introduction to finite elements in engineering, 3rd ed, t.r.chandrupatla Flipbook PDF

introduction to finite elements in engineering, 3rd ed, t.r.chandrupatla
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Tirupathi R. Chandrupatla Ashok D. Belegundu

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One-Dimensional Problems



The total potential energy and the stress-strain and strain-dispiacement relationships are now used in developing the finite element method for a one-dimensional problem. The basic procedure is the same for two- and three-dimensional problems discussed later in the book. For the one-dimensional problem, the stress, strain, displacement, and loading depend only on the variable x. That is, the vectors D, u, E, T, and fin Chapter 1 now reduce to u ~ u(x)





€ ~




Furthermore, the stress-strain and strain-displacement relations are u = EE






For one-dimensional problems, the differential volume dV can be written as (3.3)

The loading consists of three types: the body force t, the traction forte T, and the point load p;. These forces are shown acting on a body in Fig. 3.1. A body force is a distributed force acting on every elemental volume of the body and has the units of force per unit volume. The self-weight due to gravity is an example of a body force. A traction force is a distributed load acting on the surface of the body. In Chapter 1, the traction force is defined as force per unit area. For the one-dimensional problem considered here, however, the traction force is defined as force per unit length. This is done by taking the traction force to be the product of the force per unit area with the perimeter of the cross section. Frictional resistance, viscous drag, and surface shear are examples of traction forces in one-dimensional problems. Finally, P; is a force acting at a point i and u, is the x displacement at that point. The finite element modeling of a one-dimensional body is considered in Section 3.2. The basic idea is to discretize the region and express the displacement field in terms 45


Chapter 3

One-Dimensional Problems


1 1 1 1 l


l l p,l l~ l rI I ~T l I ~ l 11 II l l II 11~ f



x FIGURE 3.1

One-dimensional bar loaded by traction, body, and point loads.

of values at discrete points. Linear elements are introduced first. Stiffness and load co~­ cepts are developed using potential energy and Galerkin app~oaches. Boundar"?' condItions are then considered. Temperature effects and quadratIc elements are discussed later in this chapter.



The steps of element division and node numbering are discussed here. Element Division Consider the bar in Fig. 3.1. The rust step is to model the bar as a stepped shaft, consisting of a discrete number of elements, each having a unifonn cross section. Specificall~, let us model the bar using four finite elements. A simple scheme for doing this is to divide the bar into four regions, as shown in FIg. 3.2a. The average cross-sectional area within each region is evaluated and then used to define an element with uniform croSS section. The resulting four-element, five-node finite element model is shown in Fig. 3.2b. In the finite element model, every element connects to two nodes. In Fig. 3.2b, the element numbers are circled to distinguish them from node numbers. In addition to the cross section, traction and body forces are also (normally) treated as constant within each element. However, cross-sectional area, traction, and body forces can differ in magnitude from element to element. Better approximations are obtained by increasing the number of elements. It is convenient to define a node at each location where a point load is applied.



Section 3.2


Finite Element Modeling

"1 ,, , ,,

,, ,


1 2









0 5





FIGURE 3.2 Finite element modeling of a bar.

Numbering Scheme

We have shown how a rather complicated looking bar has been modeled using a discrete number of elements, each element having a simple geometry. The similarity of the various elements is one reason why the finite element method is easily amenable to computer implementation. For easy implementation, an orderly numbering scheme for the model has to be adopted. In a one-dimensional problem, every node is permitted to displace only in the ±x direction. TIlliS, each node has only one degree o/freedom (do/). The five-node finite element model in Fig. 3.2b has five dofs. The displacements along each dof are denoted by Q" Q2>"" Qs. In fact, the column vector Q = [Q,. Q2 ••.. ' QS]T is called the global displacement vector. The global load vector is denoted by F = [F" F2, ... F5]T. The vectors Q and F are shown in Fig. 3.3. The sign convention used is that a displacement or load has a positive value if acting along the + x direction. At this stage, conditions at the boundary are not imposed. For example, node 1 in Fig. 3.3 is fixed, which implies Ql = O. These conditions are discussed later. Each element has two nodes; therefore, the element connectivity information can be conveniently represented as shown in Fig. 3.4. Further, the element connectivity table is also given. In the connectivity table, the headings 1 and 2 refer to local node numbers of an element, and the corresponding node numbers on the body are called global numbers. Connectivity thus establishes the local-global correspondence. In this simple example, the connectivity can be easily generated since local node 1 is the same as the element number e, and local node 2 is e + 1. Other ways of numbering nodes or more complex geometries suggest the need for a connectivity table. The connectivity is introduced in the program using the array NOC. I

I 48

One-Dimensional Problems

Chapter 3

~Q"F, ~ Q,F,

~ Q"F,

~ Q4,F4

~ Q;,F; X

Q'IQ"Qz, Qy Q4> Qsf p"" [ F1> Fz,FJoF",Fsf

FIGURE 3.3 Q and F vectors.








Local numbering


0 CD CD CD 0

Nodes 2


Local numbers

2 2








Element connectivity.

The concepts of do~ nodal displacements, nodal loads. and element connectivity are central to the finite element method and should be clearly understood. 3.3


Consider a typical finite element e in Fig. 3.5a. In the local number scheme, the first node will be numbered 1 and the second node 2. The notation Xl == x-coordinate of node 1. X2 = x-coordinate of node 2 is used. We define a natural or intrinsic coordinate system, denoted by g, as




Section 3.3



Coordinates and Shape Functions











FIGURE 3.5 lYpical element in x- and



From Fig. 3.5b, we see that g = -1 at node 1 and g = 1 at node 2. The length of an element is covered when g changes from -1 to 1. We use this system of coordinates in defining shape functions, which are used in interpolating the displacement field. Now the unknown displacement field within an element will be interpolated by a linear distribution (Fig. 3.6). This approximation becomes increasingly accurate as more elements are considered in the model. To implement this linear interpolation, linear shape functions will be introduced as



1 - I' -2-




1 + I' -2-


The shape functions Nt and N2 are shown in Figs. 3.7a and b, respectively. The graph of the shape function Nt in Fig. 3.7a is obtained from Eq. 3.5 by noting that Nl = 1 at g = -1, Nt = 0 at g = 1, and Nt is a straight line between the two points. Similarly, the graph of N2 in Fig. 3.7b is obtained from Eq. 3.6. Once the shape functions are defined, the linear displacement field within the element can be written in terms of the nodal displacements q] and q2 as (3.70)





q, 1






Linear interpolation of the displacement field within an element.


