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Construction Health and Safety in Developing Countries, Patrick Manu.,Routledge, 2019


Patrick Manu, Fidelis Emuze, Tarcisio Abreu Saurin, Bonaventura H W Hadikusumo



E-ACCESS The global construction sector is infamous for high levels of injuries, accidents and fatalities, and poor health and well-being of its workforce. While this record appears in both developed and developing countries, the situation is worse in developing countries, where major spending on infrastructure development is expected. There is an urgent need to improve construction health and safety (H&S) in developing countries. The improvement calls for the development of context-specific solutions underpinned by research into challenges and related solutions.



How to Write a Thesis


Eco, Umberto

ISBN 9780262328753

E-ACCESS Eco's approach is anything but dry and academic. He not only offers practical advice but also considers larger questions about the value of the thesis-writing exercise. How to Write a Thesis is unlike any other writing manual. It reads like a novel. It is opinionated. It is frequently irreverent, sometimes polemical, and often hilarious. Eco advises students how to avoid “thesis neurosis” and he answers the important question “Must You Read Books?” He reminds students “You are not Proust” and “Write everything that comes into your head, but only in the first draft.”



Orofacial pain: Guidelines for Assessment, Diagnosis and Management


Reny De Leeuw; Gary D. Klasser

ISBN 9780867157680

E-ACCESS vid=2&sid=1041313f-b58d-4e19-86a84bed9084b280%40redis&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=17619 00&db=nlebk This book offers the latest research and most up-to-date information on orofacial pain, including a concise overview of each condition as well as its symptoms, comorbidities, differential diagnosis, and treatment options. Every chapter has undergone critical updates to reflect the developments in the expanding field of orofacial pain. These updates include the addition of new diseases such as first-bite syndrome, revised information on genetic factors to reflect new insights gleaned from the OPPERA studies, expanded information on management strategies for certain conditions, and revisions to screening tools for biobehavioral factors.



Craig’s Restorative Dental Materials

AUTHOR Ronald L. Sakaguchi, Jack Ferracane and John M. Powers

ISBN 9780323478212

E-ACCESS vid=4&sid=1041313f-b58d-4e19-86a84bed9084b280%40redis&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=1836 704&db=nlebk24 Craig's Restorative Dental Materials, 14th Edition covers everything you need to know to understand the science of selecting dental materials when designing and fabricating restorations. It begins with fundamentals and moves on to advanced skills in the manipulation of dental materials, providing insight on the latest advances and research along the way. From an expert author team led by Ronald Sakaguchi, this comprehensive resource is considered to be the standard in the field of dental restorations. Clear, design-focused approach provides an essential understanding of the fast-changing field of restorative dental materials.



Promoting Health – A Practical Guide.

AUTHOR Angela Scriven

ISBN 9780702066924

E-ACCESS vid=6&sid=1041313f-b58d-4e19-86a84bed9084b280%40redis&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=17 09547&db=nlebk

Leading the field in public health for over 30 years, Ewles & Simnett’s seminal text is now in its seventh edition. This new edition, the second to be revised by Angela Scriven, has been thoroughly updated and aligned with national standards to provide an accessible, current, practical guide for all those involved in the what, why, who and how of health promotion and public health practice.



Soames' and Southam's Oral Pathology

AUTHOR Max Robinson, Keith Hunter, Michael Pemberton, Philip Sloan

ISBN 9780192555472

E-ACCESS This new edition of Soames' & Southam's Oral Pathology provides a clear and friendly guide for students, practitioners, and the whole dental team. Thoroughly updated for today's clinical practice, this textbook covers 'mustknow' oral pathology and integrates key aspects of oral medicine. It begins by explaining the principles of clinical assessment, the synthesis of a differential diagnosis, and the selection of further investigations including laboratory tests.



Essentials of Dental Caries.

AUTHOR Edwina Kidd; Ole Fejerskov

ISBN 9780191058189

E-ACCESS The fourth edition of Essentials of Dental Caries provides readers with an up-todate, clinically relevant guide to dental caries. Written in an accessible style, the authors explain the biological and socioeconomic background of lesion development and progress. Current methods of clinical diagnosis and evidence based management are outlined in clearly laid out and highly illustrated chapters. This book is essential reading for students and practitioners of dentistry, dental therapy,dental hygiene, and oral health educators.



Health promotion strategies through the life span.

