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Newsletter 31st May 2019 Flipbook PDF
Newsletter 31st May 2019
Who Are We? We were founded in 2011 as a Facebook discussion group for local Mums. That group has evolved to become a 24/7 support group with over 21,000 members and has extended to several other Facebook groups (with a combined reach over 48,000) and a much-loved website which shares lifestyle, parenting and community information to the Mums of the Northern Beaches and beyond. Our Target Audience Mums living on the Northern Beaches of Sydney ranging from 25–54 with 35– 44 being our largest demographic. Typically, they have children 0 up to 15 years & are keen to support local businesses with several recommendation request on a daily basis. Our Mums LOVE recommendations! Why Advertise with Us? Our popular website combined with a strong social media presence and weekly newsletters, allow us to provide a highly targeted and cost effective promotional opportunity for local businesses… • Access to a highly engaged targeted audience – you can reach over 21,000 mums (and their families) situated directly on the Northern Beaches • Our collective social media and marketing channels give us a vehicle to reach out to our audience in a variety of ways, consolidating the messages we send • Competitive pricing structure • A proven track record of successful marketing promotions with many repeat customers • Custom marketing solutions to help your business achieve diverse marketing objectives • We are responsive, and LOVE working with our clients to ensure complete satisfaction • Increased brand awareness and recognition Northern Beaches Mums provides the perfect opportunity to promote your brand to a captive target audience of 10s of 1000s of local Mums. 2
What Are the Long Term Benefits Of Early Childhood Education? “90% of your child’s brain develop by the age of 5” The is a childcare centre 2 - Improved social interaction first bringing to your child’s Immersing your child in group 5 years of ealry years development? learning environments during your child’s life There are many benefits early childhood enables them are therefore extremely of early childhood learning to develop the emotional important. So, what are some centres, below are just 3 of maturity required to build of the long-term benefits of those benefits: strong relationships. It teaches early childhood education? them to interact with children 1 - Cognitive and social and adults from all kinds of For many families, a preschool development backgrounds and equips them or an early childhood centre The first five years of a with the social skills required is essential in order to be able child’s life is where all of the to make friends and build to continue their careers but basic foundations are set for appropriate relationships with preschool isn’t just a handy way their future developments educators. to help parents logistically, it’s in thinking, behaving and also extremely beneficial for emotional wellbeing. Learning These kinds of skills are crucial early childhood development. environments in early not only for the remainder of childhood centres allow for their educational years but for Early childhood education play-based learning which later in adult life too. Setting provides the resources, encourages language and these foundations early educators and tools to give emotional skills as well as the will help your child to make your child the best start to development of creativity and healthy emotional choices and their education. We have all imagination. foster positive relationships read about the importance throughout their life. of play-based learning or Although it may look like child’s group play. But what exactly play (literally), the educators at 3 – Understanding and ability an early childhood centre know to adopt routines exactly the type of learning Some research suggeststhat that is crucial to your child’s children who are exposed to age group. Every game and three years of early childhood activity are designed to help education are more likely to them grow and learn without adopt routines and structure them even realising it!
to their daily lives. This is because in the early learning setting, educators implement daily routines to help the children settle and know what to expect at different points of the day. With that said, it is important that the effort is made at both home and in childcare. So that your child can associate with routines and understand that certain daily tasks need to be completed before we do other tasks. E.g. wash your hands before eating, brush your teeth before bed etc… So, there you have it, just 3 of the long term benefits from early childhood education! Childcare centres are so much more than a place for children to play. They offer countless social, cognitive, academic, emotional and health benefits that could aid them throughout their childhood and continue onto their adult life, while having fun! Miss Annie Russo has a Bachelor of Primary Education and Bachelor of Early Childhood Education, and is the Centre Director at Kids Club Northern Beaches. Kids Club Early Childhood Learning have centres across Sydney & Canberra.Annie brings her energy and a wealth of experience to her centre and holds a Bachelor of Primary Education. Her passion for helping shape a child’s future is inspiring and is matched only by her knowledge in the field of early childhood development. www.kidsclubchildcare. care-centre/kids-club- northern-beaches/