Chapter 3

One-Dimensional Problems

T: 1


~i 1

' - I-










q, q,

Ll---L---~2 _ / (e) FIGURE 3.7 (a) Shape function Nl , (b) shape function N1 • and (C) linear interpolation using

N] and N 2 •

or, in matrix notation, as U




N ~ IN"N,]

and q ~ Iq"q,]T


In these equations, q is referred to as the element displacement vector. It is readily ve~­ fied from Eq. 3.7a that U = q, at node 1, U = q2 at node 2, and that u varies linear Y (Fig.3.7c). . 'n It may be noted that the transformation from x to { in Eq. 3.4 can be wntten 1 terms of N j and N2 as


Comparing Eqs. 3.7a and 3.9, we see that both the displacement u and the coordina~e.x are interpolated within the element using the same shape functions N and N . 11ns IS j 2 referred to as the isoparametric fonnulation in the literature. Though linear shape functions have been used previously other choices afe possible. Quadratic shape functions are diSCUSsed in Section 3.9. In ~eneral, shape functions need to satisfy the following: 1. First derivatives must be finite within an element. 2. Displacements must be continuous across the element boundary. Rigid body motion should not introduce any stresses in the element.


Coordinates and Shape Functions

Section 3.3


E:umple3.1 Referring to Fig. ID.l, do the following: (a) Evaluate~, Nt, and N2 at point P. (b) If ql = 0.003 in. and q2 = -0.005 in., determine the value of the displacement q at point P.

1-_",:,'==~P~==========2~____•• X Xl


= 20 in. X = 24 in.


Solution (a) Using Eq. 3.4, the ~ coordinate of point P is given by ~p = k(24 - 20) - 1 ~


Now Eqs. 3.5 and 3.6 yield

N\ = 0.75


N2 = 0.25

(b) Using Eq. 3.7a, we get




+ 0.25( -0.005)

= 0.001 in.

The strain--displacement relation in Eq. 3.2 is

du dx


Upon using the chain rule of differentiation, we obtain

du d!; d!; dx





From the relation between x and gin Eq. 3.4, we have






Also, since

we have



One-Dimensional Problems

Chapter 3

Thus, Eq. 3.10 yields

(3.13) The Eq. 3.13 can be written as E


= Bq

where the (1 x 2) matrix B, called the element strain-displacement matrix, is given by

(3.15) Note: Use of linear shape functions results in a constant B matrix and, hence, in a constant strain within the element. The stress, from Hooke's law, is (T


= EBq

The stress given by this equation is also constant within the element. For interpolation purposes, however, the stress obtained from Eq. 3.16 can be considered to be the value at the centroid of the element. The expressions u = Nq, e = Bq, and (T = EBq relate the displacement, strain and stress, respectively, in terms of nodal values. These expressions will now be substituted into the potential-energy expression for the bar to obtain the element stiffness and load matrices.



The general expression for the potential energy given in Chapter 1 is








uTfAdx -jUTTdX t


~; u;P,


The quantities u, E, U, f, and T in Eq. 3.17 are discussed at the beginning of this chapter. In the ~ast term, P; rep~esents.a ~orce acting at point i, and u, is the x displacement a~ that pomt. ~e summatIOn on I gIves the potential energy due to all point loads. Smce the contmuUIn has been discretized into finite elements, the expression for IT becomes IT

~ ~~


u"Adx -




u'fAdx -


uTTdx -



The last. term in Eq. 3.18a assum~s t~at P?int loads P; are applied at the nodes. This assumptIOn ma~es the p~esent denvalion Simpler with respect to notation and is also a common modelmg practice. Equation 3.18a can be written as IT

~ ~ U, - ~


u'fA dx -



uTT dx -

~ Q,P;


Section 3.4

The Potential-Energy Approach



is the element strain energy.

Element Stiffness Matrix Consider the strain energy term (3.19) Substituting for a = EBq and E = Bq into Eq. 3.19 yields

Ue =






u, ~ .!.qT j, 2

[BTEBAdx jq


In the finite element model (Section 3.2), the cross-sectional area of element e, denoted by A e , is constant. Also, B is a constant matrix. Further, the transformation from x to ~ in Eq. 3.4 yields


x - x 2 ld~ 2


or {,

dx ~ "2d{


where -1 :5 ~ :5 1, and €e = IX2 - xtl is the length of the element. The element strain energy U~ is now written as U,

~ ~qf A,

i l E,BTB

d{ }

where Ee is Young's modulus of element e. Noting that B from Eq. 3.15, we get


II d~ = 2 and substituting for (3.23)

which results in (3.24)


Chapter 3

One-Dimensional Problems

This equation is of the form

1 Ve = 2qT~q


where the element stiB'ness matrix k e is given by

E,A,[ 1


I(=-e- -1


We note here the similarity of the strain energy expression in Eq. 3.26 with the strain energy in a simple spring, which is given as U = kQ2. Also, observe that II;" is linearly proportional to the product AeEe and inversely proportional to the length f~.


Force Terms

1. uTfA dx appearing in the total potential energy is con-

The element body force term sidered first. Substituting u =


NI ql


+ N 2Q2, we have




(N,q, + N,q,)dx


Recall that the body force f has units of force per unit volume. In the Eq. 3.27, Ae and f are constant within the element and were consequently brought outside the integral. This equation can be written as

1 lh,f/3J isthe (3 X 1) element displacement vector. At node 1, we see that Nt = 1, N2 = N3 = 0, and hence u = ql' Similarly, u = q2 at node 2 and u = q3 at node 3. Thus, u in Eq. 3.89a is a quadratic interpolation passing through ql, qz, and q3 (Fig. 3.13). The strain E is now given by

du dx dudg ~ dg dx

(strain-displacement relation)


2 ~


(chain rule)


(using Eq. 3.86)

Xl d~

2 [

Dr•. The muJ-

7 8- Globaldof -0.533 0.3 -0.2 0..2 -0.3 0 -0.2. 0. 0.533 0. 02.

3 -0.533 02. 0 -02 0.533

4- Global dof 0.3 -0.2 -0.3 0 0 0.2

In the previous element matrices, the global dol association is shown on top. In the problem under consideration, Q2. Q5. Q6. Q7. and Qs, are allzern. Using the eUmination approach discussed in Chapter 3,it is now sufficient to coDSider tlte stiffness&J associated with


Chapter 5

Two-Dimensional Problems Using Constant Strain Triangles

the degrees of freedom Ql, QJ' and Q4' Since the body forces are neglecte?, the frrst ve~or has the component F4 = -1000 lb. The set of equations is given by the matnx representabon






-0.45 0.2

0.983 0

O.2]{Q'} { ° } 1~4 ~:



Solving for Qj, Q3, and Q4, we get


= 1.913 X 10-5 in.