AUTHOR Carole Edelman, Elizabeth Kudzma

ISBN 9780323416740

E-ACCESS Promoting Health: A Practical Guide continues to offer health promotion workers with an essential guide to day-to-day planning and service delivery in a variety of different areas of practice. Describes the international and national strategies and movements that have emerged to reduce inequalities in health Examines the concept of need and provides tools to assist in the identification of health promotion needs. Contains almost 50 exercises and 20 Case Studies to engage readers and reinforce learning Describes the knowledge and skills required to draw on evidence, undertake research and use various techniques to inform and prioritise health promotion practice



Molar Incisor Hypomineralization: A Clinical Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment. Bekes, Katrin.

AUTHOR Katrin Bekes

ISBN 9783030316013

E-ACCESS vid=8&sid=1041313f-b58d-4e19-86a84bed9084b280%40redis&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=2345748&d b=nlebk

This book is a wide-ranging reference on current clinical and scientific knowledge regarding the various aspects of molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH).Subsequent chapters focus on key considerations in clinical practice. Diagnostic criteria, classifications, and treatment strategies are discussed and detailed attention is devoted to potential associations between MIH and caries, the occurrence of hypomineralized primary teeth, and the knowledge and experience of dentists concerning MIH.



Scully's Handbook of Medical Problems in Dentistry.

AUTHOR Crispian Scully

ISBN 9780702046483

E-ACCESS vid=10&sid=1041313f-b58d-4e19-86a84bed9084b280%40redis&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=170951 6&db=nlebk Containing over 250 colour photographs, artworks and tables, many of which have never been published before, this useful guide covers the main conditions seen in clinical practice together with their relevance to oral health care. Highlights the main points of human diseases and their relevance to oral healthcare in a practical way Gives particular focus on areas that are of major concern to dentistry and oral healthcare e.g. allergies, bleeding tendencies, endocrine disorders - especially diabetes - gravid patients, hepatitis and other transmissible diseases, and malignant disease



Nitrous Oxide in Pediatric Dentistry

AUTHOR Dimitrios Emmanouil, Kunal Gupta, Amit Sethi

ISBN 9783030296186

E-ACCESS vid=12&sid=1041313f-b58d-4e19-86a84bed9084b280%40redis&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=2324 267&db=nlebk This clinical handbook is a complete guide to the use of nitrous oxide when performing dental procedures in children. Nitrous oxide offers the easiest and safest form of pharmacological behavior management in this age group and can help greatly in reducing fear and anxiety toward dentists and dental treatment. Importantly, its use in children differs from that in adults, owing in part to the need for appropriate behavior management skills. In considering a range of clinical scenarios in which nitrous oxide is of value, this book will support clinicians in their daily practice.



Special Care Dentistry, An Issue of Dental Clinics of North America, E-Book


Burton S. Wasserman

ISBN 9780323448628

E-ACCESS vid=18&sid=1041313f-b58d-4e19-86a84bed9084b280%40redis&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=1709491& db=nlebk Articles will include: Mental Health Issues and Special Care Patients; Tools and Equipment for Managing Special Patients Anywhere; Ensuring Maintenance of Oral Hygiene in Persons with Special Needs; The Dental Needs and Treatment of Down Syndrome Patients; Americans with Disabilities: Its Importance in Special Care Dentistry; Making Treatment for Special Needs Patients an Important Part of Your Growing Dental Practice; Treatment of Orally Handicapped Edentulous Older Adults; Communicating with Patients with Special Health Care Needs; Dental Materials Update for the Special Care Dentist; Neurologic Diseases in Special Care Patients; The Special Needs of Preterm Children: An Oral Health Perspective, and more!



Handbook of Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen Sedation

AUTHOR Morris S. Clark, Ann Brunick

ISBN 9780323567428

E-ACCESS vid=20&sid=1041313f-b58d-4e19-86a84bed9084b280%40redis&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=2295213& db=nlebk Handbook of Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen Sedation, 5th Edition, is ideal in educational and clinical settings. This portable text features a user-friendly outline format that is easy to digest, along with summary tables and boxes, clear illustrations, step-by-step techniques with photos, and review questions and critical thinking exercises — right when and where you need it. The 5th edition of this chairside reference includes new content on industry best practices along with efficacy in comparison to other methods of sedation.