EnTheerCghayll-eSnagevsiOnfg GToiinpgsBfacokrToTShchiosol AfterWHaivnintgeArBaby As the temperature drops, many of us you may be worried about how much crank up the heating and worry about the energy your electric blanket consumes. energy bill later. But while the initial burst Fortunately, modern electric blankets are of warmth is refreshing, the sting of a costly far more energy-efficient than you think – energy bill certainly is not. costing as little as 5 cents per hour. The good news is, there are energy- The key is to not keep your electric blanket efficient ways to stay comfy this winter, on overnight. Not only is it expensive but without costing you a fortune. Follow these also a major fire hazard. Instead, switch on energy-saving tips to cut spending on your your electric blanket an hour before you household bills this winter. go to bed, then simply switch it off when you’re ready to sleep. Keep Showers Short Since the warm air is trapped under your Water heating contributes around 15 to 27 doona, you’ll have enough heat to keep percent of your annual household energy warm all night. bill.[i]While this amount depends on your type of hot water system, the overall energy Block Cold Drafts usage is still quite large. Insulation is one of the most effective ways One of the easiest ways to use less water to stay comfortable indoors. Depending on is to have shorter showers. Of course, if the age and condition of your home, there you’re the kind of person who tends to may be gaps in your doors, windows, and daydream in the shower, you may need other parts of the property. Not only do help with breaking this habit. Set a timer for these gaps let in the cold air, they allow 4 minutes and listen out for the alarm so warm air to escape too! that you know when it’s time to step out. To maintain a consistent indoor temperature Use an Electric Blanket invest in door seals, draft-proofing strips and door snakes. Best of all? They’re Few things are more pleasant than a toasty- inexpensive. So you can buy in bulk and warm bed on a cold winter night. However, place them in multiple parts of the home to 6
establish an airtight seal around the whole Adjust the Thermostat place. In winter the ideal indoor temperature is Only Heat Occupied Rooms between 18-20°C. So if your house has a thermostat, set the temperature to this Whether you have central or space heating range. will greatly influence the amount of energy required to heat your house. Keep in mind the very idea of a ‘comfortable range’ is highly subjective. Different people Some central heaters give you the ability to have different circadian rhythms and create ‘independent zones’ that let you heat hormones that can influence their body up certain areas of the house. Depending temperature on any given day. on the device, a ‘zone’ may be an individual room or a designated set of rooms. You may Also, let’s fact it, some winter days in also be able to setup an automated timer to Australia are exceptionallycolder than heat up the most occupied rooms at certain others. So you may have to crank up the times of the day. temperature a little bit more to get through those extra cold nights. Just don’t forget Even if you have a space heater, there are to set the temperature back to normal ways to reduce your heating costs. For afterwards! starters, only use the heater when you and the whole family are occupying the room [i] where the heater is located. Furthermore, hot-water-systems during this time, close all other doors so the device doesn’t have to work as hard to heat Article provided by ITA Electrical up the living space. 7
Yoga is my time to check in Fortunately for me, my yoga journey an anxious mind. A combination of weekly began 18 years ago when Lululemon and Hatha yoga classes at the local community trendy yoga studios were not the norm. It hall and hiring DVDs from the local library was a place where egos were out and were my first forays into understanding the comfy tracksuits were in! A place where importance of subtle movement with breath compassionate (usually older) yogies to create greater wellbeing. It provided nurtured us through a gentle practice that me with a calmness that I didn’t experience allowed us to decompress our busy minds from any other exercise or activity. and tightly wound bodies into a state of greater ease. When my young daughters insisted on getting up at 5am each day, I stopped Today, despite a raft of trendy studios begrudging them and took to my yoga mat and clothing options, yoga continues to and a daily sequence that set my mind and represent that safe place of reconnection to body for the day ahead. My girls also had self and disconnection from the pressures of mats and were invited to join in or play the outside world. nearby – and both knew this was ‘mummy’s My journey in yoga started when I found time’ which they respected very early on, myself at a particularly stressful time in my life thankfully. 8 as a single mum, a new business to run and