Q3 =

0.8-75 x 10-5 in.

Q4 = -7.436 x 1O-5 jo.

For element 1, the element nodal displacement vector is given by

= 10-5[1.913,0,0.875, -7.436, D,oF


The element stresses 0'1 are calculated from DBlq as 0'1

= [-93.3, ~ 1138.7, -62.3JT psi

Similarly, q2 = 0-


10-5 [0,0,0,0,0.875, -7.436?

= [93.4,23.4, -297.4JT psi

The computer results may differ slightly since the penalty approach for handling boundary conditions is used in the computer program. •

Temperature Effects

If the distribution of the change in temperature ~T(x, y} is known, the strain due to this change in temperature can be treated as an initial strain Eo. From the theory of mechanics of solids, Eo can be represented by EO = [a~T,a~T,Oy


for plane stress and EO

= (1

+ 'liuH,uH,O]T


for plane strain. The stresses and strains are related by 0'

= D(E - Eo)


The effect of temperature can be accounted for by considering the strain energy term. We have

f ~f

u=~ =

(E - Eo)TD(E - EO)tdA (ETDE - 2e:TDEo +



The first term in the previous expansion gives the stiffness matrix derived earlier. The last term. is a .constant, which has no effect on the minimization process. The middle term, which Yields the temperature load, is now considered in detail. Using the straindisplacement relationship E = Bq,

..J ____

Section 5.3

Constant-Strain Triangle (CST)



This step is directly obtained in the Galerkin approach where.,T will be e;T(+) and qT will be It is convenient to designate the element temperature load as


(5.66) where

(5.67) The vector Eo is the strain in Eq. 5.61 or 5.62 due to the average temperature change in the element. e represents the element nodal load contributions that must be added to the global force vector using the connectivity. The stresses in an element are then obtained by using Eq.5.63 in the form


a ~ D(Bq - ")


Example 5.7 Consider the two-dimensional loaded plate shown in Fig. E5.6. In addition to the conditions defined in Example 5.6, there is an increase in temperature of the plate of BOOR The coefficient of linear expansion of the material Q' is 7 X 10-6;oF. Determine the additional displacements due to temperature. Also, calculate the stresses in element 1.

Solution We have a

= 7 X 10-6/"F and l!r..T = 80°F. So Eo =

[:;~] ~ 10~[~~:]

Thicknesc; I equals o.s,and the area of the elementA is 3 iftZ.The element temperature loads are 9' = tA(DBI)T£o where OBI is calculated in the solution of Example 5.5. On evaluation, we get


(a,)T = [11206 -16800 0 16800 -1121l6 with associated dofs 1,2,3,4,7,8, and

(a,)T = [-1121l6 16800 0 -16800 112116 OJT with associated dofs 5,6, 7,8,3,and 4. Picking the forces for dofs 1,3, and 4 from the previous equations, we have

FT::= [fi. F3 F41 On solving KQ



[11206 11206 16800]

F, we get

[Ql Q3 Q4]::= [1.862 X 10-3 1.992 X 10-3 0.934


10-3] in

The displacements of element 1 due to temperature are

q' = [1.862 X 10-3 0 1.992 X 10"'" 0.934 X 10-3 0 O]T


Two-Dimensional Problems Using Constant Strain Triangles

Chapter 5

The stresses are calculated using Eq. 5.68 as a 1 = (DB1)Tql - DEo

On substituting for the tenus on the right-hand side, we get at = lcf[1.204

-2.484 0.78]T psi

We note that the displacements and stresses just calculated are due to temperature change. •


PROBLEM MODELING AND BOUNDARY CONDITIONS The finite element method is used for computing displacements and stresses for a wide variety of problems. The physical dimensions, loading, and boundary conditions are clearly defined in some problems, similar to what we discussed in Example 5.4.1n other problems, these are not clear at the outset. An example is the problem illustrated in Fig. 5.8a.A plate with such a loading can exist anywhere in space. Since we are interested in the deformation of the body, the symmetry of the geometry and the symmetry of the loading can be used effectively. Let x and y represent the axes of symmetry as shown in Fig. 5.8b. The points along the x-axis move along x and are constrained in the y direction and points along the y-axis are constrained along the x direction. This suggests that the part, which is one-quarter of the full area, with the loading and boundary conditions as shown is all that is needed to solve the deformation and stresses. As another example, consider an octagonal pipe under internal pressure, shown in Fig. 5.9a. By symmetry, we observe that it is sufficient to consider the 22S segment shown in Fig. 5.9b. The boundary conditions require that points along x and n are constrained normal to the two lines, respectively. Note that for a circular pipe under internal or external pressure, by symmetry, all points move radially. In this case, any radial segment may be considered. The boundary conditions for points along the x-axis in Fig. 5.9b are easily considered by using the penalty approach discussed in Chapter 3. The boundary conditions for points along the inclined direction n, which are considered perpendicular to n, are now treated in detail. If node i with degrees of freedom Q21-1 and




i---~5E-IFS_, :



6Dmm (,)



-------------------~----~ (b)

FIGURE 5.8 Rectangular plate .



Section 5.4


Problem Modeling and Boundary Conditions


(b) FIGURE 5.9 Octagonal pipe.


;. '"I1s..:·_. Q1i _




If lDF ~ ISBL(IX) Then IFL = 1: Exit For End If Next II End If I f IFL = 0 Then NFRON = NFRON + 1: II = NFRON: IX = INDX(II) End If ISBL(IX) = IDF: IEBL(IE1) = IX If 151 = -1 Then NTOGO = NTOGO + 1 ITEMP = INDX(NTOGO) nrDX (NTOGO) = INDX (II) INDX(II) = ITEMP End If Next J Next I


~--------------------------------------------. 304

Three-Dimensional Problems in Stress Analysis

Chapter 9


For I



11 = IEBLlIl For J 1 To NEDF Jl = IEBL(J) Sill, Jl) = SIll, Jl) + SEll, J)


Next Next I


,-----------------------------------------------------------------If NDCNT < ND Then


)fDdif.ieat.icm :for di.-p.la_t ~ / Pca.a.lty Appz'

For l I T o NTOGO 11 = INDXII)

IG = ISBLIIl) For J = 1 To ND


= NU(J)


Sill, III = sIIl, 11) + eNST r(IG) = F(IG) + eNST • U(J) NDCNT = NDCNT + 1 'Ccnmtaz :for CJhact' Exit For End If

