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DATR Scorecard Explaination Flipbook PDF

DATR Scorecard Explaination




DATR Scorecard Explanation

DAR (Delivered and Received)

What is the metric? Delivered and Received (DAR): DAR measures the DeliveredNot-Received rate that is adjusted for crime based on your specific delivery areas for the week. The metric is scaled from a score of 0 (worst) to 100 (best). DSPs and DAs who earn Fantastic for DAR typically achieve a DAR of 70 or higher.

What are the Thresholds?









What is the metric? Delivered and Received (DAR): DAR measures the Delivered-Not-Received rate that is adjusted for crime based on your specific delivery areas for the week. The metric is scaled from a score of 0 (worst) to 100 (best). DSPs and DAs who earn Fantastic for DAR typically achieve a DAR of 70 or higher. IMPORTANT TO KNOW

DNRs represent actual customers that contacted Amazon indicating they did not get their package.

Identify who to Coach: •

You can identify which DAs had delivered-not-received (DNR) opportunities on the DA Current View page of the scorecard. The “Concessions” supplementary report allows you to deep dive DA-level opportunities and reason codes.

Coaching Best Practices:  Coach your drivers to deliver packages to secure locations.  Remind DAs to call the customer if they cannot find a secure location.  Select the right reason code; “Delivered to Household Member” should only be used when the packaged is directly handed to a recipient. Amazon tells customers when their package was delivered and will let customers know it was handed to a resident. This can be confusing and alarming for customers if they are not home and may cause them to contact Amazon.  Always take a picture when prompted. This helps customers find the safe location of their package!

Metric Details: • • • • •

DNRs are only included for packages marked as delivered 30 days or less from when the customer called in to report the concessions. The logic does not hold DAs accountable for DNRs from remote deliveries. DNRs in the Scorecard may not match other data sources as we’ve updated the logic to be more fair. For example, we exclude remote deliveries from counting against your score. DNR’s are excluded if there is no delivered attempt. The score is adjusted for crime based on your specific delivery areas each week.

Amazon Confidential

How to Achieve Fantastic:  To achieve a high (i.e. Fantastic) DAR score, continue coaching DAs to deliver packages to secure locations.  Remind DAs to call the customer if they cannot find a secure location.

FAQs What does a 0 score mean?

Your DA’s DNR’s or customer concessions were too high. See the DA page to coach DSPs.

What is a secure location?

Secure places are those which are not visible from the street, have little foot traffic, and are protected from weather. Some examples of a secure location: behind a flower pot or behind a pillar on the customer’s porch, etc. Use weather bag to protect from weather elements.

Keys to Success Tips for DAs 1) Make sure you are at the correct address. Compare the address displayed in your app to both the package label AND the physical address on the building. 2) Check the labels in a multiple package stop. Do not assume that multiple packages in a stop are bound for the same address as sometimes a single stop may have packages going to different addresses. 3) Knock on the door and ring the bell between 8am and 8pm. Customers like to know their package has arrived and delivering directly to a person helps prevent porch theft. 4) When delivering to the customer directly, verify the name. If someone other than the customer or household members says they can accept the package, ask for their first and last name, enter it into your app, and get a signature. 5) Delivering directly to the customer is the best option, but when that is not available, deliver to the front door in a location that is protected from weather and hidden from view. Do not deliver to common spaces like lobbies, mailrooms or leasing offices if you are able to deliver to the customer or customer door. 6) Follow the customer’s delivery instructions when safe and secure. Customers may leave delivery instructions in the app or at their front door. Follow the customer’s instructions if it is safe to do so. If the instructions ask you to place the package in an unsecure location, call the customer to confirm. 7) Never deliver to a customer’s mailbox. Mailboxes are for the Postal Service only and any Amazon Logistics packages may be confiscated by the Postal Service as it is a federal offense 8) Scan the delivered packages with the right reason codes. Customers receive notification of the types of scans you make, which helps them locate the package (eg. delivered to front door). Customers notice and escalate inaccurate scan reason codes. 9) Take Photo of Delivery (POD) for all applicable deliveries. Take a clear POD of the package when applicable, including its surroundings, which will help the customer locate it.

Amazon Confidential

Attended Delivery Accuracy What is the metric? Attended Delivery Accuracy (ADA): The share of routes delivered by a DSP which did not have an Attended Delivery Anomaly. This metric is only at the DSP level and is shown on the cover sheet of the Scorecard. DSP’s who earn Fantastic for Attended Delivery Accuracy typically achieve 100.0% (i.e. none of their DA’s had any Attended Delivery Anomalies for the week).


