastic periods. There are several excellent examples of these in the Berlin Museum. Carnelian was "called a „blood stone' because it acted on the blood, and prevented it from rising in excess to the head." There is much confusion about the material, bloodstone, and my attempts to determine what the material really is have resulted in a number of headaches. Hematite has been called bloodstone because it streaks a red oxide or, when scratched, shows red dust. Jasper, also, has been connected with the term. Jasper is an impure, opaque, and very compact form of silica. It occurs in a variety of colors, all of them due to the presence of iron. Jasper, in green, brown, black, yellow, and other colors, is common in Egypt, and all colors were used by the ancients. Red was most often used for amulets and inlay, and a few scarabs have been discovered. Green jasper was highly prized and was used from earliest times. A large vein of green jasper has been discovered; it is sometimes flecked with red spots. This vein shows evidence of early workings located in the eastern desert. Today, bloodstone (or heliotrope) is described as dark green chalcedony with small spots or flecks of red jasper. Yet the Cayce readings say: Have about the entity stones that are red; as the bloodstone, the ruby, or everything of that nature. 1616-1
The name, bloodstone, is also applied to red coral, red agate, red marble, red jasper, carnelian, and heliotrope. Hence the bloodstone or the ruby is well to ever be about the entity.
Keep not as a charm, but as the influences that may bring the greater force about the body, the moonstone or the bloodstone as the ornaments about the body; but those that will be found (that are akin to these) in the turquoise blue and the pigeon-blood ruby. 608-7
Since the Egyptians borrowed the Zodiac from the Greeks, there may be another factor which points toward red as the color of bloodstone. Mars, the "red planet," is the planet of Aries, and the bloodstone is the Arian birthstone. The influence of Mars is said to incite man to mighty deeds, to perform works of valor, which often result in the shedding of blood. The ancient astrologers believed that precious and semi-precious stones were bearers of the influences of the stars and planets. They associated Mars with red stones: ruby, hematite, jasper, and bloodstone. Although coral comes in white, red, and black varieties, only white and red appear in Egyptian jewelry. White coral artifacts such as necklaces and bracelets from the 19th Dynasty and later have been found. Also found were two forms of red coral, solid and branching, the latter being more highly valued and used in amulets, beads, and pendants. Two other forms of coral are known to have had limited use - pipe coral and fossil coral. Outcroppings of fossil deposits have been found in the western desert. Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
The Cayce readings, which refer to coral, do not mention Egypt, but the following excerpt suggests some reasons that coral was used as an amulet: Yet there are those things that make for harmony in their relationships as one to another, as do the turmoils of the mother-water that brings forth in its activity about the earth those tiny creatures that in their beginning make for the establishing of that which is the foundation of much of these in materiality. Hence the red, the deep red coral, upon thine flesh, will bring quietness in those turmoils that have arisen within the inner self…. 694-2
That feldspar, in the form of Amazonite or Amazon stone, was used for beads has been reported from the earliest periods. It is usually pale green in color. Very early and extensive workings have been found in the Eghei mountains. The green feldspar has often been confused, by archeologists, with other green stones such as emerald and beryl. The most frequently found iron artifacts of the Middle Kingdom appear to be small amulets made of magnetic iron or magnetite. Hematite, black with metallic luster, was used for beads, and might have come from the eastern desert. Some artifacts have been identified as jade or jadeite. However, because their current owners are unwilling to allow these pieces to be tested, there may be a question as to their exact composition. There are no known deposits of jade or jadeite in or around Egypt. The next material, lapis lazuli, is perhaps the most mystifying of any of the stones mentioned in the Cayce readings. It was the material held in highest regard by the Egyptians. Many of the early cultures - Chinese, Tibetan, Persian, Indian, etc. - desired and sought after lapis lazuli. Artifacts from the earliest Egyptian periods verify the use of this gem. It found its way into the most beautiful, most loved, and best designed pieces of Egyptian work. To understand the love and regard the ancient peoples of Egypt had for this material, one should read a passage in the Egyptian Book of the Dead, Chapter XV (A Hymn to Ra, The Sun God) which describes Ra rising in the eastern heaven. Heaven is represented by lapis lazuli. Lapis lazuli is actually an aggregate of several minerals. It is formed through metamorphic action of a magma body on a sedimentary deposit of limestone. Generally, the chemical composition of this gem material is a combination of silicates of sodium and aluminum with some necessary calcium, chlorine, and sulfur. It is relatively soft, having a hardness of 5 to 5.5 on the Mohs scale. It has a granular texture, is opaque, and its polished surfaces show a waxy luster. Its color range includes gray-blue, azure-blue and Berlin-blue. Sometimes it contains specks of "gold" (iron pyrite) against a rich deep-blue background. Pliny called it "sapphirus," but the name, lapis lazuli, now often shortened to lapis, was given to the material in the Middle Ages. It comes from the Latin word meaning "stone" and an Arabic word meaning "blue." While there have been statements that lapis lazuli does occur in Egypt, no evidence is ever cited. As far as is presently known, no deposits nor old workings have been found. The abundant usage of lapis for beads, amulets, Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
scarabs, inlays, and a great variety of small objects, from the earliest predynastic periods to the time of the Roman conquests, would seem to indicate otherwise. It is just one more mystery surrounding this beautiful gem. The Cayce readings have quite a bit to say about lapis. In fact, it was recommended more often in the readings than any other gem. For the entity should ever wear about the body the lapis lazuli or the lapis linguis; for these will bring strength to the body through those vibrations that are brought or built in the innate experience of the entity from its sojourn in the Egyptian land. 691-1
The real puzzle occurs in the readings, which follow: The lapis lazuli stone would be well to wear about the body. This is as a chrysalis to be sure of copper . . . 880-2 ... the lapis or copper in its elemental form ...
... it would be very helpful for the entity to wear upon the body a piece of stone that is of the lapis lazuli variety, but the essence or fusion of copper... 1651-2
In reading after reading the statement was made that lapis, or lapis lazuli, was composed of copper. The material now known as lapis lazuli is a silicate of sodium and aluminum! No copper is present, or if it does occur, there are only trace amounts. Is this an error, which occurs in the Cayce readings? Is the lapis lazuli of the readings a different material than that which is now known as lapis lazuli? One must wonder about this discrepancy because it appears in all the readings, which deal with lapis and lapis lazuli. Is this, then, part of that fifteen percent margin of error referred to in The Outer Limits of Edgar Cayce's Power, or did the readings reveal something, which has yet to be recognized by "science"? In the 440 series, a number of readings were given regarding lapis and lapis lingua. The readings, which supposedly tie up lapis lingua with azurite say: [Suggestion given EC:] You will have before you the body and inquiring mind of [440] ... also the information given this entity through this channel in a recent series of readings, together with his endeavors to follow out some of the suggestions given him, to seek the lapis lingua in the Museum of Natural History in New York. You will answer the questions which he has submitted. [E.C.] ... In the seeking, as was given in the information, the lapis - not lapis lingua, because that is different but of the same formation, or comes from the same formation - but the lapis is there, in the hall - north side - front of the north window, in the mineral division here - large blue stone. It weighs nearly a ton and has many facets, in the manner in which it was removed from the mines; is from Arizona, and the color necessary for use as instructed - may be seen by stooping below or getting the light through a portion of the upper part, though - to be sure Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
GEMSTONES CIRCULATING FILE it's very much thicker than would be necessary for use. It's there! Not lapis linguis, but lapis! 440-9 Q-6. This stone contains malachite and azurite. Is the lapis linguis either of these? A-6. The azurite. 440-11
In the American Museum of Natural History in New York there is a huge block of azurite ore. It is about four feet in each of six directions and is riddled with vugs (holes) lined with botryoidal and crystalized azurite. It came from Bisbee, Arizona. We know the Egyptians were mining copper; malachite, an oxide of copper, is in evidence in the artifacts. In the copper deposits of southwestern United States (and generally), malachite and azurite occur together. Although it occurs with malachite, alters to it, and has many of the same chemical properties, azurite nevertheless presents as striking a color contrast as can be imagined. Its azure-blue color, from which the name is derived, is as brilliant as the green of malachite. I believe there is reason to question the identification of the blue gem artifacts from the Egyptian pre-dynastic and later periods as lapis lazuli. There are enough unresolved mysteries concerning lapis to re-study the entire subject. I hope to study it more thoroughly at a later time. As stated earlier, malachite is found in Egyptian artifacts and, like other materials, has been confused with other green stones. It occurs in both the Sinai and the eastern deserts. Old workings indicate that the Egyptians worked both areas. Malachite was primarily used in the form of a cosmetic, as an eye paint. Only rarely was this gem used in inlay or jewelry. It is a very common artifact from the early and middle periods, and there are some rough beads from predynastic times worked into pieces such as amulets. It was often shaped into insects or animal forms. Occasionally it appears in small oval plaques of a religious nature. The archeologists tell us that while the Egyptians used large quantities of mother-of-pearl and mollusk shells from the coastal waters of the Red Sea, pearls were never used extensively by the Egyptians! Of course, "not all crows are black," if there is one exception. One such exception appears in the button pearls found in the tomb of Queen Ahhotpe of the beginning of the 18th Dynasty. Olivine is scattered throughout. Egypt. It is translucent to transparent, olive-green, and has an olive-oil luster. In the Bible, Job praised the value of wisdom and said, "The topaz of Ethiopia shall not equal it." (Job 28:19) This material we know as peridot, the gem variety of the mineral olivine. Large amounts of olivine were used early as beads, but it was in the tombs of the 18th Dynasty that gem peridot was discovered. This by no means precludes earlier knowledge or use of the material. There is an old legend about a triangular-shaped island, Topazios, in the Red Sea. It is thought that the word topaz is derived from this name. This island, now called St. John's, or Zeberged, is located 34 miles off the coast of Egypt. The topaz or, as we know it, peridot, was discovered in the stone crevices of the Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
island. The Crusaders brought many of these fine stones to Europe thinking them to be emeralds. Crysolite, meaning "golden stone," is the term given the varieties of olivine, which are yellowish or yellowish-green. Chemically, olivine is a silicate of magnesium and iron. Mineral olivine also occurs in meteorites. These strange celestial visitors are thought to have been the source of the unusual silica glass found in the tombs of the Middle Kingdom and later. Large lumps of this material have been discovered southwest of the sand sea in the Libyan Desert. Its color is pale greenish-yellow, and better pieces are quite clear and transparent. An incorrect translation of Egyptian writing is believed to account for the fact that turquoise has been confused with malachite; it is possible that many of the early archeologists made some errors in attempting to classify gems by their colors. Turquoise was used abundantly by the ancient craftsmen and examples have been found from the 4th Dynasty, in the tomb of Hetepheres at Giza, and later. Most Egyptian turquoise has a green color, and this would help explain how it could have been incorrectly identified. It was used mainly as inlay and, to some extent, as scarabs. It is found as veins in the sandstone outcrops at Wadi Magharah in the Sinai Peninsula. Deposits and workings are suspected in other areas because of the coloration of some artifacts. Turquoise is usually blue, green, or any combination of these two colors. I have seen specimans of "turq" which were midnight or navy blue and others which look like jade. Chemically, the mineral may be loosely defined as a hydrous phosphite of aluminum and copper with traces of iron. It is found most often in the oxide level in copper deposits. Turquoise, as such, is not referred to in the Cayce readings. However, with further study, it might be shown as a possible "lapis" material. Quartz, in crystalline form, is commonly referred to as rock crystal. When clear, it was highly regarded by ancient peoples, and when found in large pieces, was cut into objects of great beauty and high esthetic quality. It was found throughout Egypt, in small quantities, as clear crystal. In an old working west of Abu Simbel, quartz of good quality is still found. The counterfeiting of other gem materials by the use of clear quartz (and later, glazes and ceramic work) seems to have started around the 18th Dynasty. Perhaps this would indicate a loss of earlier knowledge concerning the use of gems, the decay of ancient wisdom, or it may have been merely an advance in technology. Clear quartz has long been identified with magic and magical rites. It is most often associated with crystal gazing. In Egypt it is found in sarcophagi and as the eyes in statues. In the following reading it is interesting to note the suggestion to "image" or "picturize." Well to develop, then, the imaginative forces; but picturize or visualize for the entity all those influences or forces in the developing of such in the experience of this entity .... In stones - the whiter, the more crystal the better.