Ne:xt J Next I

End If

, -----------NTGI = NTOGO

For II 1 To NTGI IPV = INOX(I): IPG ISBL(IPV) Pivot = S(IPV, IPV) ,----- Jil::.ite _.p.rator "0" uui PIVOr va.l_ to dial' Adat.VarNurn = 0 Adat.Coeff Pivot


reDUNT = leDUNT + 1 Put #3, reOUNT, Adat

S (IPV, IPV) = 0 For I 2 To NFRON Il = INOX(I): IG ISBLIIl) If 5111, IPV) 0 Then C = 5(11, IPV) / Pivot~ SIIl, IPV) 0 For J 2 To NFRON Jl = INDX (J) I f S(IPV, Jl) 0 Then S(Il, Jl) = 5(11, Jl) - C • S(IPV, Jl) End If Next J F(IG) = F(IG) - C .. F(lPG) End If



Next I For J




I Problems



frri t. V&&,iabl.' UId .R.ciacMd Coe:£~/PIVO'I: to dial: Jl = INDX(J) I f S (IPV, Jl)



0 Then ICOUNT + 1: lBA



Aaat.VarNum lBA Adat.Coeff = S(IPV, Jl) / Pivot 5

Put #3, reOUNT, Adat Jl) = 0

S (IPV, End If Next J

lCOUNT = reOUNT + 1 wri te :l'l..iJaiDAt.d Vari.abl.a# &lid lUIS/PIVO'r to did

= IPG = F(IPG)

Adat.VarNum Adat.Coeff

I Pivot

F(IPG) = 0

Put #3, ICOUNT, Adat

,----- (NTOGO) into (1): (NFRON) into (NTOGO) ,----- IPV into (NFRON) and reduce front & NTOGO Sizes by 1 If NTOGO > 1 Then IMDl{(l)



End If






- 1

End Sub

BACKSUBSTlTUTION Private Sub BackSub(J I~==== B~~:utiOD

Do While ICOUNT > 0 Get #3, ICOUNT, Adat ICOUNT = ICQUNT - 1 Nl = Arlat.VarNum FIN!) = Adat.Coeff Do

Get #3, leOUNT, Adat ICOUNT = ICOUNT - 1 N2 = Adat.VarNum If N2 0 Then EKit Do F(Nl) = F(Nl) - Adat.Coeff * F(N2) Loop Loop End Sub




1 0

Scalar Field Problems



In previous chapters, the unknowns in the problem represented components of a vector field. In a two-dimensional plate, for example, the unknown quantity is the vector field u(x, y), where u is a (2 xl) displacement vector. On the other hand, quantities such as temperature, pressure, and stream potentials are scalar in nature. In two-dimensional steady-state heat conduction, for example, the temperature field T( x, y) is the unknown

to be determined. In this chapter, the finite element method for solving such problems is discussed. In Section 10.2, one-dimensional and two-dimensional steady-state heat conduction are considered, as well as temperature distribution in fins. Section 10.3 deals with torsion of solid shafts. Scalar field problems related to fluid flow, seepage, electric/magnetic fields, and flow in ducts are defined in Section lOA. The striking feature of scalar field problems is that they are to be found in almost all branches of engineering and physics. Most of them can be viewed as special forms of the general Helmholtz equation, given by

"-(k:4» + "-(k, '4» + "-(k '4» ax ax oy' ay az az

+ A4> + Q

= 0



. II...J .





together with boundary conditions on ljJ and its derivatives. In the Eq.l0.l,ljJ = ljJ(x, y, z) is the field variable that is to be determined. Table 10.1 lists some of the engineering problems described by Eq. 10.1. For example, if we set ljJ = T, k, = ky = k, and A -= 0 and consider only x and y, we get a2T jax 2 + o2T ;oy2 + Q = 0, which describes the heatconduction problem for temperature T, where k is the thermal conductivity and Q is the heat source/sink. Mathematically, we can develop the finite element method for various field problems in a general manner by considering Eq.10.1. The solution to specific problems can then be obtained by suitable definition of variables. We discuss here the heat-transfer and torsion problems in some detail. These are important in themselves, because they provide us an opportunity to understand the physical problem and how to handle different boundary conditions needed for modeling. Once the steps are under· stood, extension to other areas in engineering should present no difficulty. While in other chapters. both energy and Galerkin approaches were used to derive element matrice, by Galerkin's approach is used here owing to its greater generality for field problems. 306


. TABLE 10.1

Examplt:s of Scalar Field Problems in Engineering



Heat conduction







Field variable


Boundary conditions

Temperature, T

Thermal conductivity, k



aT To,-k-

aT -kTorsion

ale+iPO) - +2=0 (iJx! ill

Potential flow

(~J + ~y~-) = 0

Seepage and groundwater flow

k ( - , +--


" Hot gases


An array of thin rectangular fms.


heat loss





III a thin rectangular fin.


...-----------------------------------------------------. ~;




Scalar Field Problems

Chapter 10

The convection heat loss in the fin can be considered as a negative heat source T~)

(P dx)h(T -



--(T -


where P = perimeter of fin and Ac equation is



area of cross section. Thus, the governing



!«~) ~>T - T~) ~ 0


We present our analysis for the case when the base of the fin is held at To and the tip of the fin is insulated (heat going out of the tip is negligible). The boundary conditions are then given by

atx = 0


atx = L


The finite element method: Galerkin approach The element matrices and heat-rate vectors for solving Eg. 10.32 with the boundary conditions in Eqs.I0.33 will now be developed. GaJerkin's approach is attractive since we do not have to set up the functional that is to be minimized. Element matrices can be derived directly from the differential equation. Let cp(x) be any function satisfying cp(O) = 0 using same basis as T. We require that

dT) ior' ¢[~(k dx dx

_ Ph (T - Too)] dx Ac



Integrating the first tenn by parts, we have

¢kdTI' _ dx


r' kd¢dT dx _ Ph


dx dx

r''''Tdx +

Ac io



Ac io



Using cp(O) "" 0, k(L)[ dT(L)/dx ] = 0, and the isoparametric relations












we get

(10.36) We define h, ~ _ -' Ph< Ac 2

l' -1


NTNdg ~ Ph C, 2 I] Ac 6 1



Section 10.2

or, since P/ A,


Steady-State Heat Transfer


2/1 (fIg, 10.6),

h ~ he,[2 I] 3, 1 2



and (10.380)


~ hToof,

r 00




Equation 10.36 reduces to (10.39)


, or

-"I'T(KT + H T) + "I'TR(Xl = 0 which should hold for all 'IJr satisfying '1', = O. DenotingK;j = (KT + HT)ij,weobtain

Kn K" .:: K~L KH]lT') ~3 [Ku Ku Ku TL ~32 ~33' .'