As the years went on, and our business of yoga (Hatha, Vinyasa Flow, Yin etc) and grew, we engaged a yoga teacher to instruct visit various studios to find the right class/es our small team of eight women each week at and teachers that suit you and your body’s a nearby park. As an employer I appreciated needs. the benefits yoga gave our young staff in gaining greater clarity, self-awareness, Home yoga practice - if getting to a class is calmness and compassion. It was worth difficult, or not in the budget, consider the every cent and we continued the classes for myriad of free options online that you can nearly 10 years! practice at home. However, it may help you to better understand the specifics of each When time and money afforded it, I went pose by combining this with a few classes in on to study and am now a qualified yoga a community centre or studio. teacher which I combine with a reduced work life for greater balance. If ‘new’ - bring your mat closer to the teacher. This will enable you to view the posture Each week I gift a yoga class in Manly more clearly and understand verbal cues for (Northern Beaches Community Centre) in alignment - ensuring a safer practice. gratitude for all the lessons and insights yoga has given me and in the hope that Free or discounted classes - keep any eye others, too, might find their inner peace out for classes that are free or reduced though yoga. pricing in your area. Some studios also offer a special for newcomers e.g. $25 for Yoga’s - life lessons for me 5 classes within a limited time frame, or a free community class each week – check Leave your ego at the door - yoga is an out options in your area. inward journey for you and not something you do to externally please or impress Equipment - All you need for yoga is a mat others. for home practice, and many studios offer mats for free or gold coin donation. You Meet your body where it’s at -if you are should wear loose fitting clothing (leggings/ low on energy - respect that and go easy t-shirt) and no shoes during class. Initially during the practice. There is no need to do keep the investment low and add props every sun salutation or plank if your body is such as blocks, bolsters, straps etc if needed, yearning for a restorative child’s pose. or consider items in the home that could substitute for these. Breath - it is life force and we need it to survive. Respect the power of breath and Diet tip - For a happier tummy, I recommend focus on it during practice to allow you to not eating for at least an hour before a be more present in your practice. physical practice if possible. Yoga = compassion to me. It represents Credit- Manly based business owner, accredited compassion for yourself, for others you Yoga instructor and former single mum, Simone know and all humankind. Larmer Simone also provides free weekly community yoga classes in Manly, enabling local Note for Newbies: residents with access to yoga and insights into living a more compassionate and empowered Yoga classes vary - try a few teachers, styles life. 9
Being at ease is the natural and easy. It’s actually hard work to be in a state of un- ease, because being in a state of un-ease is unnatural. Worse still, staying in un-easefor long enough can lead to dis-ease. So how do we bring ourselves into a natural state of ease? Well, the answer is simple: Stop trying, get your conscious mind out of the way, and trust your unconscious mind to heal you, restore you and enable you to thrive at every level. You see, at an unconscious level, you know How Being Happy and exactly how to thrive – both emotionally and to do so. physically. Your unconscious mind, which is the part of you that enables your organs It wants nothing more than for you to be to function without you knowing how, in your natural happy, healthy state of ease. also knows how to clear emotional blocks that keep you stuck in unwanted patterns Then what’s stopping this incredible of behaviour or thinking. And emotional natural happy healthy state? blocks can manifest in our bodies physically, The only thing getting in the way of your because our body and mind are completely ability to naturally thrive is your conscious interconnected. Your unconscious mind also mind – it’s what you’ve probably heard me knows exactly how to resolve the root cause call “brain babble”. of all anxiety, unwanted behaviour, feelings, fear or phobia. This brain babble can literally hijack you. This part of you not only knows exactly how That voice in your head can literally talk to clear, unblock, heal and restore you at you out of trustingand awakening your every level – and it desperately wants you unconscious processes which know exactly 10