Other uses of quartz included the making of small vases. Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
From the recorded information, it would seem that the ancient Egyptian incorporated a great deal of esoteric knowledge in the production of his arts and crafts by the use of "home" (locally found) materials. (These materials may have been used for the purpose of polarizing the body.) On a number of occasions, the Cayce readings suggested the use of locally grown foods, or medicines, to help the body adjust to a particular region, and local stones may have similar effects. The stones suggested by the readings can, for the most part, be found in North America. As this study shows, they are also found in Egypt.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Reflections of a Rockhound by Ken Carley* A.R.E. Journal, November 1973 I've been in the rock business since 1956 as a commercial gem and mineral dealer and as a lapidary. Over the years I've had many unusual requests both for material and special kinds of lapidary work. One of the strangest came my way back in 1960 or 1961 and little did I realize then how deep my own involvement would become. My company started receiving letters requesting pieces of different kinds of rocks. Many I had never heard of and sometimes, if the stone was small or if I had a lot of the stuff, I'd just pack it up and send it off to the writer. In the early '60s, when the request came from a man in the south for ten or twelve different stones, I was starting to wonder who was directing these orders to me. Therefore, I sent him what I had along with the question of how he had got my name. His answer was that my company was listed in the back of a book published by an A.R.E. Press in Virginia Beach, Virginia. That didn't tell me a whole lot, but I did know Virginia Beach. As a former Navy man I had been aboard a ship or two, which had steamed by the shoreline there. So I wrote him again, and this time I learned a little more. He had a booklet, which he thought was written by Edgar Cayce, and its title was Gems and Stones. The booklet said that Edgar Cayce had recommended using stones for healing. I must admit it sounded pretty far out to me! However, seventeen years ago being a lapidary supply dealer was considered pretty strange too. I knew who Cayce was, because I had read by "accident" a copy of There is a River and had been deeply moved by the philosophy of this man. I got a copy of Gems and Stones and began reading. It didn't make a lot of sense to me. I just couldn't see how these stones, some of them with really strange names, could have a healing or any other physical effect on the body. It did seem reasonable that a psychological healing might occur. It also certainly crossed my mind that some of these people might just catch the bug and become rockhounds, and there is nothing that pleases a rockhound more than sharing his hobby with another person. I also knew that if the bug bites (rockhound fever?), it's usually incurable. Not long after I received the booklet I made a deal with an old tailgater from upper Michigan for a load of copper ore. Tailgating is a slang term in my business to describe an individual who makes a strike, loads up the back end of a pick-up truck -- usually an old beat-up truck - and drives around the country peddling his find off the tailgate. If you can remember, in the early '60s the rage in colors was swamp or olive green, and that's what the color of this material was except that there were bright specks of native copper all through it. Later, it was called Epidote and Copper, and a few other names.
Mr. Carley, owner of Gemkraft, Inc. in Des Moines, Iowa, has been a lapidary supply dealer for the past seventeen years. An A.R.E. and Study Group member, he has represented Iowa as an elected delegate at the last two Annual Congresses in Virginia Beach. Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
It is my practice, whenever I get a new material, to work out a method of polishing so I can advise my customers and, I hope, increase my sales. I started in on this stuff in the morning and worked on it most of the day. My first discovery was that it was so loaded with copper that my diamond saws would bind up and wouldn't cut. I had to spend a lot of time dressing the blades. By late in the morning I had a heck of a headache. At first I thought it was a sinus headache and took some medicine, but it didn't go away. It felt like somebody was hitting me in the center of my forehead with a broom handle. There was lots of pressure and it sure did smart! I could hardly see - let alone work - so I left the shop and was thinking about going home. By then, though, my headache started to ease off, so I went to dinner instead. In the afternoon I got back to working on the stuff, and just about the time I was beginning to get a polish, I became aware of what felt like cobwebs on my forehead, and a bad taste in my mouth. I finished up for the day and went home feeling kind of weird. I remember telling my wife that I'd had a late customer and that I had known everything he was going to say and some of the things he didn't say - like he was talking inside my head. I experienced about the same thing with her. (Not all of what she was saying inside my head, however, was kind.) That night, lying in bed trying to sort through the day's happenings, I only knew I hadn't been out in the sun too long, and I couldn't remember that anybody had hit me on the head with a rock. Then, all of a sudden, the pieces of the puzzling day started falling into place. Whatever had happened to me had something to do with that rock. Wow! It really blew my mind. The moral of this story: keep an open mind. If it doesn't fit right now into what you think you know, just put it on a shelf for awhile. Let it be. (It's taken a lot of years and experience for me to come up with that nugget of wisdom - and a rather constant diet of crow!) Ever since that experience with the olive green stone, I've been pretty much open to the influences of copper material, and also to the somewhat subdued effects of aluminum. But there's more to the story. I struggled with the concepts in the Gems booklet involving the mechanism of influence in these materials. I struggled with the wording of the Cayce readings, the depth of ideas. I felt like an ant trying to move a mountain, pushing one grain of sand at a time. Maybe the start of wisdom is the realization of how little one really knows about a subject. I could hardly believe that only a short time before I had thought I was an expert! In the past twelve or thirteen years I've moved a lot of sand. Every time I've found a keystone, a lot more sand fell into the hole. Sometimes I've felt like chucking the whole thing. I've wanted to find a smaller mountain or just let it be. But I guess those ways won't work for me. There is something inside me that just won't let me let go. Perhaps it is coming into the realization of the reality of the oneness, which is all. Maybe if, like my brother, I can go beyond the intellect, reach the simplicity of the spheres and come into the all knowledge, all wisdom, all love, all Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
understanding of the universal consciousness we call God . . . but I'm not there yet! Since the journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step, let me step forth! As I see it: Our bodies,' like the universe, are atomic in nature. Outside stimuli such as rocks and gems create an electromagnetic influence, which affects man's body. There is a word picture, which has helped me understand this. Imagine, if you can, an angel with a harp sending forth a tone, which, for our example, is the tone of creation. Now imagine a tuning fork, which represents a gem. The elements of the body can be thought of as many tiny tuning forks. As the word or tone of creation is sounded, the gem - the larger tuning fork - starts to vibrate at a certain frequency. The tiny tuning forks of the body, which are set at that frequency, also start vibrating. When the gem tuning fork is near the body, the body's tuning forks, which are set at the same frequency (those which are "in sympathy") respond to the stimulus and increase their vibration. In giving that which may be helpful it is necessary, for this mind or body seeking same, that there be rather the analysis of the composition of the stones as related to their vibrations - as relate then to a human body, see? Either of these show a variation of their composition; as to the elements of those influences that make for vibrations in the ether as related to that which may be effective in drawing to or disseminating from - through, of course, the vibrations being those that are of the positive and negative natures in the very stone itself making for, then, the analysis; knowing same by what is called the constituents of it, through the mineralogy, the activity through those channels themselves. We would then find that the one that is the nearer in accord to the vibrations of the body that may use same would be the more effective with that particular body. Yet the very nature of the thing makes it effective with any - any - human body, you see; but the more effective with one that is more in accord, or whose positive and negative vibrations are according with the stone itself, see? for it throws off as well as draws in, you see, through the positive-negative vibration. This assists, then, in the unison as a relationship. This is as a comparison - don't confuse it and say that it is electricity; it is electrical, of course, in its vibration, but as the stone in its vibration is then in sympathy with a body that is also sympathetic - or may be said to be sensitive - it assists in "stepping up" the sensitiveness of the body as would the electrical vibration in an alternating force step up by the addition of influences or forces of electrical vibration being thrown off from other channels in making it more powerful. See? Towards what? Towards the effectiveness in its sensitiveness (that is, the body) as to what it may be seeking. Hence, as given of old, use such for the abilities to become more of all those influences called in the present psychic, clairaudient, or any of those vibrations that build up or "step up" a body. Also effective, of course, in bringing to the body the abilities to become more effective in giving out of itself for activity in any of these various directions. 440-18
We can never assume that once we are in possession of a gem, a metal, or a rock we have a direct pipeline to Heaven and may do as we please. The readings lay it right on the line. It is always our own responsibility to use these influences correctly if we want to find the Christ way for our lives. Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
But, as the body should comprehend in regard to all such influences, it is as to what the body does about same; not that it relies upon such, but knowing that such influences aid in increasing the ability or efficiency in the periods of exertion or activity, use them rather as stepping stones and not those things upon which the activities in a mental and spiritual plane would be builded. They are step stones rather than foundations, then, in the experience. 500-1 Q. How can I use the ... vibrations from metal, from stones, which influence me, to advantage in my present life? A. As these are but lights, but signs in thine experience; they are as but a candle that one stumbles not in the dark. But worship not the light of the candle; rather that to which it may guide thee in thy service. So whether [thou art guided] from the vibrations of numbers, of metals, of stones, these are merely to become the necessary influences to make thee in attune, one with the Creative Forces; just as the pitch of a song of praise is not the song nor the message therein, but is a helpmeet for those that would find strength in the service of the Lord. So, use them to attune self. How, ye ask? As ye apply, ye are given the next step. Q. Should I carry these stones on my person, and how may I know through meditation the message they would give me? A. If necessary. And how may ye know? These do not give the messages! They only attune self so that the Christ Consciousness may give the message! Listen to no message of a stone, of a number, even of a star; for they are but servants of the Lord and Master of all - even as thou! 707-2