. '


1 ) lKHTo) Roo




,, , (10.40)


which can be solved for T. These equations incorporate the elimination approach for handling the boundary condition T = To. Other types of boundary conditions as discussed for heat conduction can also be considered for fin problems.

•! I

Example 10.3 A metallic fin, with thermal conductivity k = 360 W1m' °C, 0.1 em thick, and 10 em long, extends from a plane wan whose temperature is 235"C Determine the temperature distribution and amount of heat transferred from the fin to the air at 20"C with h = 9 W1m2. "c. Take the width of fin to be 1 m.


Solution Assume that the tip of the fin is insulated. Using a three-element finite element model (Fig. ElO.3) and assembling K T , H r , R", as given previously, we find that Eq. 10040 yields 2 -1 360 -1 2 3.33 x 10 2[ 0-1 [

,, ' '


Chapter 10

Scalar Field Problems

!i---------2!.---------3~·--------;4Ir_q=O Tl


235rl:~C______~3t x3 = lOcm--------~.1 I=O.lcm w=lm k=360W/moC FIGURE El0.3

The solution is [T"




[209.8. 195.2. 190.5]'C

The total heat loss in the fin can now be computed as

The loss H, in each element is H, = h(T.. - T-,o)A,

where A,

= 2 X (1

x 0.0333) m2, and T av is the average temperature within the element.

We obtain

HI.", = 334.3 W1m

Two-Dimensional Steady-State Heat Conduction

Our objective here is to determine the temperature distribution T(x, y) in a long, prismatic solid in which two-dimensional conduction effects are important. An example is a chimney of rectangular cross section, as shown in Fig. 10.7. Once the temperature distribution is known, the heat flux can be determined from Fourier's law.








Section a~a

FIGURE 10.7 Two·dimensional model for heat conduction in a chimney.

Section 10.2

Steady-State Heat Transfer


q, oQ


1 1-"" FIGURE 10.8 A differential control volume for heal transfer.

Consider a differential control volume in the body, as shown in Fig. 10.8. The control volume has a constant thickness T in the z direction. The heat generation Q is denoted by Q (W1m3 ). Since the heat rate (= heat flux x area) entering the control volume plus the heat rate generated equals the heat rate coming out, we have (Fig. 10.8) q d q, ) d ,) qxdYT+qydxT+Qdxdy'T= ( qx+-dx dYT+ ( q,,+--dy dXT ax ay Differential equation


or, upon canceling terms,







Substituting for qx = -k aTjax and qy = -k aTjay into Eq. 10.42, we get the beatdiffusion equation

~(kdT) ax



~(kdT) + Q = ay




We note that this partial differential equation is a special case of the Helmholtz equation given in Eq.lO.l. Boundary conditions The governing equation, Eq. 10.43. has to be solved together with certain boundary conditions. These boundary conditions are of three types. as shown in Fig. 10.9: (1) specified temperature T = To on ST, (2) specified heat flux qn = qo on Sq, and (3) convection q" = h(T - L.) on S,. The interior of the body is denoted by A,and the boundary is denoted as S = (Sr + Sq + S,). FUfther,q" is the heat flux normal to the boundary. The sign convention adopted here for specifying q(l is that qo > 0 if heat is flowing out of the body, while qo < 0 if heat is flowing into the body.


Chapter 10

Scalar Field Problems


____--r-'" ,,' S 0 Then SIRR, He) - SINR, Ne) + SE(II, JJ) End I f

Next JJ Next II Next N

p1CBox.Print ·Stiffness Formation compl.ted •.• ~ End Sub

Private Sub ElemStiff(N) '--- Element Stiffness Formation 11" NOCIN, 11: 12 E NOCIN, 2): 13" NOCIN, 3) Xl .. XU!, 1): Yl - XIIl, 2) X2 .. x(I2, 1): Y2 - X(I2, 2) X3 .. X{I3, 1): Y3 .. XII3, 2)

X2l .. X2 - Xl: X32 .. X3 - X2: Xl3 - xl - X3 Y12 .. Yl - I2: Y23 - y2 - Y3: OJ .. Xl3 .. Y23 - X32 .. Y31 AE - Abs(OJ) I 24 SEll, 1) .. 2 .. AE: SE(l, 21 .. SE(2, 1) .. AE: SE(2, 2) - 2 .. SE(3, 1) _ AE: SE(3, 2) E AE: Al ~ FS(N) • Abs(DJ) I 6 FE(l) - Al: FE(2) - Al: FE(3)


AE: SE(2, 3) - AE 5E(3, 3) - 2 • AE -



End Sub




'. ••


• •


T.R.Chandrupatla and A.D.Be18gundu

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ' -...",,====

Private Sub cmdPlot_Click() Call InputOata Call FindBoundary Call OrawLimits(XMIN, YMIN, XMAX, YMAX) Call OrawBoundary Call OrawContours End Sub

Problems INPUT


Private Sub DrawContours() '=~===~~=~_: Contour Plotting For IE ~ 1 To NE

If HEN - 3 Then For lEN ~ 1 To NEN lEE - NOC (IE, lEN) U(IEN) s Ff(IEE) XXnEN) - X(IEE, 1) 'f'f (lEN) .. X (lEE, 2)

Next lEN Call El. . .ntPlot Elself HEN = 4 Then XB = 0: 'fB = 0: UB ~ 0

For IT = 1 To NEN NIT" NOCtIE, IT)



Problems XB = XB + 0.25 " X(NIT, 1) YB ~ YB + 0.25 " X(NIT, 2) UB = UB + 0.25 " FF(NIT) Next IT For IT = 1 To NEN ITI - IT + 1: If ITI > 4 Then ITI ... 1 XX(l) ... XB: YY(1) ... YS: U(l) - US NIE ~ NOCIIE, IT) XX(2) = XINIE, 1): H(2) - X(NIE, 2): (1(2) '"' FF(NIE) NIE .. NoellE, ITl) XX(3) '"' X(NIE, 1): YY(3) ... X(NIE, 2): U(3) .. FF(NIE) cal1 El..."tP1ot


End If Next IE For I c 1 To 10: ID(I) '"' 0: Next I End SubPrivate Sub E1ementFlot() 'THREE POIHm IN ASCENDING 0RtER For I .. 1 To 2