how to heal and restore you – and thus imaginative process that speaks the language talking you out of allowing your natural state of that unconscious powerful essence within of ease. you. The only thing you need to do is get your conscious mind, the words in your The good news head, to step down for a while. They create The good news is this truly is easy to fix – the barrier to your ability to thrive, serving as provided you want to fix it, and provided a type of roadblock, and when you get them you trust the processes required by your out of the way, incredible change can occur, unconscious mind. often instantly and permanently. Hope, faith and trust create the non- Choosing our changes resistance required to enable complete Change is an elemental part of life. In fact, health, happiness and wellbeing. without change there is no life. Every minute It’s a natural, easy, enjoyable, playful, of every day we experience change simply in Healthy Is Easier (When We Know How) order to be alive. What we forget is that we can choose the changes we want. We can choose to change our relationships, our interaction with those around us, our response to the world we live in. We can choose any change we want. And we can create change that facilitates a healthy, happy body and mind. Now is the time It’s never too late to change. I see people in their 70’s feeling like “their true fulfilled self again” after many decades – 11
simply by choosing to change what lies within mind – and how to enable you to them. “speak it”. Otherwise you could be at You have everything you need People often think they’ll be happy when… risk of going around in circles, sinking they lose weight, find a new partner, buy a new house, get a new job, and the list can be deeper and deeper into a babble bath endless. The truth lies in the cliché “happiness comes from within”. of destructive banter. Because we are simply energy in a body – Lyn Megan Macpherson (M.A., which is why when our body dies, it still exists M.Ed., Dip.Clin.Hyp., Dip.NLP) is a but there is no energy in it – we can change Double Masters qualified, award everything in our lives simply by changing our winning, Government Accredited inner energy first. Then, we go out into the Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP world and witness or experience the result of (Neuro Linguistic Programming) that change – people respond to us differently, Practitioner, Social Ecologist, and we respond to life and the world we Transformative Psychotherapist encounter differently. and author. We change from within first, and then we see Lyn has researched and practiced that change manifest around us. revolutionary ways to overcome fears, anxieties, and all forms I tell my clients it’s a bit like a sculptor who can of destructive patterns of see his masterpiece in his own mind, day by thinking and behaviour in order day chipping away to create it in reality. to generate long-term, natural and transformative change. She We cannot do this consciously specialises in empowering young If you’ve been working on this kind of people with anxiety to calmly take philosophy consciously and found it hasn’t control of their lives to confidently worked for you, don’t despair. You’re not alone. create their ultimate future. Lyn lives on the Northern Beaches with her husband and two teenage daughters. Please visit the HARMONY SOLUTIONS AND HYPNOTHERAPY WEBSITE HERE We cannot resolve issues that are imbedded in our unconscious mind, at a conscious level. You will need to work with someone who understands the language of the unconscious 12
TOKYO-STYLE SALMON (Serves 2) Method: Time required: 45 mins approx. Whisk the marinade ingredients together Ingredients: in a medium bowl. Add the tofu and allow to sit for 30 minutes. For the miso marinade 2. Heat a medium frypan over medium 1 tbsp white miso paste heat and add the vegetable oil. Gently 1 tsp sriracha sauce place the tofu in the pan (be careful as 1 tbsp soy sauce oil may splatter). Fry for 3 minutes each 1 tsp sesame oil side until golden brown. Set aside. 3. Season the salmon well with salt and 200g firm tofu, cut into strips pepper. Heat the olive oil in a small 1 tbsp vegetable oil for frying frypan over medium heat. Add the 200g salmon fillet, sliced in half salmon to the pan, skin side down, and lengthways cook for 3 minutes. Turn and fry on the Salt and pepper other side for 2 minutes, or until cooked 1 tbsp olive oil to your liking. 1 cup short-grain rice, cooked 4. Divide the rice between two bowls. 3 spring onions, finely sliced Top with the salmon and sprinkle with 200g store-bought natto beans spring onions. Serve alongside the tofu, 1 cucumber, thinly sliced natto beans, cucumber, nori, wakame, 2 nori sheets, cut into strips green tea, miso soup and a side of soy. Wakame, green tea, miso soup and soy sauce to serve (Serves 2) Time required: 30 mins approx. Recipe provided by De’Longhi, Icona Capitals Breakfast Collection. De’Longhi Icona Capitals Kettle RRP $139 De’Longhi Icona Capitals 2-slice toaster RRP $139 De’Longhi Icona Capitals 4-slice toaster RRP $169 15