So far as I know, there are about ninety readings, which deal either directly or indirectly with gems, stones and metals. It seems to me that those materials, which are referred to several times have greater universal significance and usefulness than those referred to only once. I believe there are certain criteria interwoven throughout the language of the readings which may be used to identify other materials, which might be better suited for an individual than those specifically mentioned. While each of these readings was given for an individual, and therefore is specific for that person, there seems also to be a tie-in with regard to an exact body position. Does this body position correspond to a physiological center, or is it a psychological one? If physiological, how does it relate to the ductless glands, the endocrine centers, the concept of the "Golden Man"? Before a hypothesis can be stated, the known facts must be established. In this case, the relevant readings must be identified and correlated. Since accepting the "opportunity" for such a research, I've been through those ninety readings well over a dozen times. I still have far more questions than answers. I have observed, however, that many little tidbits in the readings open up whole new meanings for me. My plans for the future include these efforts: 1. Show which materials were suggested most often and deal with them in that order. Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
2. Use all the readings where practical and possible. (This might present some problem. Lapis Lazuli, for example, has been referred to specifically seventeen times, in readings for fifteen different persons.) 3. Where the names of materials are different from those now in common usage, the reader will be given his choice, based on: a. data suggested in the readings b. known chemical, mineralogical and geological facts c. whatever historical and/or occult uses may be found for a given material d. experimental findings of a meditation workshop e. my own experience as a lapidary (for whatever it is worth) and those effects which I have noted occurring in me 4. Attempt to establish criteria, based on the readings, for aiding the seeker to determine which materials are best suited to that individual, and suggest other materials not mentioned in the readings. 5. Try to discover if there is a connection between suggested body positions and the ductless glands. 6. Establish the intended uses for these materials. 7. Show the interrelationship between color and other forms of vibration as mentioned in the readings. My business for the past seventeen years has been on the rocks, sometimes in more ways than one. I've had an "opportunity" to explore this vast subject. I no longer claim to be an expert, and what I think I know today may change by tomorrow. I am only trying to use what is at hand, to start where I am. There are some inherent faults in a chart such as the following one. I do not know positively that only eighty-nine readings are involved. There could be more than one material referred to as Lapis Lazuli. It is also not too clear in the readings whether Lapis refers to Lapis Lingua or Lapis Lazuli, or some other material. Therefore, I listed it separately. The Scarab, the Maltese Cross and the Combination Stone made from Soya Bean were placed on the list as items of general interest only. The list does suggest reasonable doubt as to the validity of ascribing curative powers to carbon steel. The first column designates the number of different entity readings recommending a particular material. For example, in the 440 series there are five readings dealing with "lapis"; in this column these five readings are shown as one. Column 2 lists the total number of readings dealing with a particular recommended material, and includes follow-up readings. Column 3 is included because previous writers have pointed to some significance about materials "mentioned" in the readings. I quite frankly question this, but feel it is important to note and let the reader draw his/her own conclusion. (Example: reading 1931-1 recommended Lapis Ligurius. "This is the green stone, you see - the crystallization of copper and those influences that are creative within themselves . . . Hence the radial activity of radium, as well as the strengthening influences of gold, the stabilizing influences of silver . . . " Each of the italicized materials is shown in this column and the number indicated shows how often these materials were thus "mentioned" in other readings.) Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
The Beneficent Influence of Gems and Stones by Mary Ann Woodard A.R.E. Bulletin, December 1946 Throughout the ages man has attributed strange and mystic powers to gems and stones. Certain famous stones have been feared-others have been worshiped or cherished.
Do stones have healing or occult power? Is there any TRUTH in the curious tales or legends, which are extant? For example there are many references in the Old Testament to the use of stones as a method of divination. I Samuel 28:6 definitely refers to this use: "And when Saul inquired of the Lord, the Lord answered him not, neither by dreams, nor by Urim, nor by prophets." David apparently used a similar means with more success: "And David knew that Saul secretly practiced mischief against him; and he said to Abiathar the priest, Bring hither the ephod. "Then said David, O Lord God of Israel, thy servant hath certainly heard that Saul seeketh to come to Keilah, to destroy the city for my sake. "Will the men of Keilah deliver me up into his hand? Will Saul come down, as thy servant hath heard? O Lord God of Israel, I beseech thee, tell thy servant. And the Lord Said, He will come down." I Samuel 23:9-11. The twenty-eighth chapter of Exodus gives an account of the directions Moses received for making the breastplate of the high priest; the ephod; and the Urim and the Thummin; telling which stones should be used and how they should be set. Today Brazilian professional men are known by their rings. Doctors wear emeralds; lawyers, rubies; engineers, sapphires; and dentists, topazes. Did such customs originate from some secret knowledge? Or are these tales the fancies and imaginings of superstitious people? The readings given by Edgar Cayce shed much light on this subject. Many people were told in their readings that the vibrations of certain stones, gems or metals would be a helpful influence and they were advised to wear or keep these stones or metals about them. As the indexing is not completed, the exact number of people who were given such information is uncertain but a study of the suggestions given to 43 individuals reveals some interesting material. Sixteen different stones or gems and three specific metals were mentioned. Other gems and metals are conspicuous by their absence. For instance no one was told to wear sapphires or silver. Nor was jade, which has long been highly esteemed by the Chinese, the ancient Mayans and the Aztecs. While no one was told to wear silver, it was once referred to as a stabilizing influence. Lapis was advised for 10 of the 43 people and was mentioned more frequently than any other stone. The ruby and the pearl, however, were recommended 8 times each so are probably as helpful as lapis if we could know the law underlying their power or influence. The moonstone and the bloodstone were advised 5 times each; the opal 4 times; the amethyst and the diamond 3 times each; beryl and coral twice each; and the topaz, agate crystal, sardonyx, Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
chrysolite once. While not a stone, the scarab (petrified beetle) held sacred by the ancient Egytians, was also advised once. Three times no specific stone was recommended, only the color that the stone should be was given. Metals were recommended 6 different times. But let us see what influence the readings say these stones and metals have. We quote: Lapis ". . . it has been given that the lapis linguis is the name which was applied to touchstones, or those used by initiates in their various ceremonial activities." (Hence the stones acquired power through thought projections about them.) "Those that are of a psychic turn may hear the emanations as retained or thrown off by influence about such stones." 440-11 "Not that these should be merely considered as good luck stones that the entity should wear about itself often, or always; but the lapis ligurius would bring much that will act as a PROTECTIVE influence. This is the green stone, cu see, - the crystallization of copperand those Influences that are creative within themselves. . "For, as indicated from the influence of the lapis ligurius, there is the need for not only the copper ore, that is a part of man's OWN development in many fields, but the need for the very combination of its elements as PROTECTION to not only the material benefits but the bodily forces necessary for the transmission of benefits through its own physical being." 1931-1 "For the entity should always wear about the body the lapis lazuli or the lapis linguis; for these will bring strength to the body through the vibrations that are built in the innate experience of the entity from its sojourn in Egypt." 691-1
More specific information was given this individual in a later reading as a result of a question. Q: "If I were to wear the lapis linguis, as suggested in a previous reading, would it improve my mental, physical or spiritual condition?" A: "This naturally will make the body more sensitive to the higher vibrations. Not so much the physical health as the mental and spiritual influence would be substantially helped" 691-2 ―. . . The wearing of the stone lapis linguis would be an aid in the entity's periods of meditation, and would become a helpful influence. Not as a ‗lucky' charm‘, but rather as a helpful influence toward making for the ability to make decisions in dealing with mental attributes." 1058-1 "The lapis lazuli, worn close to the body would be well for the general health of the body...‖ 3416-1
Apparently the emanations from lapis are very strong, for several people were cautioned against direct contact with it. Thus: Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
"As to stone,- have near yourself, worn preferably upon the body, about the neck the lapis lazuli; this preferably encased in crystal. It will be not merely as an ornament but as strength from the emanation which will be gained by the body from it. For the stone is itself an emanation of vibrations of the elements that give vitality, virility, strength, and self-assurance. 1981-1 "The lapis lazuli . . , but this should be encased and worn-for this body- about the waist; not around the neck." 3053-3