~ UtI): II ... I For J ~ I + 1 To 3 If C > U(J) Then C ~ U(J): II'" J End If Next J U(II) .. U(I): U(I) ... C Cl .. XX(II): XXIII) ... XX(I): XXII) ... Cl Cl ... YY(II): Y¥(II) - n(I): H(I) .. Cl Next I SU" (U(l) - FMIN) I STP II ... lnt (SU) If II U(2) Then L ... 3 X2'"' «U(L) - OT) " XX(2) + (OT 0(2»· XX(L» I (U(Ll Y2'" (O(L) - OT) • YY(2) + (OT U(2»" n(L» I (U(L) picBox.Line (Xl, Yl)-(X2, Y2), QBC010r{ICO) If 10(11) .. a Then picBox.Currentx ... Xl: picBox.CurrentY ... Yl If (XL < Xl And Xl < XH) And (YL < Yl And Yl < YH) Then picBox.Print II IO(U) ... 1

End If End I f

OT Loop End



UT + STP: II ... II + 1

U(l» U(lll U(2) ) U(2»



Proof of dA = det J dg d1]

Consider a mapping of variables fromx,y to "I, "2, given as





We assume that these equations can be reversed to express Ul'~' in terms of x,y and that the correspondence is unique. If a particle moves from a point P in such a way that ~ is held constant and only U1 varies, then a curve in the plane is generated. We call this the Ul curve (Fig. A1.I). Similarly. the ~ curve is generated by keeping Ul constant and letting U2 vary. Let



represent the vector of a point P where i and J are unit vectors along x and y, respectively. Consider the vectors


T -

i!. au,




do, ~---"1 curve

'--_----_x AGURE AU






Proof of dA


det I d{ d1'/



"----_x FIGURE AU

or, in view of Eq.A1.2, (AI.4) We can show that T, is a vector tangent to the u, curve and T2 is tangent to the U2 curve (Fig. A1.1). To see this, we use the definition

~= lim ar au) IWI-O au,


where ar = r(ul + au,) - r(u]). In the limit, the chord ar becomes the tangent to the u, curve (Fig. A1.2). However, arjau] ( orar/au2) is not a unit vector. To detennine its magnitude (length), we write ar au]

ar ds, as, du,



where 5, is the arc length along the Uj curve and ds, is the differential arc length. The magnitude of the vector

is the limiting ratio of the chord length to the arc length, which equals unity. Thus, we cooclude that the magnitude of the vector ar/au, is dsJdul' We have

T1 (:U:}l =


~ (:~),




Proof of dA = detJ tit dTJ

where tl and t z are unit vectors tangent to the U1 and Uz curves, respectively. Using Eq.Al.7, we have the following representation of the vectors cis, and ~ whose lengths are tis, and tis, (fig. ALl):


= t1 tisl = T1 Ju l

do, =

.,ds, = T,du,


The differential area etA is a vector with magnitude dA and direction normal to the element area, which in this case is It. The vector dA in view of Eqs. Al.4 and A1.8 is given by the determinant rule

dA=ds,xcJs, = Tl X Tldul dUz i j k = ax aUt

ay 0 dUl dU2

ax ay auz iIuz =


iJu l


(~~ _ ax aY)dU du aU1 a~

aUz aUl




We denote the Jacobian matrix as

J = [::. : : ' ]




ay -



The magnitude dA can now be written as

dA = det J dUl dU2


which is the desired result. Note that if we work with t- and ."..coordinates instead of and uz-coordinates, as in the text, then


dA =


This relation generalizes to three dimensions as

dV = detJ d€ d~ d{ where the Jacobian determinant det J expresses the ratio of the volume element dx dy dz tod€d~d{.


There are many excellent published books and articles in various joumals on the subject of the finite element method and its applications. A list of books published in the English language is given below. The list includes books dealing with both fundamental and advanced topics. Several of these have been used in the present text without explicit citation. On completing the material from various chapters from this book, the students and users should benefit from referring to other books and articles.

AKIN, 1. E., Application and Implementation of Finite Element Methods. London: Academic. 1982. AKI),;,1. E, Finite Element Analysis for Undergraduates. London: Academic, 1986. ALLAIRE, P. E., Basics a/the Finite Element Method-Solid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, and Fluid Mechanics. Dubuque, IA: W. C. Brown. 1985. ASKENAZl, A, and V. ADAMS, Building Berter Products with Finite Element Analysis. On World Press, 1998. AxELSSOl>.', 0., and V. A BARKER, Finite Element Solution of Boundary Value Problems. Orlando, FL: Academic, 1984. BAKER, A J,Finite Element Computational Fluid Mechanics. New York: McGraw-HiU, 1983, BAKER, A 1., and D. W. PEPPER, Finite Elements 1-2-3. New York: McGraw-Hili, 1991. BARAN, N. M., Finite Element Analysis on Microcomputers, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1988. BATHE, K.J, Finite Element Procedures in Engineering Analysis. Englewood Giffs, NJ: PrenticeHall,1981. BATHE, K. J., and E. L. WILSON, Numerical Methods in Finite Element Analysis. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1976. BECKER, E. R. G. F. CAREY, and 1. T. OOEN, Finile Elements-An Introduction, Vol. 1. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1981. BEYTSCHKO, T., B. MORAN, and W. K. LIU. Nonlinear Finite Elements for C ontinull and Structures, New York: Wiley, 2000. BICKFORJ), W. M .. A First Course in the Finite Element Method. Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin, 1990.

Nonlinear Continuum Mechanics for Finile Element Ana/y.~is. Cambridge University Press, 1997. BOWES, W. H .. and L. T. RUSSEL. Stress Analysis by the Finite Element Method for Practicing Engineers. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1975. BREBBIA. C. A., and 1. 1. CONNOR, Fundamentals of Finile Element Techniques for Structural Engineers. London: Butterworths, 1975. BONET, 1.. and R D, WOOD,



