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Elizabeth Bartlett Portfolio Flipbook PDF





Elizabeth Bartlett

Designer. Artist. Massive Nerd.

“All that we do, all that we are, begins and ends with ourselves.” -Arno Dorian

Artist Statement Looking back on my childhood, I should have known that I was born to be a designer. Some of my earliest memories are of me with my laptop, curled up in my closet fort, spending hours designing and drawing characters in MS Paint. In the years since then, I found a way to combine my love of design with my other passion: video games. My favourite games , such as BioShock and Dishonored, are a huge inspiration for me and my personal aesthetic. As well, creating works such as cosplay and fanart has helped me find my style and my confidence. This is why my heart is dead set on a career in UI design in the video game industry. Although I’ve been exploring design jobs in the video game industry for years, the world of UI design is very new to me. To counter this, I study everything I can get my hands on to learn as much as I can. I play my favourite games with a different eye now - I pay more attention to the menus and HUD, appreciating how they work and how they support the aesthetic of the game as a whole. Although UI is my passion, it’s far from the only one. I greatly enjoy spending my downtime creating art for myself, both traditionally and digitally. I’ve recently stepped into the world of selling art at conventions. The Artist’s Alley at conventions is a very inspiring place for me - being surrounded by so many wonderful artists with the same geeky tastes as me is a great feeling. I aim to join these artists and sell my own art - I believe that my unique ideas will lead me to success in these ventures. No matter what form my creations take, my art reflects who I am. All of my works contain a piece of me. By sharing my art I feel as if I am spreading my passionate nature to all of the people who enjoy it, and it is the greatest feeling in the world.

(289) 828-3026 [email protected] erinelizabethbartlett thewitchempress

Elizabeth Bartlett Design

thewitchempress elizabethbartlett

Elizabeth Bartlett Design


Elizabeth Bartlett D

Elizabeth Bartlett Design

(289) 828-3026 [email protected]

My first website design, made in Adobe Muse

Sticking with the art deco aesthetic - my first logo (left) and the header for my online store (above). I ultimately decided that this aesthetic was too dark, and opted to rebrand to my current, brighter look.

Logo design for CLY Photography (Collin L. Young) This logo started with the idea to combine graphics and typography by designing the C as a semicircular glare on the lens of a camera. Collin was interested in my concept, and we worked closely together throughout the design process. I based the look of the camera off of his own, which added a personal touch as well as insuring that the design would look symmetrical. After a lot of feedback and subtle changes, I ended up with a design that Collin loves.

Logo design for The Bartlett Pair Realty My mother and I were considering starting our own real estate team called The Bartlett Pair. Although this idea never came to fruition, I still love the logo concept. I drew a small pear leaning against a larger pear to represent myself and my mother. The key was added to make it more clear that this is a real estate company, and I drew the leaf in a heart shape to add a touch of love.

Graphics for The Walsh and Volk Team This is just a small sample of work that I have done as the Marketing Assistant at Guaranteed Real Estate Services Inc. When the sales team changed, I took everyone’s individual photo and crafted the new header for our social media. When we started expanding our online presence, I made eye-catching graphics to drive attention to our new social pages. I also utilize my web design skills and knowledge of HTML to build new pages for our website, such as the “About Us” page shown above.

Mock Album Cover When I was given the assignment to create a mock album cover for a fictional musician, I instantly knew I wanted to make a jazz album with myself as the singer. I started with the idea of a photo of myself wearing red, with everything else being in black and white. I worked with CLY Photography, who took my ideas and captured the perfect photos. I edited the photos in Photoshop, using layer masks to keep the colour of my dress, lipstick, and nails. I designed the graphics in Illustrator, and put everything together in InDesign. Fun fact: People always ask how I managed to do a photoshoot in a bar, but the photos were actually taken in my basement!

Banner for Graphic Design class For this assignment, I was inspired by my favourite game, BioShock. I wanted to create an eerie, underwater piece, like a metal sign that had been rusting in the ocean for a long time. I created the text by typing out the words in a grungy font over-top of an image of rusted metal, then deleting everything outside of the letters. I did the same thing for the numbers, using an image of peeling paint. I polished it off with a lot of dodging and burning.

El i zab e th Bartl e tt De si g n

Branded Notebook Another assignment was to design a notebook incorporating our personal brand. I looked at art deco portraits for inspiration, since this art style has always been my favourite, and I always include art deco elements into my brand aesthetic. I found a few portraits that I loved featuring pale women with dark hair and red lips, so I drew my own in Illustrator and assembled the notebook cover in InDesign.

Mug Design Inspired by the game Prey. In the game, it’s common for characters to put sticky notes on items to identify that it is not a Mimic. This became the inspiration for my mug design. The logo behind the sticky note is for Talos One, the fictional space station in the game.

Character Design Miranda Matte is a character that I created years ago, inspired by the RWBY universe. This picture of her was created for my animation class, and was drawn in Illustrator using the RWBY art style. Although it wasn’t necessary for the assignment, I also crafted an emblem for her - a dog paw assembled from ice and fire, in honour of her Faunus heritage and her ice and fire powers. For the final assignment I animated her movements - unfortunately, I couldn’t include the animated version in this portfolio for obvious reasons.

T-Shirt Design Inspired by the game Dishonored. The Outsider is a god within the Dishonored universe, so in the game it is common to see the above symbol and phrase scrawled on walls. For this design, I chose to make the Outsider’s mark a gradient to give it a sort of ethereal glow. I also added the distressed effect to give it a decrepit, wornout vibe, since the game takes place in the mid 1800s.

Traditional Artwork My best works from the past year. In order: Noir Elizabeth (BioShock Infinite) | India Ink and water, brush Portrait of Collin | India Ink and a crow-quill Spider-Man | Brush pen and fine-liner My Hand | Fine-liner and red Copic marker

Traditional Artwork Continued The Huntress (Dead By Daylight) | Grey and Black brush pens, red Copic marker Yang’s Emblem (RWBY) | Fine-liner and watercolour Corvo’s Mask (Dishonored) | India Ink and brush, gold Copic marker