Sedation - E-Book: A Guide to Patient Management

AUTHOR Stanley F. Malamed

ISBN 9780323400534

E-ACCESS vid=22&sid=1041313f-b58d-4e19-86a84bed9084b280%40redis&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=1903228&d b=nlebk This new sixth edition include a detailed discussion on how to modify typical treatment protocol to successfully treat different patient populations — including pediatric, geriatric, physically compromised, and medically compromised patients. In all, this is a must-have guide for keeping up to date on the latest techniques in dental sedation and anxiety. The latest practice guidelines established by the ADA and the American Society of Anesthesiologists for sedation by non-anesthesiologists are included throughout the text. Comprehensive coverage combines all aspects of sedation with essential theory and instruction to cover all the information needed to provide safe and effective dental care.



Dental Management of the Medically Compromised Patient - EBook

AUTHOR James W. Little & Craig Miller & Nelson L. Rhodus

ISBN 9780323443555

E-ACCESS vid=24&sid=1041313f-b58d-4e19-86a84bed9084b280%40redis&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=1903229& db=nlebk The new addition expanded coverage of women's health issues and introduces a process for developing a medical-risk source. Also, each chapter features vivid illustrations and well-organized tables to give you in-depth details and overall summaries to help you get to the root of your future patients' needs. Logical organization of conditions makes it easy for you to understand and follow the material as you prepare to treat patients. Standardized assessment process helps you to ascertain the severity and stability of common medical disorders. Dental management summary table summarizes important factors for consideration in the dental management of medically compromised patients.



Practical Conscious Sedation. Quintessentials of Dental Practice-15 / Oral . Surgery and Oral Medicine-2).

AUTHOR David Craig, Carole Boyle

ISBN 9783868673692

E-ACCESS vid=26&sid=1041313f-b58d-4e19-86a84bed9084b280%40redis&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=2284191&db =nlebk Control of anxiety and pain is fundamental to the practice of dentistry. This book provides the necessary knowledge, guidance and encouragement for the safe and effective use of conscious sedation. Basis sedation techniques (intravenous midazolam and inhaled nitrous oxide and oxygen) are described in detail; alternative techniques which may be appropriate in special circumstances are also outlined. Practical Conscious Sedation is a succinct, authoritative and easy-to-read text suitable for dental and medical practitioners, qualified dental nurses, undergraduate and postgraduate dental students.



Orthodontic Retainers and Removable Appliances

AUTHOR Friedy Luther, Zararna Nelson-Moon

ISBN 9781118432761

E-ACCESS vid=28&sid=1041313f-b58d-4e19-86a84bed9084b280%40redis&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=490435& db=nlebk Orthodontic Retainers and Removable Appliances – Principles of Design and Use is a unique practical guide for dental students, general dental practitioners, orthodontic students, therapists and others who have an interest in knowing how to design, fit, adjust and maintain retainers (both fixed and removable) and removable orthodontic appliances. The book offers step-by-step instructions alongside clear illustrations within the key areas of clinical orthodontic practice. In each case, information is provided on indications for use, principles of design, fitting, activation and trouble shooting. Further chapters coach the clinician on dealing with various frequently occurring situations and provide tips on effective patient management.



Fixed Orthodontic Appliances

AUTHOR Padhraig Fleming, Jadbinder Seehra

ISBN 9783030121655

E-ACCESS vid=30&sid=1041313f-b58d-4e19-86a84bed9084b280%40redis&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=2231066 &db=nlebk This guide to fixed appliance-based orthodontics is designed to serve as a comprehensive ‘how to'manual. With the aid of a wealth of superb illustrations, instruction is provided on all aspects of fixed appliance treatment, including bracket placement and positioning, archwire selection and engagement, use of auxiliaries, placement of fixed retainers, and wire bending. The supporting text presents important information underpinning the selection of attachments and mechanics, emphasising the relative merits and demerits of the various approaches with appropriate use of key referencing. It will offer detailed support on the use of fixed orthodontic appliances for undergraduates and postgraduates and those starting with practical orthodontic treatments.



An Introduction To Orthodontics.

AUTHOR Simon J. Littlewood and Laura Mitchell

ISBN 9780198808664

E-ACCESS vid=32&sid=1041313f-b58d-4e19-86a84bed9084b280%40redis&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=217758 6&db=nlebk Hailed as'superb','thorough', and'contemporary', this is the essential orthodontics text for all staff involved in orthodontic treatment, whether they are dental students, orthodontic therapists, postgraduate students at the beginning of their career, or more experienced clinicians wanting an evidence-based, concise update on the foundations of contemporary orthodontic care. With over 700 illustrations and plenty of case studies, An Introduction to Orthodontics, Fifth Edition is a user-friendly introduction to the subject. Continuing its well-deserved reputation, it is the perfect starting point for learning key concepts and the practical aspects of orthodontics.