Bibliography BUCHANAN,o. R., Finite ElementAnalysis. New York: McGraw.Hill, 1995. BURNETI, D. s., Fmite Ekmenl Analysis from Concepts to Applications. Reading, MA: Addison· Wesley, 1987. CAREY, G. F., and 1. T. ODEN, Finite Elements-A Second Course, Vol. 2. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice·Hall,I983. CAREY, G. F., and 1. T. ODEN, Finite Elements-Computational Aspects, VoL 3. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice·Hall, 1984. CARROLL, W. F., A Primer for Finite Elements in Elastic Structures. Wdey, 1999. CHARI, M. V. K.. and P. P. SILVESTER, Finite Elements in Electrical and Magnetic Field Prob/ems. New York: Wdey, 1981. CHEUNG, Y. K., and M. F. YEO, A Practical Introduction to Finite Element Analysis. London: Pitman, 1979. CHUNG, T.1., Fmite ElementAnalysis in Fluid Dynamics. New York: McGraw·Hill,I978. ClARLET,P. 0., The Finite Element Method for Elliptic Problems.Amsterdam:North·HoUand, 1978. CONNOR, J. c., and C. A. BREBBIA, Finite Element Techniques for Fluid Flow. London: Butter· worths, 1976. COOK. R D., Concepts and Applications of Finite ElementAnalysis, 2d cd. New York: Wiley, 1981. COOK, R D., Finite Element Modeling for Stress Analysis. New York: Wiley, 1995. DAVIES, A. J., The Finite Element Method:A First Approach. Oxford: Clarendon, 1980. DESAI, C. S., Elementary Finite Element Method. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice·Hall, 1979. DESAI, C. s., and J. F.ABEL, Introduction to the Finite Element Method. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1972. DESAI, C. S., and T. KUNDu, Introductory Finite Element Method. CRC Press, 2000. FAGAN, M. 1. 1., Finite Element Analysis: Theory and Practice. Addison Wesley Longman, 1996. FAIRWEATHER, G., Finite Element Galerkin Methods for Differential Equations. New York: Dekker, 1978. FENNER, R T., Finite Element Methods for Engineers. London: Macmillan, 1975. GALLAGHER, R H., Finite Element Analysis-Fundamentals. Englewood Qiffs, NJ: Prentice· Hall. 1975. GRANDIN, H., Jr., Fundamentals of the Finite Element Method. New York: Macmillan, 1986. HEINRICH, 1. C, and D. W. PEPPER, Intermediate Finite Element Method: Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Applications. Taylor & Francis, 1997. HiNTON, E., and D. R. 1. OWEN, Finite Element Programming. London: Academic, 1977. HINTON, E., and D. R. 1. OWEN, An Introduction to Finite Element Computations. Swansea, Great Britain: Pineridge Press, 1979. HUEBNER, K. H., and E. A. THORNTON, The Finite Element Method for Engineers, 2d ed. New York:Wiley·Interscience, 1982. HUGHES, T.J. R, The Finite Element Method-Linear Static and Dynamic Finite ElementAnalysis. Englewood Cliffs,NJ: Prentice·Hall, 1987. IRONS, B., and S. .AHMAD, Techniques of Finite Elements. New York: Wiley, 1980. IRONS, B., and N. SHRIVE, Finite Element Primer. New York:Wiley, 1983. JIN, 1., The Finite Element Method in Electromagnetics. New York: Wiley, 1993. KIKUCHI, N., Finite Element Methods in Mechanics. Cambridge, Great Britain: Cambridge University Press, 1986. KNIGHT, C. E., The Finite Element Method in Machine Design. Boston: PWS Kent, 1993.



KRISHNAMOORTY, C S., Finite Element Analysis~Theory and Programming, New Delhi: Tata McGraw-HiIl,1987. UPI, S. M., Practical Guide to Finite Elements: A Solid MechanicsApproach. Marcel Dekker, 1998. LIVESLEY, R. K., Finite Elements: An Introduction for Engineers. Cambridge, Great Britain: Cambridge University Press, 1983. LoGAN, D. L., A First Course in the Finite Element Method. Boston: PWs, 1992. MARTIN, H. C, and G. F CAREY, Introduction to Finite ElementAnalysis: Theory and Application. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1972. MELOSH, R. I, Structural Engineering Analysis by Finite Elements. Englewood Oiffs, NJ: Prentice Hall,1990. MITCHELL, A. R., and R. WAIT, The Finite Element Method in Parrial Differential Equations. New York: Wiley, 1977. MOAVENI, S., Finite Element Analysis: Theory and Applications with Ansys. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 1998. NAKAZAWA, s., and D. W. KELLY, Mathematics of Finite Elements-An Engineering Approach. Swansea, Great Britain: Pineridge Press, 1983. NATH, B., Fundamentals of Finite Elements for Engineers. London: Athlone, 1974. NAYLOR, D. 1., and G. N. PANDE, Finite Elements in Geotechnical Engineering. Swansea, Great Britain: Pineridge Press, 1980. NORRIE, D. H., and G. DE VRIES, The Finite Element Method: Fundamentals and Applications. New York: Academic, 1973. NORRIE, D. H., and G. DE VRIES,An Introduction to Finite Element Analysis. New York: Academic, 1978. ODEN, 1. T., Finite Elements of Nonlinear Continua. New York: McGraw-Hili, 1972. OlJEN, 1. T., and G. F CAREY, Finite Elements: Mathematical Aspects, Vol. 4. Englewood Gifts, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1982. OlJEN,I T., and IN. REDDY,An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Finite Elements. New York: Wiley, 1976. OWEN, D. R. I, and E. HINTON, A Simple Guide to Finite Elements. Swansea, Great Britain: Pineridge Press, 1980. PAO, Y. c., A First Course in Finite Element Analysis. Newton, MA: Allyn & Bacon, 1986. PINDER. G. F, and W. 0. GRAY, Finite Element Simulation in Surface and Subsurface Hydrology. New York: Academic, 1977. POlTS, I E, and 1. W. OLER, Finite Element Applications with Microcomputers. Englewood Gifts, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1989. PRZEMIENIECKI, 1. s., Theory of Matrix Structural Analysis. New York: McGraw-Hili. 1968. RAO, S. S., The Finite Element Method in Engineering, 2d ed. Elmsford. NY: ButhesworthHeinemann, 1989. REDDY, I N.. An Introduction to the Finite Element Method. New York: McGraw· Hill. 1993. REDDY. 1. N., Energy and Variationell Met/rods in Applied Mechanics with an lmroduc/ioll to the Finile Element Method. New York:Wiley-Interscience. 1984. REDDY. 1. N., and D. K. GARTLING. The Finite Element Method in Hear Transfer and Huid Dynamics eRC Press, 2000. ROHlNso'll,J.,An Integrated Theory of Finite Element Methods. New York: Wiley-1ntcrscience.1973. ROBINSON, L Understanding Finite Element Stress Analysis. Wimbome, Great Britain: Robinson and Associates, 1981.