Attended Delivery Anomaly: These occur when a driver uses Attended Delivery Scan Codes (e.g. delivered to customer) at an egregiously high rate for a route.

How we calculate Attended Delivery Accuracy: To calculate the Attended Delivery Accuracy (ADA), we first calculate the Attended Delivery Rate for each route delivered. The Attended Deliver Rate is the share of all deliveries made which were ‘attended’ by the customer. The following scan codes are counted as ‘attended deliveries’: • • • • • •

“Delivered to Customer” “Delivered to Household Member” “Delivered to Receptionist” “Delivered to Neighbor” “Delivered to Mail Room” “Delivered to Mail Room Clerk”

Then, for each route we compare the Attended Delivery Rate to a station-specific threshold, and if the Attended Delivery Rate is higher than that threshold we consider that route to have an Attended Delivery Anomaly. The thresholds are set to only capture the extreme outliers (“anomalies”) of attended deliveries, and are based on historical performance at each station. A Driver may have 0,1, or multiple Attended Delivery Anomalies each week, but cannot have more Attended Delivery Anomalies than they had routes.


To calculate Attended Delivery Accuracy (ADA), divide the number of routes without anomalies by the total number of routes delivered by the DSP for the week.

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Keys to Success Tips for DSPs 

Reiterate to drivers that selecting an incorrect scan code to avoid taking a Photos-On-Delivery (POD) is against Amazon policy and will increase the likelihood of concessions (i.e. Poor DAR scores).

Review the ‘SWC-AD’ column on the driver pages on the Scorecard, which shows the number of Attended Delivery Anomalies each driver had for the week.

Tips for DAs 

Use the correct scan code every time. Only use an attended delivery scan code if you truly did deliver directly to a customer or to a mail room.

FAQs What route/addresses are filtered out of this metric? Specifically, what about a) Businesses, b) Bulk Deliveries, c) Universities and d) SWA?

Apartments, a university or school campus, and any other commercial/bulk delivery address type are filtered out of this metric.

Amazon Confidential

Customer Escalation Defect DPMO What is the metric? Customer Escalation Defect DPMO: The frequency at which DAs incur customer escalations, on a per-million opportunities (DPMO) basis. Tier 1 infractions are triple-weighted, Multiple Tier Infractions (MTIs) are double weighted, and Tier 2 infractions are single-weighted. Customer Escalation Defect DPMO is a 2-week delayed metric because we only hold your organization accountable for infractions that have not been overturned by appeals. DSPs who earn Fantastic for Customer Escalations Defect DPMO typically achieve a “0” DPMO for the week. IMPORTANT TO KNOW

A customer escalation is received if a customer contacts customer service to report an action or behavior that violates trust and safety. The detailed information will be emailed to you including the date of the incident, the driver, infraction, and a brief description.

Calculation Details • • •

This is a two-week delayed metric to allow for the appeals process to occur. For example, Week 20 Scorecard Escalation Defect DPMO is calculated by counting and weighting the Escalations incurred by drivers in Week 18 not overturned by appeals. We calculate the number of 'weighted infractions' incurred. If for example the DSP had 0 Tier 1 infractions, 1 MTI infraction and three Tier 2 Infractions, we would calculate the weighted infractions as such: • Infraction


Tier 1




Tier 2



For example, if the DSP had one Tier 1 Infraction and two Tier 2 Infractions, it would be weighted as 5 total. We divide this weighted infraction count by the dispatched volume for week 18, then multiply by one million (because it is on a defects-permillion-opportunities or DPMO basis). If the example DSP delivered 30,000 packages in week 18, then Customer Escalation Defect DPMO = 5 / 30,000 * 1,000,000 = 167

Coach your drivers on the importance of their role and that customer service is a crucial element of delivery. Remind them frequently of the positive impact that good customer service and a positive delivery experience has for everyone involved: the customer, the drivers, your company and Amazon.

Tips for DSPs •

• • •

Check your email frequently for infraction notifications and review infractions as soon as possible with your drivers. If they are able to provide additional context or you believe that the driver did not commit the infraction, appeal right away with the evidence you are able to collect or additional details from the driver. Ensure that your email is up to date to ensure that you are receiving infraction notifications. In addition to infraction emails, check your weekly infraction report and scorecard weekly to look for patterns and identify which drivers may need deeper retraining for repeat infractions. Provide coaching and training simulations on what a good customer experience is as well as specific examples of infractions. Give frequent reminders at standups and answer any questions your drivers may have about delivery decisions.