The readings advised both lapis lazuli and lapis linguis. This led to some confusion; but there are several varieties of lapis. Lapis is generally a fine azure blue but some types have a green, violet or even a red tint. Lapis lazuli, is a deep-blue opaque stone which is well known in jewelry, having been used for centuries in ornaments. It was a favorite stone of the ancient Egyptians. Apparently the lapis linguis is not as well known, nor has it been used as much for jewelry. It is a green stone and is found in Arizona and in the southwest of the United States. Most of the lapis, which is used for jewelry today, comes from Russia or Switzerland: though large quantities are found in China and Chile also. The Russian lapis is more valuable because of its deeper, richer blue color, which is not true gold but is due to the copper mineral. The Swiss lapis has a grayer cast. Much of the material now sold, as lapis is an artificially colored hornstone or jasper. It is interesting to note that lapis is probably the sapphire of the old testament and of the ancient writers. Both Pliny and Job 28:6 make allusions to sapphires as stones specked or sprinkled with gold. True lapis, or lazurite should not be confused with lazulite, an aluminum magnesium phosphate, which is related to turquoise. Pearl "The entity should always keep a pearl about himself or upon his person, not only for the material vibration but for the ideal expression. For, it will be an omen, -not only because of the vibrations that it may give to self but because of keeping an even temperament, in fact, keeping his temper itself. "For, as is realized. . .and has often been analyzed by the entity. . .this is a precious stone that indicates in its formation, in its beauty, the hardship overcome by the very source that made the beauty of the stone itself." 2533-1 "The pearl should be worn close to the body; not as an ornament, but rather as that which gives strength to the body." 3374-1 "The pearl should be worn upon the body, or against the flesh of the body; for its vibrations are healing, as well as creative, -because of the very irritation that produced it, as a defense in the mollusk." 951-4
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
GEMSTONES CIRCULATING FILE "From those experiences we find that omens arise. Not that they influence, but create by their vibration an element through which the mental and the spiritual forces of the entity may vibrate for constructive experience in their activity.‖ "The pearl and the moonstone, these in combination or in their setting alone, are well to have about the body." 1037-1
Ruby "This individual attributes certain powers to the ruby-because of past experiences with it. The light or reflection from same, worn on hand or body, will enable the body to develop greater abilities for concentration.‖ "In this particular one (the ruby) there is that fitness with that which has been the experience of this soul, this entity, through material expression. Hence it is an aid, a crutch to lean upon. But as has always been given, let it be a steppingstone; not that upon which you only stand." 531-3 "You should have the diamond and ruby close to your body often, for their vibrations will keep the vibrations of the body in better attune with infinity and not with the purely mental or material things of life." 5322-1 "These should be the colors about the entity, as should be the stones of the ruby and the pearl. For these have their influences; the purity of the pearl, though under stress it may come into being; the valor and the strength that is imparted in the inner influence of the ruby about the body." 1144-2
Moonstone "In the material things...wear the moonstone; as an ornament, preferably as a ring, and have the influences of all the metals, but especially the platinum, about you. Their vibrations will keep your animation in accord with the best you may accomplish." 1620-2 "Wear the moonstone close to your body, or on your body. It will give strength, and it will keep that which is nearest to you closer to you; not as an omen but as a part of your mental and spiritual consciousness. Have it upon a chain, about your neck; not as an ornament but rather as a helpmeet, as an urge, as a vibration that will be most helpful." 5125-1
The following excerpt is interesting for several reasons. It not only recommends the moonstone but the opal and the pearl as well, and indicates that they should be worn in certain positions. "Hence the opal that is called the change, with the moonstone, should be stones about the body or entity. Wear the fire opal as a locket about the neck. 'This would be well. Not upon the hands nor upon the wrists, but about the neck.‖
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
GEMSTONES CIRCULATING FILE "Wear the others, as the pearl with moonstone or the like, as rings or amulets or anklets; but never wear these upon the neck or in the ear . . . rather upon the extremities; for they will maze for the bringing out . . . in the experiences of those the entity meets . . . of those very colors and vibrations to which the entity is so sensitive." 1406-1
Bloodstone "As to stones - the bloodstone, to be sure will bring more harmony as to vibrations."
Amethyst "Well that the entity have the stones or minerals about self when in periods of meditation, or in those periods when it may find itself the more easily attuned to the influences that may use the body, either in the healing forces that flow through . . . through its attunements, or through the visions and the associations of the entity; use the chrysolite or the amethyst. For the color purple should be close to the body; and the perfumes or odors as of lavender have their influence . . . not in great quantity, but that which snakes for attunements." 688-2 "In the choice of stones, do wear the amethyst as a pendant about the neck, as a part of the jewelry. This will also work with the colors to control temperament." 3806-1
Coral "Coral should be about the entity at all times; worn, -not as a charm, not t other than the vibrations of the body as related to it. Because of the very nature of its construction, and the very activity of the soul forces of the entity, this would become a helpful influence in the experience of the entity. Hence this we would wear about the body, but against the flesh.‖ "All things that have to do with such marine activities will be a part of the entity's ULTIMATE activity in this material experience. "Through the very indications of that element as would be helpful in its experience (the coral), we find that the entity is highly sensitive to intuitive forces, spiritual aspects, spiritual imports." 2073-2 "Any jewelry or ornaments that are of coral would be well, for this is . . . as it represents, as it is in itself of Creative Forces, or from the water itself. Red or white, or coral in any form." 307-15
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Topaz "Keep the topaz as a stone about you always. Its beauty, its purity, its clarity, will bring you strength." 2281-1
The two following excerpts give still another angle and are quoted because of the more general information which they contain. The latter one suggests that even modern plastics might be helpful to some. This entity had gained fame and power in the Egyptian period, from his work in the arts, "and especially in the placing of stones. In the present, the innate desire to feel precious stones, to compare them, to watch their change in color comes from this experience. These will bring much judgment to the entity, and the beryl and scarab should always be a portion of the entity's dress; either worn as an amulet, or a ring, or the like, it will make for safety in the entity's present experience." 1719-1 "Well that there be carried on the person the sardonyx stone (that is, in its semiprecious state); either in statuettes, pins, buttons, or a piece of it carried. Not as a protection but rather for the vibratory forces that influence the choices made by the mental forces of the entity itself. Statuettes, frames or the like are well. Much of the same vibrations may be obtained from using those combinations of stone made from the soya bean; that may act in much the same capacity. Figures made of same are well to have about the entity's SLEEPING quarters or abode." 1528-1
Importance of Color of Stone "As to stones, -those of the yellow tint or nature would be the better. These bring the vibrations for more harmonious influence in one who is especially influenced in Mercury, Venus and Mars. For, as each of these is indicated in the white, the red, the blue, the yellow harmonizes in same." 2648-1 "As to stones,-the blue or white stone should be as a lavaliere about the body. This is the better form of vibration for the entity, keeping a gentler and more open temperament." 2683-1 "We find that the crystal as a stone, or any white stone, has a helpful influence ... if carried about the body." 2285-1
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Metals "Do not take this as superstition, or as something that would be a good luck charm, - but if the entity will wear about its person, or in its pocket, a metal that is carbon steel . . . preferably in the trousers pocket . . . it will ionize the body.... From its very vibrations it will enable the body to resist cold, congestion, and those inclinations for disturbance with the mucous membranes of the throat and nasal passages.... This is a needed element, then, about the body." 1842- 1 "Gold in the form of circles or of many bangles, and the like, are better for the entity than stones; with the exception of diamonds." 852-12 ". . . . while the fire opal, the lapis or copper in its ELEMENTAL form, bring great passion, intenseness, the abilities to loose emotions through the very centers of the body for the closer association of the spiritual with the activative influences of the mental self." 1580-1
These quotations give a very good idea of the effect one might expect a stone or metal to have. But, one asks, did these people really find them helpful? Were they aware of any such influence as the readings suggest? It was impossible to obtain a report from 10 of the people, whose readings were studied. We have a report, however, from 16 of the group. Seven did find the stones helpful and felt their influence but experienced no feeling of physical vibration. Two who had obtained the stones suggested in their readings expressed a genuine attachment to them though they were conscious of no specific influence. Three others reported that they had not obtained the stone or gem; and four more reported they had worn the stone but had observed no effect whatever. One of these last three, however, had worn the stone only one month. Two of the favorable reports were from individuals who felt a strong protective influence from lapis. Atomic Energy Present day interest in atomic energy with its dependence on minerals or metals makes stones take on even added importance. Moreover we are forced to consider whether they are to be used for weal or woe. As gems are the highest form of the mineral kingdom they would have a higher vibratory rate and possibly more atomic energy. The following excerpts are very significant. "Each element, each stone, each variety of stone, has its own atomic movement, held together by the units of energy that in the universe are concentrated in that particular activity. Hence, they come under varied activities according to their color, vibration or emanation." 531-3 "For, the very elements of body . . . through which spirit and mind manifest . . . are atomic in their nature. Hence so are the elements of this stone indicated, that partakes of most of the elements that are to man of great influence or power, because of their representation in the body." 1931-1 Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