Tradie Guide Xchange Air JG Bathrooms, Building & Tiling Xchange Air are the leaders in the Australian Home Ventilation JG Bathroom Renovations have 25 years bathroom renovation and Industry. Our service offering tiling experience. includes sub floor ventilation We work closely with clients to help them select tiles and PC items (mechanical sub floor ventilation to suit their bathrooms. Our reputation has been built on the which provides permanent solutions foundations of delivering quality work on time and on budget. for damp, musty smells and mould issues) and Condensation Control (our Positive Pressure Ventilation systems). We offer an obligation free home Email: [email protected] inspection Phone: 02 8411 1896 Phone: 9427 8800 Man and his Van Facebook: Man and His Van is, in our opinion, Sydney’s leading furniture xchangeair removalist and storage company, specialising in house, unit and office moving and storage on the Northern Beaches. Handy Andy’s Plumbing Special Offers: One month of free storage to Northern Beaches mums $50 DISCOUNT WHEN YOU Address: MENTION THIS AD 6 91-93 Old Pittwater Road, Brookvale We offer our clients a premium Website: plumbing service and specialise in: Phone Number: 9907 3300 blocked drains, relining of sewer Email: [email protected] pipes (a great alternative to digging up your garden), same day hot water service replacements, gas fitting, all general leaking taps and toilets. All workmanship guaranteed! For an affordable and reliable service call Andy- 0413 603 019. Email: [email protected] 16
Perfect Painting Alpine Air & Electrical Based in the Northern Beaches of Sydney - Perfect Painting Your premier air conditioning offers a high standard of workmanship in all aspects of Painting technicians on the Northern & Decorating. With an emphasis on customer satisfaction, a keen Beaches. Serving the industry for eye for detail and 20 years of trade knowledge, Perfect Painting over 15 years, we have experience delivers a professional finish every time. Offering colour advice in both residential and commercial and free quotations, licensed and fully insured. sites offering a full range of services including installation, service and Website: repairs. Mobile Number: 0490 343 402 Email: [email protected] Website: www. Mobile Number: 0422 484 803 Email: [email protected]andelectrical. EZE-FLOW Plumbing Willoughby Glass Our motto is “Maintaining the Flow,” whether you have leaks 19/1-7 Short Street, or blockages we always deliver Chatswood, NSW, 2067 the job in a fast and efficient Phone: (02) 9882 3648 manner maintaining the flow of Fax: (02) 9882 3649 your normal daily life. We are very [email protected] knowledgeable in all aspects of plumbing and provide a high-quality service. Eze – Flow Plumbing are blocked IF YOU NEED A LOCAL TRADIE drain specialist’s and are offering LOOK NO FURTHER THAN OUR NBMs 10% off all blocked drains when they mention this add. TRADIE GUIDE TO HELP YOU. Email: [email protected] Mobile: 0439 025 458 Book Your CONTACT THEM TODAY AND MAKE SURE Advert YOU MENTION THAT YOU SAW THE Here ADVERTISEMENT ON NORTHERN BEACHES MUMS! 17
The Beaches Sports Physio Get a FREE Discovery Session at The Beaches Sports Physio. This is for those people who are unsure as to where to turn for their pain or dysfunction and can get some advice. It is designed as a 20 minute meet and greet, where you sit down with a Titled Physiotherapist (the top 5% of all physios) and discuss what your options are regarding the pain. The advice will usually be some sort of testing, exercise or physio – it purely depends on what the presenting problem is. Book via the website or call 8964 4086. Royals Brookvale - Complimentary Shampoo & Blowdry Exclusive offer to Northern Beaches Mums- no strings attached Mention the code word #BEACHMUM and get a complimentary shampoo wash and blowdry on your first visit. This is an exclusive invitation to experience Brookvale’s ammonia free salon and meet one of Australia’s most renowned hair teams. Recently awarded AHIA 2018 Australian Salon Of The Year, the team at Royals is renowned for on trend hair and fashion work. The offer is limited to the first 100 callers so please book in early to avoid disappointment. Offer not valid on Public Holidays and during December Royals Brookvale -Level 1 Westfield Warringah Mall (Find us near Woolworths) (02) 9939 5858 [email protected] NIQUE KX Pilates Dee Why The new kid on the block at Japanese for ‘change for the better’ Chatswood Chase. A Melboune based the Kaizen eXperience – or KX – is a and Australian designer that would philosophy that focuses on small and like to introduce Women’s and Men’s ongoing improvement. wear to the Northern Beaches Mums KX Dee Why are offering pre/post community and offer a 10% discount natal KX classes specifically designed for new signups and complementary for beyond 15 weeks with our styling if you visit their store. intro offer of 5 classes for $50 (to NIQUE can be found on Level 1, use within 2 weeks). These classes Chatswood Chase. combine strength training, light cardio Website: [email protected] and gentle stretching appropriate for your body during pregnancy. Health Space Clinics Website: Health Space Northern Beaches love supporting Northern Beaches Mums and their families. They are offering 50% off your initial chiropractic or acupuncture treatments and 20% off your initial nutrition or massage treatments. Available at Mona Vale and Brookvale Clinics. Call 9979 8887 to book. Email: [email protected] Website: www.healthspaceclinics. 18