Tips for DAs  Safety is the top priority. Obey speed limits and traffic laws at all times, wear your seatbelt whenever your vehicle is in motion, and maintain all safety procedures in and around the station.  Customer service and positive community member experience are crucial to delivery success. Remain safe and courteous with all customers.  Pay close attention to customer notes, delivery hints, and access codes to ensure successful deliveries.  Utilize Driver Support whenever you encounter issues that prevent a successful delivery.  Make sure you are at the correct address. Compare the address displayed in your app to both the package label AND the physical address on the building. Amazon Confidential

FAQs Where can I see a list of the possible infractions my drivers could incur?

Please see the full list of infractions in the Resources section of the DSP portal.

Are appealed infractions counted against me?

No, successfully appealed infractions are excluded from the metric and do not count against your score.

What information is available to me to help me dispute infractions during the appeals process?

We will provide clear information about the driver, date, and description of the infraction in the email notification. The primary information for disputes will be from your driver, information such as context for the delivery and any reason for their delivery decision. Additionally, you can use Work Summary Tool, Dexter, Cortex and Map Search to gather other details if the incorrect driver was identified or to locate evidence that your driver did not commit the infraction. Please see your Operations Manual for detailed information on how to appeal infractions along with the common “Do’s and Don’ts” for successful appeals.

What checks does Amazon have to ensure drivers aren’t given infractions for unsubstantiated customer complaints?

Amazon verifies the driver by their unique driver ID and ensures that the scan information and POD (if available) matches the customer’s description of events prior to issuing an infraction.

Why does the incident date on the Infractions Report sometimes not match with the date the infraction occurred?

Escalations are not always reported on the day the infraction occurred. We report based on the date that you received the notification of the infraction rather than the date of occurrence to ensure that you receive the full appeal window for the infraction. For example, if a Tier 2 infraction occurred on July 1, 2019 but you received the infraction notification on July 3, 2019, you would have until July 10 to appeal the infraction rather than July 8th (and therefore only 5 days due to the delay in reporting).

Can we see customer photos or Photo-onDelivery pictures for the deliveries where the escalation occurred?

Not all deliveries will have a POD associated. You can request to see the POD in your appeal and if one is available it will be emailed. Please note that a request for a POD does not extend the appeal window for the infraction nor will infractions be automatically overturned if there is no POD associated with the delivery.

Where do I appeal escalations?

You can appeal all infractions by replying directly to the email notification for the infraction with your appeal evidence and any contextual information provided by the driver. You can attach evidence to the email if you have any screen shots or statements to include.

If a driver is made ineligible to deliver for Amazon due to too many Customer Escalations, does it count against my attrition metric?

Yes, your attrition considers drivers which are made ineligible due to Customer Escalations. See the Attrition metric definition on the scorecard for more details on how that metric calculated.

Additional Resources  You can view the list of infractions your drivers have incurred by viewing the Infractions Report published to the Supplementary Performance Reports area within the Performance tab on the DSP Portal.  You can review the infractions process, how to appeal, and the list of infractions in the Resources section of the DSP portal and the Operations Manual.

Amazon Confidential

DSP Audit (CAS) What is the metric? DSP Audit (CAS): The DSP Audit (CAS) metric is based on a comprehensive audit of a DSP’s operation to determine compliance across the following categories: Driver Eligibility, Labor Practices, DSP Operations, Safety, Wage and Benefits, and Working Hours. The results of the comprehensive audit provide a baseline for a DSP’s state of compliance. DSPs that achieve a Fantastic Comprehensive DSP Audit typically achieve a CAS of 87.5% or better.


If you are a new DSP, you may not have an audit yet. This does not negatively impact your Scorecard. DSP audits are conducted within 90 days of launching operations.

Calculation Details: • When your DSP Audit (CAS) is completed, you will receive an email report detailing any actions you need to take to improve score gaps. If you do not have this report, email [email protected]. Review the DSP Compliance Supplementary report on the DSP Portal which shows how your CAS score breaks down across Driver Eligibility, Labor, DSP Operations, Safety, Wage and Benefits, Working Hours. You can work with your TRC representative to understand your defects and work to remediate any outstanding issues.

Additional Resources:  You can view the breakdown of your current week’s DSP Audit (CAS) score by category by viewing the Compliance Supplementary Report published to the Performance Supplementary Reports section of the DSP Portal.