The following quotation makes one wonder even more. Q. "What is the best substance for induction, conduction, transmission of etheronic energy?" A. "This is as raised power that would be produced from a combination of crystals. This should be rather interesting to this body, for it is very much like what was used by the body in destructive forces in the Atlantean sojourn! Not that which caused the cosmic ray, or the death ray, or the healing ray ... but the ray that came from setting of the prismatic influences from high heating . . . it may be from Arcturus or it may be from the Sun; though Arcturus would be nearer proper. The Sun may be induced for destructive or constructive forces, either one." 440-3
Conclusions Generalizations from this material are rather difficult to draw. Certainly one can find no relation between the so called birthstone and the information given in the readings. Nor can any one stone be recommended for a specific purpose, though the two following quotations seem to indicate certain specific influences. "Hence the radial activity of radium, as well as the strengthening influences of gold, the stabilizing influence of silver, are all a part of those elements that make for the transmission through the activity of the very vibratory forces themselves." 1931-1 "There are, then, certain, individuals who when wearing a fire opal would be hard individuals to deal with when it came to sex. There would be others having different effects. The same individual wearing the moonstone might find that it would bring peace, harmony and the tendency toward spiritual things. There are those to whom the bloodstone brings harmony, and less of the tendencies for anger, and so with each." 5094-1
We can say, however, that all stones do have a vibratory rate and give off emanations which have a sphere of influence. All stones are strengthening and aid in attuning to the higher Creative Forces, thus helping us to become our better selves. "An attunemert is made through such vibrations, just as there may be with the tungsten in a portion of a vacuum that may raise those sound waves that through their relativity of activity of the electrical vibration that makes for the activity of the atomic forces in same give that which is gathered from the ether waves . . . . . . But know these, my child, are but means . . . and not the GodForce, not the Spirit, but the manifestations of same. "So, whether from the vibrations of numbers, of metals, of stones, these are merely to become the necessary influences to put you in attunement, make you one with the Creative Forces; just as the pitch of a song of praise is not the song nor the message therein, but is a helpmeet for those that would find strength in the service of the Lord. So use them to attune yourself. How, you ask? As you apply, you are given the next step." 707-2 Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
GEMSTONES CIRCULATING FILE The stone which would be most helpful is an individual matter, and depends upon the entity's own development or vibratory rate. "We would then find the stone that is nearest in accord with the vibrations of the body that uses it the most effective with that particular body. Yet the very nature of the thing makes it effective with any—any human body, you see; but the more effective with one that is more in accord, or whose positive and negative vibrations are according with the stone itself, for it throws off as well as draws in, you see, through the positive-negative vibration. This assists, then, in the unison as a relationship. This is a comparison . . . don't confuse it and say that it is electricity; it is electrical, of course, in its vibration, but as the stone in its vibration is then in sympathy with a body that is also sympathetic . . . or may be said to be sensitive it assists in ‗stepping up' the sensitiveness of the body ...... in making it more powerful. Towards what? Towards the effectiveness in its sensitiveness (that is, the body) as to what it may be seeking. Hence, as given of old, use such for the abilities to become more of all those influences called in the present psychic, clairaudient, or any of those vibrations that build up or ‗step up' a body. Also effective, of course, in bringing to the body the abilities to become more effective in giving out of itself for activity in any of these various directions." 440-18
Just as the color of our auras indicates our vibratory rate it seems that the color of the stone, indicates, or is related to, its vibratory rate. Moreover, this relationship gives the only clue we have as to how one might find the most helpful stone without a reading. "The auras as compared to the stones, these should work in ninety-nine per cent of the conditions where these are considered as those things that work with, not against, the colors seen in the auras; that is, those whose auras contain the fire signs should never wear opals, and they will even fade flowers when worn on their bodies." 5294-1
This, however, would require an aurascope or a highly developed psychic, who is able to see auras or at least sense the color about us, to aid us in our search.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Tuaoi Stone – An Enigma by John H. Sutton, Ph.D.* A.R.E. Journal, January 1974 According to Edgar Cayce, misuse of the Tuaoi Stone (pronounced "toooye" [1]) destroyed a continent and a civilization; yet, like nuclear energy, it had positive and useful aspects as well - it provided energy for daily life in Atlantis. What was this device? How did it work? What was the source of energy? These questions are of immediate interest in view of the current energy crisis. The problems generated by increased use of fossil fuels and fission reactors are well known [2] and dictate that new sources of energy be tapped soon. Currently private industry is investing significant capital for the development of controlled fusion [3], which would provide all of the world's energy needs from fuel extracted from seawater. It is likely that the Atlanteans in a similar situation financed similar research and that the result involved the Tuaoi Stone. The fact that the Tuaoi Stone was also used to reduce the force of gravity on objects is of particular interest. Such a feat could significantly reduce the rate of energy consumption by the machines of our mechanized society. To attempt to solve the mystery of the Tuaoi Stone, let us quote pertinent Cayce readings [4] (making the postulate, of course, that the information contained in the readings is substantially correct) and compare them with recent scientific developments reported in the literature. The first reading excerpt gives a general description of the Tuaoi Stone and the progression of its development in communications to that of a large energy radiator or distribution center. The parallels with modern lasers are obvious: Q. Going back to the Atlantean incarnation - what was the Tuaoi stone? Of what shape or form was it? A. It was in the form of a six-sided figure, in which the light appeared as the means of communication between infinity and the finite; or the means whereby there were the communications with those forces from the outside. Later this came to mean that from which the energies radiated, as of the center from which there were the radial activities guiding the various forms of transition or travel through those periods of activity of the Atlanteans. It was set as a crystal, though in quite a different form from that used there. Do not confuse these two, then, for there were many generations of difference. It was in those periods when there was the directing of aeroplanes, or means of travel; though these in that time would travel in the air, or on the water, or under the water, just the same. Yet the force from which these were directed was in this central power station, or Tuaoi stone; which was as the beam upon which it acted. In the beginning it was the source from which there was the spiritual and mental contact. *
Dr. Sutton is currently employed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, working on applications of low energy plasmas. He received his Ph.D. degree from American University, where his graduate work included the development of "what may be the fastest electron gun in the world. " His hobbies include electronics, parapsychology, UFOs, and "anything else which might provide a clue toward the understanding of gravity. Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
GEMSTONES CIRCULATING FILE Understand, these are the following of laws - if there would be the understanding or comprehension of these. For, as has been given, the basis, the beginning of law carries all the way through. And that which comes or begins first is conceived in spirit, grows in the mental, manifests in the material; as was this central force in the Atlantean experience. First it was the means and source or manner by which the powers that be made the centralization for making known to the children of men, and children of God, the directing forces or powers. Man eventually turned this into that channel for destructive forces - and it is growing towards this in the present. 2072-10
The following is the most detailed description of the "firestone" in the Cayce readings. It describes a typical Atlantean power station and applications to various modes of transportation and to the medical field. Accidental misuse caused the second of the destructions of Atlantis. A hint is given relative to archeological remains, which are emblematic of the "firestone." Q. Give an account of the electrical and mechanical knowledge of the entity as Asal-Sine in Atlantis. A. Yes, we have the entity's activities during that experience. As indicated, the entity was associated with those that dealt with the mechanical appliances and their application during the experience. And, as we find, it was a period when there was much that has not even been thought of as yet in the present experiences. About the firestone that was in the experience did the activities of the entity then make those applications that dealt with both the constructive and destructive forces in the period. It would be well that there be given something of a description of this, that it may be better understood by the entity in the present, as to how both constructive and destructive forces were generated by the activity of this stone. In the center of a building, that today, would be said to have been lined with nonconductive metals, or non-conductive stone - something akin to asbestos, with the combined forces of bakerite [bakelite?] or other nonconductors that are now being manufactured in England under a name that is known well to many of those that deal in such things. The building above the stone was oval, or a dome wherein there could be or was the rolling back, so that the activity of the stone was received from the sun's rays, or from the stars; the concentrating of the energies that emanate from bodies that are on fire themselves - with the elements that are found and that are not found in the earth's atmosphere. The concentration through the prisms or glass, as would be called in the present, was in such a manner that it acted upon the instruments that were connected with the various modes of travel, through induction methods - that made much the character of control as the remote control through radio vibrations or directions would be in the present day; though the manner of the force that was impelled from the stone acted upon the motivating forces in the crafts themselves.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
