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Driven Foundation Community Outreach Day Flipbook PDF
Event Guide
w/ Ohio State Alumni Football Players
Driven Community Outreach Days are filled with BIG moments thatimpact students and staff. Reading to k-4 students, panel discussions, andhigh school assemblies are designed to inspire students to Stay Driven.
Help build self-confidence and leadership skills in k-12 students, take a firmstand against all substance abuse, raise monetary gi s to support charitableand/or school causes, and encourage community members and businesses topartner with Ohio State Alumni Football Players to make a difference in theircommunity.New Lexington City Schools (3x) Na onal Trail Local School District (4x)Portsmouth City Schools (2x) Catalyst Life Services (Mansfield)Whitehall City Schools Hamilton City SchoolsSouth Euclid/Lyndhurst City Schools Perkins Local School DistrictCanal Winchester Local Schools (2x) Buckeye Valley Local School DistrictValley View Local Schools Columbus City SchoolsJosselyn TimkoDriven Founda onCommunity Outreach DirectorPhone: 614.428.5286E-Mail: j [email protected]:
People Making A Difference Former OSU WR 2002-2006COMMUNITY MATTERS. Driven Founda on Community Outreach Days (DCOD) havesomething for everyone in the family. More than 40 Alumni Ohio State Football Playershave par cipated in a DCOD. Former Buckeyes spend me in elementary schoolsreading to students, while simultaneously speaking at middle schools and high schools.A Buckeye/Staff Basketball Game is the icing on the cake! Each DCOD concludes with acommunity dinner/fundraiser with some of the best barbeque the city has to offer!
THOMAS MATTHEWS #1Former Ohio State LB 2001-2004Na onal Champion
COMMUNITY OUTREACH DAYDriven Founda on Responsibili es Develop and Create Event Webpage Design All Marke ng Material (Flyers, Social Media Content, Banners) Design & Print Event Tickets & Online Purchasing Process Secure All Ohio State Alumni Football Players (10) Design Event Schedule and Program Layout Provide Community Dinner Silent Auc on Items Build and Create Sponsor Package Full Event Consulta on and Management Design, Order, and Print DCOD T-Shirts Help Secure SponsorsPartner Responsibili es Promote Community Dinner – Sell Tickets Secure Event Sponsors Provide Event Volunteers (20 minimum) Provide Referees For Basketball Game Provide Alumni/Staff Basketball Team of 10-12 Players
Community is the key that unlocks the full poten al of people. Driven CommunityOutreach Days bring together every layer of area support and engagement. Schooldistricts, businesses, faith based organiza ons, entrepreneurs, and families join forces toproduce and foster a day of impact that will create posi ve momentum for students toexcel as elite leaders of character and compassion. We are be er together!
I can do things you cannot. You can do things that I cannot...
DOUG WORTHINGTON #84Former Ohio State DT 2005-2009Captain; Rose Bowl Champion
JORDAN HALL #7Former Ohio State RB/KR 2009-2013Rose Bowl Champion
Ohio State Alumni Football PlayersJake Ballard Branden JoeGary Berry Andy KatzenmoyerTodd Boeckman Craig KrenzelCorey “Pi ” Brown Shaun LaneChris an Bryant Maurice LeeBobby Carpenter Jamal LukeBrandon “Bam” Childress Dimitrios MakridisMaurice Clare Thomas Ma hewsJames Co on Nate OliverMike Doss Dave Pa ersonDonnie Ray Evege Nick Pa ersonTyler Evere Jay RichardsonChris Fields Trever RobinsonDus n Fox Brian RolleSimon Fraser Antonio SmithTyson Gentry Ma TrombitasJeff Greene Donald WashingtonThaddeus Gibson Tyler “Tank” WhaleyAndy Groom Jamie WoodKenny Gui on Doug WorthingtonRoy Hall Mike YoungJordan Hall Jus n ZwickStanley Jackson
SUPPORTWhile our primary objec ve is to make a difference in the lives of the staffand students within your school district, we also have the opportunity topartner with local businesses and organiza ons to help create an annualevent of support. It doesn’t ma er if you are a large district and looking forsomething to help support a specific program in your school, or a smallerdistrict looking for an opportunity to make a huge splash in yourcommunity, the Driven Community Outreach Day is a system thateveryone can plug into.
THEIMPACT of the outreach day was UNDENIABLE!We trhaieseRdEovAer L$2V0,0A00LUEbutwas the me spent with our “staff and k-12 students! Jeff Parker Superintendent, Eaton Community SchoolsTHE REAL VALUEHow o en do you get to have twelve Ohio State Alumni Football Playersand members of the Driven Founda on Team hang out in every building ofyour district in ONE DAY? We’ll answer it for you...NEVER! CommunityOutreach Days consist of elementary school reading visits, middle schoolmo va onal assemblies, high school group discussions/assemblies,student food drive, in-school charity basketball game, *5k, CommunityBar-B-Q w/ the Buckeyes, and VIP Meet & Greet.*5k Applies to 2-Day Model Only