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Cub Scout Basic Flag Opening Ceremony - Pack 703 Flipbook PDF

Revised 4/09 1 Cub Scout Basic Flag Opening Ceremony Please remember these points of U.S. Flag etiquette: The American f





Cub Scout Basic Flag Opening Ceremony Please remember these points of U.S. Flag etiquette: The American flag is always displayed to the far right of other flags, or in the center and higher than all other flags. When posting flags in stands, the American flag is always the last one posted during an opening ceremony, and the first one lifted during a closing ceremony. The American flag should not be carried flat or horizontally, should not touch anything below it, should not have anything placed on or above it, should not be used to cover anything, and should be kept clean. Try not to let the FLAGS TOUCH THE GROUND & THEY ARE NOT PLAYED WITH!!! Hands are at sides, not in pockets. No talking, gum chewing, or goofing off. If a Scout is holding any flag, he does not salute or recite the Pledge of Allegiance. If the American flag is not posted until after the Pledge of Allegiance, none of the flag bearers/color guard recites the Pledge of Allegiance (the Commander does). Flag bearers/color guard (not the Commander) salute the flag together after the American flag is posted.

Now to begin… The Scouts need to be in 3 single file lines. The 1st Scout on the right, as he faces forward, carries the American flag. (middle is state, left is pack)The American flag is carried 1 pace ahead of all other flags. The 1st Scouts in each line carry the other 2 flags. The Commander stands facing audience and the color guard stands at the rear of the room facing the Commander.

Revised 4/09


1. Commander: “Color guard, attention!” Color guard prepares to walk forward. Flag Bearers lift flag poles up. U.S. Flag is on the right side and 1 pace ahead of the other 2 flags.

2. Commander: “Audience, please rise!” Wait a moment for everyone to stand and be quiet.

3. Commander: “Scout salute! Those not in uniform, please place your right hand over your heart.” Commander/color guard/flag bearers do not salute or remove BSA hats.

4. Commander: “Color guard, advance!” Scouts walk forward in three single file lines. Scouts keep pace with one another. American flag remains on the right side and 1 pace ahead of other 2 flags.

5. Commander: “Color guard, halt!” All flag bearers stop in front of the flag stands, evenly lined up, guards behind.

6. Commander: “Please cross the colors” Only the bearers/guards with the American flag and the Pack flag move: the scout/guards with the American flag cross to the left, turn and face the audience while the scout/guard with the pack flag cross (walking between the American flag bearers and the commander) to the right and stop in front of/facing their respective flag stand. The flag bearer/guard of the state flag step forward to their stand.

7. Commander: “Color guard, post the flag of the great state of California and the flag of Pack 703” Only the state and pack flag bearers and their color guard post their specific flags, then turn and face the American flag, standing shoulder to shoulder and they do not salute yet or recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

8. Commander: “Color guard present the colors.” The American flag color guard displays/opens up the American flag with the union displayed to the audiences left.

9. Commander: “Please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance” Color Guard remains quiet and facing the American flag, and does not salute yet or recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

Revised 4/09


10. Commander: “Color guard, post the flag of the United States of America!” The American flag bearer turns and puts the American flag in its base, and the bearer and guard face the flag.

11. Commander; “Color guard salute”. All flag bearers & color guard face American flag and salute.

12. Commander: “TWO!” Everyone drops salute. 13. Commander: “Color Guard return to ranks” Scouts quietly form two single file lines that face the rear of the room.

14. Commander: “Color Guard dismissed”. Color guard walks in pace in two lines to the back of the room until a scout in the group says “Halt”.

15. Commander: “At ease”. Color guard quietly waits at the back of the room for the invocation to be finished, and then quietly returns to their seats.

Revised 4/09


Cub Scout Basic Flag Closing Ceremony 1. Commander: “Color Guard, Attention!” 2. Commander: “Audience, Please Rise!” Wait for everyone to stand.

3. Commander: “Color Guard, Forward March!” (Wait for color guard to reach the front.)

4. Commander: “Color Guard, Halt!” 5. Commander: “Scout Salute! Please put your right hand over your heart if you are not in uniform.” 6. Commander: “Color Guard, retrieve the Colors!” The Flag Bearer and guards in the front of each line walk to the corresponding flag stand. The American Flag is retrieved 1st by the Flag Bearer and guard. They face the audience and walk to the front of the line to their right. (The American Flag remains on the scout’s right side as the scout faces the back of the room). The other two flags are then retrieved by the 2 Flag Bearers and guards; they face the audience and walk to the front of their lines, staying behind the American flag.

7. Commander: “Color Guard, Forward March!” Wait until Color Guard reaches back of room.

8. Commander: “Color Guard, Halt!” 9. Commander: “TWO!” (Everyone drops salute.) 10. Commander: “Color Guard, Dismissed!” The Flag Bearers should immediately and properly put the flags away with their Den Chief’s help.

11. Commander: “Thank you for joining us tonight Pack ### families and friends”. Revised 4/09