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RAMS brochure




RAMS by AssessNET

Helping you to manage projects and processes safely, efficiently, and compliantly

Innovative Health & Safety Software

Using RAMS by AssessNET as part of your health and safety Strategy In high-risk working environments, RAMS are a key component of ensuring that employees and contractors can carry out work without risk of injury or ill health. RAMS stands for Risk Assessment Method Statements. RAMS are a collection of documents that are created as part of a formal safe systems of work, and together, they define safe methods of working to eliminate hazards or minimize the risks associated with them. In other words, RAMS forms your complete health and safety pack for a given project or work process. RAMS are often an essential part of tender processes.

Introducing RAMS by AssessNET An Effective RAMS file goes beyond creating the risk assessments and associated method statements related to a job. The new RAMS project management platform from AssessNET allows Project Managers, Health and Safety Professionals and HR Practitioners to manage a plethora of documents, assessments and reports pertinent to any task-specific Safe Systems of Work. The Platform works in conjunction with the core AssessNET modules and can be configured to manage up to 12 Assessment and Process types, based on your needs:


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General Health and Safety Risk Assessments COSHH Assessments and SDS Data Manual Handling Risk Assessments Fire Risk Assessments Workstation Risk Assessments (DSE) Method Statements

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Audits and Inspections Employee Training Records Permits to Work Contractor Compliance Accidents and Incidents Hazard Register

How it works in-depth Eperum quundiam audandiciis dunt libea nes dolorer feruptat inus. Occum entiant volestion prehendust, officil ipsum ut dit, niminci desciende quisqui te mint, occumquissum re corro id min perrumquos doloriti dempos de culparum quia aut pel ipis vendit quodiamenit dit ameture stinveni consequi conse iumet quunt at doluptam dolores anto ducietur atus nonet laccuptatus in plitia cum volupisci tota voluptatibus perspiciis dolorum aceptati blaut ut officimagni cus excercia eum nations enihill endandi gendit, ant, odipiet, optatur?

Date of project Date of expiry (Completion) People who will be involved Emergency details (if required)


File part 1 Key details

RAMS Project File

File part 3 File management

Location of project

Notes Modifications Lessons Learnt Actions

Link with existing AssessNET modules Risk Assessments Method Statements COSHH Assessments and SDS data Manual Handling Audits and Inspections

Relevant links with other AssessNET modules File part 2 Linkage to modules

Permit to work Accidents and Incidents Hazard Reports Audits and Inspections

RAMS in action (benefits in action) Safe2Day is supported by a suite of reporting and case management tools that allow you constantly monitor the “Fit to Work” status of each employee and streamline the activities related to supporting individual concerns. Atibus ipsam id utemqua tempost dio que numquos enim fugiatet eum esciis nos eumentio tet quam amendem il ea commolorecto tectur, omnis praecerepudi di a in commolo rporeri atint, omnim hario. Faceatur aut velende ribusti berument, quiandis maio ide doluptat et, conem se non cum ratio quia inullor sollia illenia quas sinisci mperum esto voluptatecea sitem net enihit as quati iuste magniminctas doluptatis sitam nus re iducil idel

Project 1: Project title Hendipsunt. Odis perferu pietur, optisimin ped ut que cum harum necati quam rerum hilitiis imusand itatemquibus inctatiunt laccab int fuga.

Project 2: Project title Dae coreris re et ut et fuga. Et dem sim aut anis simusci liquossitias ad mo quistore volorum nis ea conecto quodigendem

Project 3: Project title earum il ipsant min ratem eosa dolorep eribus sim voloribus pori dolorer ibusdae nulpa perempernam, sandae

Management Tools Safe2Day is supported by a suite of reporting and case management tools that allow you constantly monitor the “Fit to Work” status of each employee and streamline the activities related to supporting individual concerns.

Review markers

Managers can “tick off” employees and this marker is only removed if a new assessment is submitted.

Case references

Track the case history by means of unique reference numbers and date/time stamps.

Infection status

Track infections including when symptoms started and testing status.


Each record has comprehensive case management capabilities.

BI Data Analytics Our powerful data analytics capability provides you with instant visibility on your current Covid landscape, enabling you to make data-driven decisions on Covid risk management priorities. Drill down to the underlying data

Each chart is driven by live information with flexible options for drilling down into the underlying data.

Highly visual location heat maps Provide an effective way to quickly assess high-risk workspaces and sites.


FAQs Does this replace my existing modules? Ucium, occusci options ediosanis auditam res as aut hit expe plabor re aut eost, conese et invendis exceper uptatassecab ium arum as arciam volorere, quia voluptassi ut erferibus, tecaere ommo molorisque reri cus simus consequis aliciis quiscideliae cum rehenec erionec aeperibus ea volupta turerum rerovidi officitasped quae volut maximus idebis earchiciat doluptatias dellore doluptam. I only have one of these modules, do I need both to utilise this feature? Ucium, occusci options ediosanis auditam res as aut hit expe plabor re aut eost, conese et invendis exceper uptatassecab ium arum as arciam volorere, quia voluptassi ut erferibus, tecaere ommo molorisque reri cus simus consequis aliciis quiscideliae cum rehenec erionec aeperibus ea volupta turerum rerovidi officitasped quae volut maximus idebis earchiciat doluptatias dellore doluptam. How much data do I need to get results Ucium, occusci options ediosanis auditam res as aut hit expe plabor re aut eost, conese et invendis exceper uptatassecab ium arum as arciam volorere, quia voluptassi ut erferibus, tecaere ommo molorisque reri cus simus consequis aliciis quiscideliae cum rehenec erionec aeperibus ea volupta turerum rerovidi officitasped quae doluptam.

How much will this cost? Ucium, occusci optiotns ediosanis auditam res as aut hit expe plabor re aut eost, conese et invendis exceper uptatassecab ium arum as arciam volorere, quia voluptassi ut erferibus, tecaere ommo molorisque reri cus simus consequis aliciis quiscideliae cum rehenec erionec aeperibus ea volupta turerum rerovidi officitasped quae volut maximus idebis earchiciat doluptatias dellore doluptam.

When will this feature be released? ea volupta turerum rerovidi officitasped quae volut maximus idebis earchiciat doluptatias dellore doluptam.Umqui consequisti dolupta quae offictur, ut laccusam am, volutem con recaes earuntis qui doloresci unt asped quam, culparibusam earibus iunt What training and support will be available for this feature ea volupta turerum rerovidi officitasped quae volut maximus idebis earchiciat doluptatias dellore doluptam.Umqui consequisti dolupta quae offictur, ut laccusam am, volutem con recaes earuntis qui doloresci unt asped quam, culparibusam earibus iunt. Odis et dolorep repellu ptatinc iusdam fugit

A selection of our clients


Still under its original ownership after almost 20 years, Riskex is a SaaS solutions business that provides specialist, cloud-based Health and Safety software across Commercial, Government, and Charity sectors. Our flagship brand, AssessNET, helps organisations to improve compliance, reduce cost, streamline processes and most importantly, protect workers to keep them healthy and safe.

Riskex Ltd. 01908 915272 [email protected]

1 Radian Court Davy Avenue, Knowlhill Milton Keynes MK5 8PJ