GEMSTONES CIRCULATING FILE There was the preparation so that when the dome was rolled back there might be little or no hindrance in the application direct to the various crafts that were to be impelled through space, whether in the radius of the visioning of the one eye, as it might be called, or whether directed under water or under other elements or through other elements. The preparation of this stone was in the hands only of the initiates at the time, and the entity was among those that directed the influences of the radiation that arose in the form of the rays that were invisible to the eye but that acted upon the stones themselves as set in the motivating forces - whether the aircraft that were lifted by the gases in the period or whether guiding the more pleasure vehicles that might pass along close to the earth, or what would be termed the crafts on the water or under the water. These, then, were impelled by the concentrating of the rays from the stone that was centered in the middle of the power station, or power house (that would be termed in the present). In the active forces of these the entity brought destructive forces, by the setting up - in various portions of the land - the character that was to act as producing the powers in the various forms of the people's activities in the cities, the towns, the countries surrounding same. These, not intentionally, were tuned too high - and brought the second period of destructive forces to the peoples in the land, and broke up the land into the isles that later became the periods when the further destructive forces were brought in the land. Through the same form of fire the bodies of individuals were regenerated, by the burning - through the application of the rays from the stone, the influences that brought destructive forces to an animal organism. Hence the body rejuvenated itself often, and remained in that land until the eventual destruction, joining with the peoples that made for the breaking up of the land - or joining with Baalilal at the final destruction of the land. In this the entity lost. At first, it was not the intention nor desire for destructive forces. Later it was for the ascension of power itself. As to describing the manner of construction of the stone, we find it was a large cylindrical glass (as would be termed today), cut with facets in such a manner that the capstone on top of same made for the centralizing of the power or force that concentrated between the end of the cylinder and the capstone itself. As indicated [see 996-121, the records of the manners of construction of same are in three places in the earth, as it stands today: In the sunken portions of Atlantis, or Poseidia, where a portion of the temples may yet be discovered, under the slime of ages of sea water - near what is known as Bimini, off the coast of Florida. And in the temple records that were in Egypt, where the entity later acted in cooperation with others in preserving the records that came from the land where these had been kept. Also the records that were carried to what is now Yucatan in America, where these stones (that they know so little about) are now - during the last few months - being uncovered. Ready for questions. Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
GEMSTONES CIRCULATING FILE Q. Is it for this entity to again learn the use of these stones? A. When there has come those individuals who will purify themselves in the manner necessary for the gaining of the knowledge and the entering into the chambers where these may be found; yes - if the body will purify itself. In '38 it should come about, should the entity - or others may - be raised. In Yucatan there is the emblem of same. Let's clarify this, for it may be the more easily found - for they will be brought to this America, these United States. A portion is to be carried, as we find, to the Pennsylvania State Museum. A portion is to be carried to the Washington preservations of such findings, or to Chicago. The stones that are set in the front of the temple, between the service temple and the outer court temple - or the priest activity, for later there arose (which may give a better idea of what is meant) the activities of the Hebrews from this - in the altar that stood before the door of the tabernacle. This altar or stone, then, in Yucatan, stands between the activities of the priest (for, of course, this is degenerated from the original use and purpose, but is the nearest and closest one to being found) ... Q. How many facets did the crystals previously referred to have? A. Would be better were these taken from that pattern of same that will be eventually put in the museum in Pennsylvania. For, as given, do not confuse self in the attempt to use something without having prepared self to know what to do with same - and bring, unintentionally as before, destructive forces in the experience of self and those about self. Not that this should not be sought. Not that information may not be asked for, but be sure that the records are read - and those that have been given may only be read by those who have cleansed themselves, or purified themselves! 440-5
A portion of the same material is repeated in almost identical form in another reading given two months later for another individual. Control of gravity through application of the "terrible crystal" is described. Before that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land when there were the preparations of those things that had pertained to the ability for the application of appliances to the various elements known as electrical forces in the present day; as to the manners and ways in which the various crafts carried individuals from place to place, and what may be known in the present as the photographing from a distance, or the fields of activity that showed the ability for reading inscriptions through walls - even at distances, or for the preparations of the elevations in the various activities where there was the overcoming of (termed today) the forces of nature or gravity itself; and the preparations through the crystal, the mighty, the terrible crystal that made for the active principles in these, were a portion of the activity of the entity in that experience. 519-1
The following excerpt hints that the composition of the crystals is the same as that of the ones which occur naturally in the earth and depicts applications to communications, lighting, heating, transportation, etc. Misuse of the crystals, accidental or otherwise, is credited with the first destruction of Atlantis (as is the second!). Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
GEMSTONES CIRCULATING FILE The name then, as we would term in the present, was Deui (pronounced Dar, or DR); and the entity was active in the recording of the messages, the directing of those forces that came with the use of the light that formed the rays upon which the influence from without was crystallized into what would become as the sound from the outer realm to the static or individual realm. These were not only the rays from the sun, set by the facets of the stones as crystallized from the heat from within the elements of the earth itself, but were as the combination of these. For it was these gasses, these influences that were used for what we call today the conveniences as for light, heat, motivative forces; or radial activity, electrical combinations; the motivative forces of steam, gas and the like - for the conveniences. Then this entity, Deui, was among those who attempted to make such influences a part of the experience of those who were - as indicated - the producers of that used for food, clothing; for the machines as it were for the producing of these - as we would call them today; rather than the machines used for the sources of the correlating or centralizing or crystallizing of the activity in their very forms. The use of these influences by the Sons of Belial brought, then, the first of the upheavals; or the turning of the etheric rays' influence from the Sun - as used by the Sons of the Law of One - into the facet for the activities of same - produced what we would call a volcanic upheaval; and the separating of the land into several islands - five in number. 877-26
In the following, the word "prisms" is used instead of "crystals." . . . those mighty upheavals from the destructive forces used for the people from the prisms' activities ...
The next reading excerpt, which again applies to the period of the first destruction, suggests that energy from the crystals was directed into pits in the ground. [5] This in turn immediately suggests the mechanism by which volcanic upheavals were triggered - i.e., by melting of naturally occurring crystals in the earth's crust. When there were those destructive forces brought through the creating of the high inffuences of the radial activity from the rays of the sun, that were turned upon the crystals into the pits that made for the connections with the internal influences of the earth. 263-4
In the next selection, it is suggested that energy from the "great crystals" could be stored. . . . in Poseidia the entity dwelt among those where there was the storage, as it were, of the motivative forces in nature from the great crystals that so condensed the lights, the forms, the activities, as to guide not only the ship upon the bosom of the sea but in the air and in many of those now known conveniences for man as Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
GEMSTONES CIRCULATING FILE in the transmission of the body, as in the transmission of the voice, as in the recording of those activities in what is soon to become a practical thing in so creating the vibrations as to make for television - as it is termed in the present. 813-1
Finally, a hint is given concerning the technique for generating gravity fields. This reading pertains to the Egyptian period, but we know from information in 440-5 that instructions for the fabrication of the power crystals were stored in Egypt after the final destruction of Atlantis and may yet be found there. Q-14. How was this particular Great Pyramid of Gizeh built? A-14. By the use of those forces in nature as make for iron to swim. Stone floats in the air in the same manner. This will be discovered in '58. 5748-6
From these readings one can draw the following picture of the Tuaoi Stone (appropriate reading references are noted): (1) It became hot. 440-5 (2) It was large. 440-5 (3) It received its energy from the sun and from elements that are and are not found in the earth's atmosphere. 440-5 (4) It consisted of prisms or a "glass." 440-5, 813-1, 877-26, 820-1 (5) It employed induction methods. 440-5, 5748-6 (6) It employed a kind of wave energy other than electromagnetic. 440-5, 519-1 (7) The energy could be emitted in a beam to which water and other matter is transparent. 440-5, 519-1 (8) The beam was invisible. 440-5 (9) The beam transmitted enough power for the needs of a city. 440-5 (10) It could be used to retard the aging process. 440-5 (11) It consisted of two separate pieces - a cylinder and capstone. 440-5 (12) The energy produced was concentrated between the two pieces. 440-5 (13) Representations of it will be found in Yucatan. 440-5, 364-4 (14) The crystal was cylindrical, six-sided, or was of hexagonal crosssection. 440-5, 2072-10 (15) Light waves were used for communications with extraterrestrial intelligence. 877-26, 2072-10 (16) Misuse, accidental or otherwise, of the Stone caused geological upheavals. 440-5, 877-26 These notes form only a sketchy picture. A clearer one will emerge after consideration of the following material. The starting point is a Cayce reading excerpt, [6] not quoted above, referring to T.J.J. See. Thomas Jefferson Jackson See was for a while, around the turn of the century, an astronomer at the U.S. Naval Observatory in Washington, D.C., in charge of the 26-inch refractor telescope. He later worked at the observatory at Mare Island, California. He was a 19th century Newtonian who refused to accept relativity or quantum mechanics. He wrote a fourteen-volume treatise refuting relativity in favor of the classical theories of Laplace and Newton. Of course, modern physical theory is Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