Babyography Get 15% off all full priced items in store when you mention this ad (some ex- clusions apply). Website: www.babyogra- Do you have an offer? Bare Naked Bowls - Get in touch today Dee Why Bare Naked Bowls is one of Sydney’s favourite superfood cafes specialising in serving delicious Acai Bowls, Superfood Smoothies, Breakfast Bowls, Cold Pressed Juices, Locally Roasted Coffee, Kombucha and Raw Treats. They cater for all needs including vegetarian, paleo, vegan, dairy free and gluten free. The new store at Dee Why is family friendly with a large group table, comfy wicker chairs for breastfeeding mums and pram friendly. Drop into 9 The Strand Dee Why to take advantage of a 10% discount for all Northern Beaches Mums or order online with the code “NBM” to claim your discount. Submission 19
FRIDAY 31st MAY SATURDAY 1st JUNE SUNDAY 2ND JUNE • Harry Potter Parody • Harry Potter Parody • Harry Potter Parody PUFFS The Play PUFFS The Play PUFFS The Play • Model Boat Sailing on • Yoga on the Beaches • Bigger Than Us – Sydney Narrabeen Lakes • Dads Infant Massage Road Gallery • Bigger Than Us – • FREE Yoga Classes • A Growing Way of Life • Parent Cyber Safety Sydney Road Gallery • Buzz Train Play • Inspire Early Learning: Workshop • FREE Silent Disco Ice Open House Skating Festival • Bigger Than Us – Sydney Road Gallery • Loving Self-Care for Mothers – Yoga, Ayurveda & Mindfulness • FREE Weekly Kids Yoga at Darling Quarter 21
PROPERTY OF THE WEEK Rental $1,050 P/W FAMILY HOME WITH SPARKLING PITTWATER VIEWS! 78 Hilltop Road, AVALON BEACH Relax and unwind in this quiet private - Internal laundry hideaway! Simply sit back and enjoy the incredible bird life, watch regular sailing - A large functional kitchen with Pittwater races or marvel at dramatic sunsets with views reflections on Pittwater. - Separate dining room off the kitchen that The home is situated in one of Clareville’s also opens on to the deck most sought afterstreets,which is also a quiet cul-de-sac. It is immaculately maintained - Living area with reverse cycle air with a manicured terraced garden and with conditioning stunning views across Pittwater to Ku-rin- gai National Park. - Living area flows effortlessly onto an undercover deck – perfect to enjoy every The house has light filled interiors with day and ideal for entertaining ample living space and a natural indoor/ outdoor flow through to a covered deck. - Double carport and a separate large A sunny North facing patio with BBQ area workshop/storage room has adjoins the terraced lawn areas. Garden maintenance will be in included in the rent. Stroll to Clareville Beach via a public footpath. Close to transport, Hilltop shops, cafe’s and restaurants and a short walk into Avalon Village. Features of the property include: Available now - 12 month lease - 4 bedrooms (or 3 with study) master suite Pet considered on application with walk-in robe - 2 bathrooms h t t p s : // w w w. r a i n e a n d h o r n e . c o m . a u / avalonpalmbeach Phone 02 9918 3111 23
Win 1 of 2 Books: Diary of a Crap Housewife In this fabulously funny, down-to-earth book, Diary of a Crap Housewife, Jessica Rowe writes honestly about her talent (or lack thereof) for cooking, about what’s really important when it comes to mothering and family, and about her many and varied views, musings and commonsense advice on other crap housewife matters. As an added bonus, there are thirteen crap housewife recipes included, from Jessica’s old favourite, spag bol, to a fresh and tasty Waldorf salad, and all so simple you can’t go wrong. general-books/biography-autobiography/Diary-of-a- Crap-Housewife-Jessica-Rowe-9781760529529 Terms and conditions: The winner/s will be chosen by Northern Beaches Mums, Monday 3rd June at 9am and contacted by email. If the winners cannot be contacted within 3 days another winner/s will be chosen. ENTER HERE Competition is open to SYDNEY residents only. 24
Win a Busy Kid Bundle Pack If you have kids in your household, you know how busy life can be. Busy Kid has a range of magnetic planners that offer fun and simple ways to help families and young children organise and plan the week ahead. Their Bundle Pack comes with the large weekly base magnet and 120 colourful magnets, plus a magnet case and reusable back sack. Terms and conditions: The winner/s will be chosen by Northern Beaches Mums, Monday 10th June at 9am and contacted by email. If the winners cannot be contacted within 3 days another winner/s will be chosen. Competition is open to SYDNEY residents only. ENTER HERE Win 1 of 2 Books: Sherlock Bones and the Natural History Mystery ‘Hi there, I’m Sherlock Bones. Who is Sherlock Bones, you ask? Well, I don’t like to brag, but my trusty side-kick Watts says I’m the greatest detective in our whole museum. Don’t you, Watts? Watts…?’ You might not be able to hear Watts, because he’s technically a stuffed parrot, but I always know what he’s thinking. And right now he’s thinking: Can we solve the mystery of the missing Blue Diamond and save the Museum of Natural History, before it’s too late? Natural-History-Mystery-Renee-Treml-9781760523954 Terms and conditions: The winner/s will be chosen by Northern Beaches Mums, Thursday 13th June at 9am and contacted by email. If the winners cannot be contacted within 3 days another winner/s will be chosen. ENTER HERECompetition is open to SYDNEY residents only. 25