Amazon Confidential

FAQs The DSP Audit (CAS) metric is a culmination of the overall compliance audit from the contractually mandated Compliance Assessment. The review measures a total of 7 sections and specifically highlights the following sections’ score: Driver Eligibility, Labor, DSP Operations, Safety, Wage & Benefits and Working Hours (only section not included is DSP Management but this section still affects the CAS). How is the DSP Audit (CAS) metric scored?

The DSP’s CAS will be negatively affected when gaps are found in their current compliance processes. These gaps are called Corrective Action Plan (CAP) items. Depending on the current compliance standing, the DSP will either receive a ‘Poor’, ‘Fair’, ‘Great’ and ‘Fantastic’. You will score ‘Fantastic’ performance when your compliance score is 87.5% 100%.

How do I improve my DSP Audit (CAS) Score?

The most efficient method to improve your CAS is by remediating all open CAP items you received from the audit. You should contact the respective POC that is owning the remediation process and understand what you need to do to fully close out any open items. DSPs are given a 14-day deadline to get all of the open CAP items remediated. If the deadline is not met, the open CAP items may be further escalated for a possible breach.

Why does my DSP Audit (CAS) score say ‘Coming Soon’?

‘Coming Soon’ shows up for DSPs that have not been audited by our Field Audit Team or have been recently on-boarded into the DSP program.

Why does my DSP Audit (CAS) score say ‘Poor’ when I have received an email stating all of my CAPs were remediated?

You may be on an Active Breach for the given SLS week. Even if you have remediated all of the open CAP items for the DSP Audit (CAS), being on an Active Breach of Contract immediately reflects the entire scorecard as ‘Poor’ performance due to the weight compliance has on the DSP program. You should work to immediately remediate the Breach with [email protected].

Why does my DSP Audit (CAS) still show ‘Poor’ when I have remediated more than 90% of my open CAPs?

The CAS is the score you received at the time of the audit. As you close out your CAPs, your CAS score will not update until all of your CAPs are closed out and verified.

Who do I contact for questions on the DSP Audit (CAS) score?

If I remediate all of my open CAPs (or BOC) by Tuesday, will my score still show ‘Poor’ for that respective week?

Please contact [email protected] for any outstanding question on your CAS.

CAS updates every Wednesday morning. Unfortunately, if you do not remediate all of your open CAP items for a previous week by Sunday night your CAS score will remain the same. It will automatically update for the following Wednesday.

Amazon Confidential

High / Low Performers Share What is the metric? High Performers Share: The number of Delivery Associates (DAs) that achieved Great or Fantastic as an overall performance tier in 4 (or more) of the past 6 weeks, divided by the total number of DAs that have delivered for 4 (or more) of the past 6 weeks. Low Performers Share: The number of DAs that achieved Poor as an overall performance tier in 4 (or more) of the past 6 weeks divided by the total number of DAs which have delivered for 4 (or more) of the past 6 weeks.

Metric Calculation Details: • •

• • •

The High/Low Performer status for each DA is found on the DA Trailing 6-Week Performance page. High/Low Performer status is calculated by counting not averaging. This means each DAs status is based on the previous 6 weeks of performance as either High, Normal, Low, or No Status. The High Performers share is then calculated by counting the number of ‘High Performer DAs’ divided by all DAs with a status. DAs that delivered for less than 4 of the past 6 weeks are not factored into the High/Low Performers Share metrics. The Average tier a DSP earns across the 6 weeks does NOT impact their High/Low Performers Share. The DAs Standing (i.e. Fantastic, Great, Fair, or Poor) for any given week is calculated the same way as the DSP Quality score. This includes Delivery Completion Rate (DCR), Delivered and Received (DAR) and Standard Work Compliance (SWC). See applicable Metric Guide for more details on these metrics.


We recommend developing time-bound, actionable coaching plans for all DAs that earn Fair or Poor.

Metric Calculation Example: • • •

High Performers Share: In the example below, the DSP had a High Performers Share of 4/5 = 80%, because they had 4 DAs (Drivers A, C, D, and F) which achieved Great or Fantastic for 4+ of the past 6 weeks. Low Performers Share: In the example below, the DSP had a Low Performers Share of 1/5 = 20%, because they had 1 DA (Driver E) which achieved Poor for 4+ of the past 6 weeks. Driver B did not factor into the DSP’s High/Low Performer metrics because that driver did not deliver for at least 4 of the past 6 weeks. DA Trailing 6-Week Performance Drivers ranked by overall score, descending. # Name Average DCR DAR SWC- SWC- SWC- SWC- High/Low Performer Tier POD CC SC AD Status 1 Driver A Fantastic High Performer 2 Driver B Fantastic No Status (