still open to criticism. Even today, certain aspects of Einstein's general theory of relativity have not been reliably confirmed. This must await refined and repeated measurements. Reference [7] provides an example of the turmoil generated by even reasonably well-established parts of relativity theory. It is a book devoted exclusively to the twin paradox and contains a list of 305 primary references to papers on this topic alone. Einstein denied that one popular interpretation of quantum mechanics represents reality. [8,9] Although Lande has made a case for particles [10-13] in the struggle of the wave-particle duality, Hayes [14] argues in favor of waves. So, even if T.J.J. See seems old-fashioned today, he may yet provide us with a clue. What is the gist of T.J.J. See's work? From examination of the three volumes of his Wave Theory [15] which I have seen, it is clear that See believed that gravity, as well as all other interactions between particles, is caused by waves. See's theory is a classical wave theory. Newton's law of gravitational force between two distributed masses is governed by the equation (See's notation):
The last integral (over the wavelength) may be identified with the gravitational constant. Except for a problem involving the deceleration of orbiting satellites (which might be solved by application of a theorem due to Larmor [16]), this is an intuitively satisfying theory. One can picture every accelerating particle of matter in the universe radiating gravity waves, the resulting wave flux causing, by radiation pressure, the observed gravitational phenomena such as, for example, the apple falling on Newton's head. The speculations of Cheschev and Kramerovsky [17] about the variation of the gravitational constant and the diameter of the earth with time, together with the postulated expansion of the universe with time, agree qualitatively with See's wave theory. See admits that the wave idea is not original with him, attributing the original suggestion to Newton himself. Newton did, in fact, make the suggestion in his Opticks. [18] In this connection it is interesting to note the following Cayce reading excerpt. What is gravitation? The centralization of vibratory force, ready to be changed in power by non-activity, see? 195-54
Having been given the clue that waves may be the key to understanding gravity and therefore the Tuaoi Stone, let us look at some recent developments Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
in physics in chronological order. All postdate the Cayce readings by many years. In their paper of May, 1964, Chiao and Townes [19] describe the generation of coherent hypersonic sound waves in quartz and sapphire. This was done by focusing an intense light beam from a pulsed ruby laser into the interior of each crystal. The effect may be thought of as a coupling between the sound waves and the light waves due to electrostriction, or as the generation of a beat frequency between the two light frequencies due to the quadratic dependence of the electric-field-generated pressure in the crystal. The effect exhibits a threshold of about 1 megawatt/cm2 and, hence, could not have been demonstrated without a high power coherent source such as the ruby laser. The same effect was later found in liquids, [20] gases, and in glass. [21] Kroll [22] has published a classical theory to explain the phenomenon. Reference [23] provides a good review of this field. A theory of the gravitational radiation of microscopic systems such as molecules and nuclei was offered by Halpern and Laurent [24] in August 1964. Then in December, 1965, Kopvillem and Nagibarov published their fascinating paper [25] in which they point out that, because of the association of electric charges with the masses of the nuclei of ions in a crystal, laser pumping can generate huge numbers of mass multipole moments (mass distributions) in addition to the electric multipole moments. It is precisely the mass multipole moments (higher than dipole order) which Einstein's general theory of relativity requires for the generation of gravity waves [26] Since these papers appeared, others have shown that broad-spectrum pumping [27] with lower power [28] lasers can generate hypersonic waves. In 1971, Halpern [29] suggested that high frequency gravity waves might be detected by using a large collection of atoms cooled down to the ground state. Gravity waves would excite some of these atoms. Some of the resulting excited atoms would de-excite by radiation of visible light photons, which could be detected by a photomultiplier tube. More recently, Campbell and Morgan, [3o] and Olsen [3l] discuss the possibilities of self-focusing, and wave guide-like propagation of gravity waves. Putting these ideas together, one might imagine a gravity wave generator (GWG) consisting of a fusion reactor, a high power ruby laser, and a block of quartz. The source of energy would be deuterium in a laser-induced fusion reaction. Some of the energy released would be used to power a second laser, which would excite intense hypersonic sound waves in the quartz, resulting in an intense beam of gravity waves. High frequencies are necessary because of the sixth power frequency dependence of the radiation efficiency of mass multipoles. [26] The much lower frequencies used by Weber [32] are chiefly responsible for the extreme difficulty of his gravity wave experiments. At the receiving end of the gravity wave beam, one can imagine another block of quartz emitting light and heat from the photon decays of some of the atomic excited states caused by the absorption of gravity waves. It has been shown theoretically [33,34] that a time dependent gravity field (e.g., gravity waves) could give rise to a static field. A modification of this scheme would involve the elimination of the quartz, which would generate sound waves in the 10-10 Hz. (10,000,000,000 cycles per second) range, in favor of a large ruby amplifier operating at the laser frequency Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
of about 10-15 Hz. This would be desirable due to the frequency dependence of the radiation efficiency mentioned above. These schemes involve intense hypersonic waves in crystals, which can cause fracturing, although cooling to liquid nitrogen temperature has helped in certain circumstances. [35] Owing to the smallness of the gravitational constant, energy densities orders of magnitude greater than those so far attained must be maintained in crystals in order for them to become effective GWGs. Undoubtedly, perfect single crystals would be required so that the magnitudes of losses by way of competing energy loss mechanisms, e.g., heat, would be reduced. Let us compare the above picture of a GWG with the descriptions of the Tuaoi Stone in the Cayce readings. Items (1) and (2) agree. The power requirements of an average sized city would be at least of the order of 1,000 Mwatts (megawatts). With an overall efficiency of 99.9%, 1 Mwatt would be dissipated in the form of heat. Such a machine would necessarily be built on the scale of a Mack truck, not on that of a wristwatch. The GWG would derive its energy from the fusion of deuterium and/or hydrogen which, depending on one's interpretation of the words "earth's atmosphere," are and are not found in the earth's atmosphere. A literal interpretation that the Tuaoi Stone derived its energy directly from the sun poses difficulties. Electromagnetic energy arrives at the surface of the earth at a rate of about one kilowatt/sq. yd., depending on cloud cover, latitude, and time of day (or night). Consequently, an area the size of several football fields would be required for the collection of the sun's energy. Conceivably a super Astrodome could be built, but the readings don't indicate that domes of this magnitude were employed. Alternatively, the Tuaoi Stone might have been an efficient neutrino absorber. It has been estimated [36] that a significant fraction of the sun's energy output is given off in the form of neutrinos. The small interaction cross section for neutrinos seems to preclude this idea. Item (4) poses no problems except for the interpretation of the word "glass" as a telescope, a prism, a mirror or, alternatively, as a description of the material used. Neodymium glass is currently a popular material for high power pulsed laser amplifiers. The words "prisms" or "mirrors" fit the description of any solid laser. Items (5) and (6) seem to agree with the GWG concept. Iron can be made to float in the air above a properly designed [37] electromagnet excited by ac current. An analogous induction situation may exist for gravity waves. Items (7) and (8) agree. Gravity waves and neutrinos are invisible and travel through water, mountains, and even the whole earth. Indeed, the whole problem with intercepting either one is that it is hard to do. Item (9) defines the size of the GWG. Item (10) is puzzling. Current research seems to have narrowed down the search for the causes of aging to the individual cell. [36] Of course, radiationinduced cell modification is well known. Incidentally, a device, which disintegrates cholesterol deposited on walls of blood vessels, through the application of ultrasonics, has recently been patented.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Items (11) through (13) seem to agree with the GWG concept. During the time of reading 440-5 (December, 1933) and over a period from 1931 until 1938, expeditions under the direction of E.R. Johnson excavated a site in Guatemala called Piedras Negras ("black stones"). The stone monuments from this "Old Empire" Maya city are similar to others found elsewhere in Yucatan. In reference [39] may be found a description of these monuments: "A Maya „monument' is a stone object of considerable size. Usually it was carved according to some design, though unsculptured plain ones are not uncommon; one may guess that painted designs have been lost from the latter. Plain or sculptured, most monuments were placed in obvious relationship to ceremonial masonry platforms or buildings, or at least close to them ... the most numerous and typical form was that of a 'stela,' and next in order came various types of „altars.' Often these two types were placed together, forming a 'stela-altar pair' . . . Altar 10 . . . is typical in that it was partially embedded in the pavement, and lay flat. Rarely (at Caracol and elsewhere) the arrangement might be varied by setting the horizontal slab on legs forming a „table altar.' Stelae were always more or less long, slender shafts rising vertically from the pavement." In reference [40] may be found this description: "On the low terraces in front of the temples, stelae or upright carved monuments were erected. These were apparently to mark the passage of time, to accompany ceremonies connected with the calendar, or possibly to record prophecies of future events. At Piedras Negras they were erected almost every five years during a period of three centuries. The front, and sometimes the back also, was usually carved with figures of deities or ceremonial scenes, and the narrower sides were generally filled with hieroglyphs that give, among other data, the date." The stelae range in size from about 8 feet to about 25 feet tall.41 The altar stones are roughly circular, [42] one to two meters in diameter and from 1/4 to 1/2 meter thick. The inscriptions found on an altar stone are carved inside an outline exhibiting four-sided symmetry. The tall, prismatic stelae might be called "calendar stones" for each has a dedicatory date carved on it. Some excellent photographs and drawings of representative stelae and altars may be found in ref. [39]. Item (14) may give a clue to the type of crystal used. Assuming "six-sided" does not mean, "brick shaped," but rather refers to the shape of the cross section of a natural crystal, one finds that both ruby and crystalline quartz fit the description. Ruby, a form of corundum, has a hexagonal crystal structure. Crystal quartz is classed as trigonal [43] and has a hexagonal cross section. Item (15) poses difficulties. Recently Apollo astronauts placed corner-cube laser retroreflectors on the moon to be used to return laser radar beams. Communications with extraterrestrial intelligence located physically outside our solar system, however, would be too slow if the information were to travel at the speed of light. The nearest star, is 41/2 light years distant, implying nine-year pauses in a star-to-star conversation. Tachyons44 may provide the answer. These hypothetical faster-than-light particles are not, outlawed by Einstein's relativity equations. These equations only make it impossible to find enough energy to accelerate a particle of finite mass to a speed greater than that of light, Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