Bibliography ROCKEY,K. c., H. R. EVANS,D. W. GRIFFITHS,and D.A NE1HEROOT, The Finite Element MethodA Basic Introduction,2d ed. New York: Halsted (Wiley), 1980. Ross, C. T. F, Finite Element Programs for Axisymmetric Problems in Engineering. Chichester, Great Britain: Ellis Horwood, 1984. SEOERLIND, L. J.,Applied Fmite Element Analysis, 2d ed. New York: Wiley. 1984. SHAMES, I. H., and C. L. DvM, Energy and Finite Elenu!nt Methods;n Structural MecJuznics. New York: McGraw·Hill.I985. SILVESTER, P. P., and R. L. feRRARI, Finite Elements for Electrical Engineers. Cambridge, Great Britain: Cambridge University Press, 1996. SMTIH, I. M.,Programming the Finite Element Method. New York: Wiley, 1982. STASA, F. L..Applied Fmite Element Analysis for Engineers.New York: Holt, Rinehart & WInSton, 1985. STRANO, G., and G. FIx, An Analysis ofthe Finite Element Method. Englewood Cliffs. NJ: Prentice-. Hall, 1973. TONG, P., and J. N. RossElUs, Finite Element Method-Basic Techniques and Implementation. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1m. URAL, a.,Finite Element Method: Basic Concepts and Applications. New York:Intext Educational Publishers. 1973. VOLAKlS, J. L., A CHATIERJEE, and L. C. EMPBL, Finite Element Method for Electromagnetic!. IEEE,1998. WACHSPRESS, E. L.,A Rational Finite Element Basis. New York: Academic. 1975. WAlT, R, and A R MITcHELL, Finite Element Analysis and Applications. New York: Wiley, 1985. WHITE, R. E., An Introduction to the Finite Element Method with Applications to Non-Linear Problems. New York: Wdey-Interscience, 1985. WILLlAMS.M. M. R.,Finite Element Methods in Radiation Physics. Ehnsford, NY: Pergamon, 1982. YANG, T. Y.,Finite Element Structural Analysis, Englewood CIiffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1986. ZAHAVI, E., The Finite Ekment Method in Machine Design, Englewood Cliffs. NJ: Prentice Hall, 1992. ZIENKIEwICZ,o. c., The Finite Element Method, 3d ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1m. ZIENKIEWICZ, O. c., and K. MORGAN, Finite Elements and Approximation. New York: Wiley~ Interscience, 1982. ZIENKIEWICZ, 0. c., and R. L. TAYLOR, The Finite Element Method. Vol. 2. New York: McGrawHill,1991.

.... Answers to Selected Problems


(1.6) (1.10) (1.11)


3000 psi. = 24.29 MPa. q1 = 1.222 nun and q2 = 1.847 mm.


u(x]) = 0.5.

A] = 0.2325'''\2 = 5.665, and A3 = 9.103. Matrix is positive definite.

Yl = [0.172,O.668,O.724]T, Y2 = [0.495,0.577, -0.65]T, and Y3 == [0.85, -0.47, O.232r (2.2b)


N'N do


~ [10 ~J. 1,

[2~5 205].c [-~J.




A 1 1. 14 -


(3.7) (3.10)

(a> q == 0.023125 in. (b) IE = 0.000625. (d) U, = 56.251b-in. O 2 == O.623mmand Q 3 = O.346mm. Stress in element 1 == 2,691 MPa.




f == 0.8. m == 0.6, q' == 1O- 2[ in .. (T = 14,760 psi, and U, == 381.3 in.-Ib.


Ku == 4.586 X 10', 0 3 = 219.3 X 10- 5 in. Stress in element 1-3 == -100.0 MPa. Point R moves horizontally by 3.13 mm.

(4.4) (4.6) (4.9)




B I1 ,4 and B6•1 ....... AM'


- T2

+ 27.1'


+ 4T; + 2T1. 2Tl + 2T2 + 16TJ JT, T



Answers to Selected Problems (5.1) (5.2)

(5.5) (5.9) (6.1) (6.4) (6.5) (6.7) (6.14)


= 0.2 and y =4.2. Area = 25.5. E" = 5.8f:17 X 10-4.



0.000195 mm.

Use Eo = 3.036E6 psi. Outer diameter after deformation = 107.8 mID. Contact pressure = 21,120 psi based on 1S-element mesh. Peak radial stress ::::: 10,ooopsi and peak hoop stress "'" 54,OOOpsi. Hoop stress reduces from about 990 MPa without a shrink ring to 650 MFa with a ring.


x = 4.5625 and y "" 4.375.


Value of integral = 3253.8.

(8.1) (8.2) (8.8) (8.12)

Deflection under the load point = -0.13335 mm. Deflection under load = -0.01376 in. Deflection at midpoint of BC = -0.417 in. Vertical deflection of point D without tie rod = -11.6 in and with tie rod "" -0.87 in.


Max. vertical disp. = -0.0148 in, based on a fouHlement hexahedral mesh.


[Tb T2, T3] = [28,12.6, -2.89]°C. (More elements will give better answer.)


Peak Temperature = 120.6°C.

(lo.t3) Heatf1owoutofcbimney "" 1,190W/m. (10.18) a = 5.263 X 10--6J'/G rad/mm, where Tis in N-nun and G is in MPa. (10.21)

(10.24) (11.1)



Velocity at waist a-a varies from 345 em/s to 281 em/so C = 13.5. Lowest natural frequency == 2039 Hz (cps). Lumped mass results are).1 = 1.4684£ + 08 and'\2 = 6.1395E Stretch mode eigenvalue = 440 Hz. (Bending mode natural frequency = 331 Hz.)

+ OS.


• Index

A Acoustics, 343-45, 348 Area coordinates, 133-34 Aspect ratio, 154 Assembly: of global stiffness K and load vector F, 58---62 of global stiffness for banded solution, 116-17 of global stiffness for skyline solution, 117-18 of global stiffness for frontal solution, 289-91 Axial vibrations., 345-47 Axisymmetric elements., 178-207, 354-55

B B matrix, 52, 80, 138, 183,213, 279,323 Back-substitution 30 Bandwidth, 34, 61, 116-17 Banded matrix, 34, 61,116--17 Beams, 237 Beams on elastic supports, 247-48 Bending moment, 245 Bibliography, 18, 443 Body forces 3,54-55,57,81,141-42,184-85, 213-14,280 Boundary Conditions: continuum, 4 elimination approach, 63--66

heat conduction, 308-336 multipoint constraints, 63, 74-77, 153, 193-94,287-88 natural,315 penalty approach, 63, 69-74 scalar field problems, 306--66 C Characteristic equation, 27, 376-78 Cholesky decomposition, 29, 386 Composite materials (see orthotropic materials) Computer programs: AXIQUAD,226 AXISYM, 188, 196, 205-07 BEAM, 267 BEAMKM, 391, 404-06 BESTFIT, 158, 422, 435-36 BES1FITQ,423 CHOLESKY,29 CONTOURA, 158, 421,436-39 CONTOURB, 158, 421 CST, 158, 174-77 CSTKM,391 CGSOL 40, 44 FEMID 98-102 FRAME2D 268-270 FRAME3D 257,270-74 GAUSS, 40, 43 GENEIGEN,391 HEATID,361-62 HEAT2D, 330, 363-66 ..9



Computer programs: (continued) IIEllCAJPFl{)I

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