c. A particle born with a speed in excess of c is not prevented by relativity from continuing on its way. If these particles could be generated, they could serve as a communications medium because they would signal their passage by emission of Czerenkov (electromagnetic) radiation. Item (16) agrees with the GWG concept. Assuming that intense gravity waves were generated in crystalline quartz, crystalline quartz, which occurs in granite in concentrations as high as 25% in the earth's crust, would absorb energy from a beam directed into it. Melting of the granite might trigger slippage along natural faults. Due to the lack of gravity wave reflectors, GWGs would necessarily be double ended. A beam aimed towards a gravity-controlled aircraft, for example, would be accompanied by another beam directed into the ground. These comparisons seem to indicate that the Cayce readings describe some sort of laser-fusion reactor-GWG combination, which is within the technical capabilities of present day science. Experiments involving the laboratory generation and detection of high-frequency gravity waves may already have been done. To determine the accuracy of these speculations, one can look forward with anticipation for news in the next few years of the development of controlled fusion reactors. Research in this area is proceeding rapidly – particularly in the U.S.S.R. Another area to watch for progress in understanding of the operation of the Tuaoi Stone is that of low temperature physics, as suggested by this final excerpt: Q. . . . 'A mechanical device might be constructed where a vacuum even excluding ether could be drawn and maintained, developing thereby a levitating force; this similar to that force which exerts pressure upward when air is pumped into a steel barrel while submerged below surface of a medium such as water. This levitating force will be utilized in many ways, particularly in so called heavier than air ships, with the result that air navigation will be possible without the use of wings or gas. " Is this correct? A. This correct when the elements must be made so condensed in their form as to prevent the ether in its finer sense from being, or escaping through the various elements that are ordinarily used for creating of such vacuums . . . That is, the container - you can get it here - a container in which a vacuum may be made must be of such a condensed element as to prevent ether from going through the atomic forces of the element itself, as is seen in that of an electric bulb - this is not a vacuum, only a portion! To the finite mind this is considered as such, but were the same character - or these same conditions produced in a different way - then these may be made to become an element that would act in that way and manner, see? As is seen at present, helium becomes the greater usage in containers that may be made; yet these themselves (This is working from the opposite side, see?) - but were those gases, or those metals used that the supply of helium itself becomes the container for the vacuum itself, see? this condensed, see? into a metal form, then the vacuum may be made that would lift without being lifted, see? 195-70
A list of useful references (written with the standard abbreviations employed in the scientific literature) has been appended to this article to aid anyone who wishes to do further research on this fascinating subject. Readers Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
are invited to make comments or suggestions, particularly with regard to the availability of the rare copies of the works of T.J.J. See. References 1. Mrs. Gladys Davis Turner, private communication. 2. Readers concerned about local power companies converting to fission reactor power should read the valuable series of articles in Science: "Nuclear Safety," Science, in four parts, 1 Sept., 8 Sept., 15 Sept., and 22 Sept. 1972, by Robert Gillette; "Fission: The Pro's and Cons of Nuclear Power," 13 Oct. 1972, by Allen Hammond; "Laser Fusion: A New Approach to Thermonuclear Power," 29 Sept. 1972, by W.D. Metz; and "Social Institutions and Nuclear Energy," by A.M. Weinberg, 7 July 1972. 3. R/D News Notes, "Laser-Produced Fusion Gets More support as Cryogenic Power Transmission Study Continues," in Res. & Dev. 23, No. 7, Jy. 1972. (Note: R & D is an industrial research periodical.) 4. In contrast with the practice employed in some earlier articles concerning the Cayce readings, now out of print, these are direct quotes, not paraphrases. Consequently, readers who compare reading excerpts quoted here with some older documents may notice slight differences in wording. Also, no incidental allusions to reincarnation and other controversial subjects have been deleted. 5. This excerpt brings to mind related material concerning "blast electricity" given by another esoteric source: The Fate of Colonel Fawcett, by Geraldine Cummins, Aquarian Press, London, 1955. Also see Fawcett's autobiography: Exploration Fawcett, Hutchinson, 1924, or Companion Book Club, London, 1954. 6. [4401, private communication. During a reading concerning the development of an antigravity device, the suggestion was given that the works of See would be fundamental to an understanding of gravitation. 7. Marder, L., Time and the Space Traveller, U. Penn. Press, Philadelphia, 1971. 8. Shankland, R.S., "Conversations with Albert Einstein," Am. J. Phys. 31, No. 1, 47, Jan. 1963. 9. Ballentine, L.E., "Einstein's Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics," Am. J. Phys. 40, No. 12, 1763, Dec. 1972. 10. Lande, A., From Dualism to Unity in Quantum Physics, Cambridge Univ. Press, London, 1960. 11. Lande, A., "Quantum Fact and Fiction," Am. J. Phys. 33, 123, 1965. 12. Lande, A., "Quantum Fact and Fiction," Am. J. Phys. 34, 1160, 1966. 13. Lande, A., "Quantum Fact and Fiction," Am. J. Phys. 37, 541, 1969. 14. Hayes, M.V.V., A Unified Field Theory, Stinehour Press, Lunenburg, Vt., 1964. 15. See, T.J.J., Wave Theory, Published in fourteen volumes by Wheldon and Wesley, Ltd., London, Nichols Press, Lynn, Mass. 16. Poynting, J.H., Collected Scientific Papers, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1920. (Postscript by Sir J. Larmor titled "Retardation by Radiation Pressure, A Correction.") 17. Cheschev, V.P., and Kramarovsky, Ya. M., "Are the Fundamental Constants Constant?" Contemp. Phys. 13, No. 1, 61, Jun. 1972. 18. Newton, I., Opticks, 4th ed., Book Three, Part I, Quest. 31. 19. Chiao, R.Y., and Townes, C.H., "Stimulated Brillouin Scattering and Coherent Generation of Intense Hypersonic Waves," Phys. Rev. Lott. 12, No. 21, 592, 25 May 1964. 20. Garmire, E., and Townes, C.H., "Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in Liquids," Appl. Phys. Lett. 5, No. 4, 84, 15 Aug. 1964.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
GEMSTONES CIRCULATING FILE 21. Mash, D.I., et. al., "Induced Mandel'shtam-Brillouin Scattering in Solid Amorphous Bodies and in Liquids," JETP Lett., 157, Sept. 1965. 22. Kroll, N.M., "Excitation of Hypersonic Vibrations by Means of Photoelastic Coupling of High-Intensity Light Waves to Elastic Waves," J. Appl. Phys. 36, No. 1, 34, Jan. 1965. 23. Fabelinskii, I.L., Molecular Scattering of Light, Plenum Press, New York, 1968. 24. Halpern, L., and Laurent, B., "On the Gravitational Radiation of Microscopic Systems," Nuovo Cimento 33, No. 3, 4003, 1 Aug. 1964. 25. Kopvillem, U. Kh., and Nagibarov, V.R., "Inertial Echo and Coherent Gravitational Waves," JETP Lett.2, No. 12, 329, 15 Dec. 1965. 26. Landau, L., and Lifshitz, E., The Classical Theory of Fields, Chap. 11, AddisonWesley, Reading, Mass., 1951. 27. D'yakov, Yu. E., "Excitation of Stimulated Light Scattering by Broad-spectrum Pumping," ZhETF Pis. Red. 11, No. 7, 362, 5 Apr. 1970. 28. Korolev, F.A., et. al., "Excitation of SRS Using a Low Power Laser," ZhETF Pis. Red. 13, No. 3, 77, 5 Feb. 1971. 29. Halpern, L., "Sources and Detection of Gravitational Radiation of High Frequency," Nature, Phys. Sci. 233, 6 Sept. 1971. 30. Campbell, W.B" and Morgan, T.A., "Guided Gravitational Waves," Nature, Phys. Sci. 234, 143, 20 Dec. 1971. 31. Olsen, S.O., "Self-Focusing and Self-Trapping of Gravitational Waves," Nature, Phys. Sci. 238, 12, 3 July 1972. 32. Weber, J., General Relativity and Gravitational Waves, Interscience Pub. Ltd., London, 1961. 33. Leffert, C.B., and Donahue, T.M., "Clock Paradox and the Physics of Discontinuous Gravitational Fields," Am. J. Phys. 26, No. 8, 515, Nov. 1958. 34. Moller, C., "Motion of Free Particles in Discontinuous Gravitational Fields," Am. J. Phys., 491, Oct. 1959. 35. Krivokhizha, S.V., et, AI" "Induced Mandel'shtam-Brillouin Scattering in SingleCrystal Quartz at Temperatures 2.1-3000K," ZhETF Pis'ma 3, No. 9, 378, 1 May 1966. 36. "Ashes of the Universe," Sci, News Lett., 84, 10 Feb. 1962. 37. White, H.E., Modern College Physics, 0. Van Nostrand, New York, 1953. (See p. 568.) 38. Gelfant, S., and Smith, J.G., Jr., "Aging: Noncycling Cells an Explanation," Science 178, No. 4059, 357, 27 Oct. 1972. 39. Satterthwaite, L., Jr., "Sculptured Monuments from Caracol, British Honduras," U. Museum Bull. 18, Nos. 1-2, Univ. Museum, Univ. Pa., Philadelphia, June 1954. 40. Mason, J.A., "The American Collections of the Univ. Museum, The Ancient Civilizations of Middle America," 10, Nos. 1-2, Univ. Museum, Univ. Pa., Philadelphia, June 1943. 41. Thompson, J.E.S., "The Civilization of the Mayas," Chicago Natural History Museum Popular Series, Anthropology, No. 25, Chicago Natural History Museum Press, Chicago, 1958. 42. The University Museum Bulletin, Vol, 18, Nos. 1-2, pub. 1954, the Univ. Museum, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, pp. 37-45. 43. Berry, L.G., and Mason, B., Mineralogy, W.H. Freeman, San Francisco, 1959. 44. Feinberg, G., "Particles That Go Faster Than Light," Scientific American, p. 69, Feb. 1970.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2008 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation