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Ideological Training Guidelines - All-African People's ... Flipbook PDF








“Education consists not only in the sum of what a man or woman knows or the skill with which they can put this to his or her own advantage…Man’s or woman’s education must also be measured in terms of the soundness of their judgments of people and things and in his or her power to understand and appreciate the needs of his fellow men and women, and to be of service to them.” Kwame Nkrumah – Consciencism

The fundamental problem, which faces African People who are scattered in every corner of the world, is our lack of political education, our lack of mass, revolutionary political organization and our lack of dedicated, revolutionary Cadre. It is at root, an ideological problem. The solution is equally, at root, ideological. Fully understanding this, the main task that the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (A-APRP) has set for itself, is the ideological training of genuine, revolutionary servants of the People. Understanding that there is no limit to man or woman’s capacity to contribute to humanity, the aim of the A-APRP is to develop each of us to our fullest potential. This can only be done through ideological training, hence the necessity for the Ideological Training process of the A-APRP. From the very outset, the A-APRP understands that the process of ideological training is a constant, permanent, life-long, process and a necessity in all revolutionary struggles and all revolutionary parties. Ideological training covers every aspect of the People’s, the Revolution’s and the Party’s life. It requires practice and perseverance, and can only be appreciated on a long term basis through the qualitative and quantitative changes in the behavior and life of the People. Ideological training must be a continuous and permanent process if it is to achieve its goals. No change or worthwhile lesson can be drawn in the short term. Thus, the development of revolutionary consciousness, which is the primary objective of Ideological training, is a continuous process which involves constant development of theory and practice. Ideological training is the means to realize revolutionary consciousness and thus the Revolution. It is the tool with which the People can train themselves to think and act qualitatively different, and to reshape their lives so that the old backward ideas and practices can replace them. Ideological training for the A-APRP, is the process for internalizing the theory and practice of Nkrumahism-Tureism and moving Nkrumahist-Tureism ideology forward through work and study. The necessity of ideological training is clearly explained by Ahmed Seku Ture, the supreme strategist of the African Revolution; (in the Forward of his book entitled STRATEGY AND TACTICS OF THE REVOLUTION.) THE PARAMOUNT NECESSITY FOR IDEOLOGICAL TRAINING AND MASS REVOLUTIONARY PRACTICE “Without revolutionary consciousness there is no Revolution! All those who have had to conduct revolution have been able to verify this. But where does this revolutionary consciousness come from, since it is certain that it is not basic datum; nor does it come into being and develop spontaneously? History teaches that it is created and developed through ideological education and revolutionary practice. “We can equally affirm that without ideological training and without revolutionary action, there can be no revolutionary consciousness…..


“Revolutionary consciousness and revolutionary action or mere Revolution engender and qualify one another forming a dynamic and tense whole with risks of rupture; which when it takes place, becomes fatal to the one and the other. “History is full of cases where revolutionary action taking the lead on progress in the development of revolutionary consciousness, and thus breaking away from its nourishing source, that is the support and adhesion of the masses, runs into an adventure; accumulates failures and ultimately leads to a result contrary to the one anticipated, the recession on all fronts of the forces of progress, the questioning of all that had already been achieved, the rejection to a remote and uncertain future of every possibility of resuming the struggle. “On the other had, there are lots of cases where efforts have been vainly deployed to create and develop certain revolutionary consciousness in view of an action to be undertaken once all the conditions of success have been met. And in each case, all attempts to have a theory of action assimilated outside the field of action itself, be it a humble action because it is the only one possible in the conditions of the movement; have never been carried beyond the halls or clubs of discussion to change any situation whatsoever. On the contrary, they have always been lost in contemplation, in expectation of already missed opportunities, before degenerating definitely into an inactive residuim. “But the case is quite different when ideological training completes, highlights and founds revolutionary action in the process of execution so as to make their objectives understood, and thereby, have the necessary efforts and sacrifices consented. “No worthwhile revolutionary Party can be mistaken on this today. This effort in training is a permanent problem and the attention which is accorded to it, according to the exigencies; characterize every phase of the Revolution and its leaders. “The first exigency of the Revolution, the sum total of all other exigencies, is that of new men and women who have freed themselves from the servitudes of love for wealth, men and women who have opted for the general interest, for the People, for a genuine humanism. “Ideological training, revolutionary ideology is the modern weapon used by the oppressed Peoples to overcome their insufficiencies, to meet the challenge of the powers of exploitation. Revolutionary ideology is the infallible arm that reveals and develops the People’s genius. All revolutionary parties agree on this. “The work of ideological training in view of the emancipation of a whole People in conditions such as ours is of necessity a long term enterprise. The path to be followed is full of ambushes, the least of which is not the apparent slowness of the results that will crown their efforts. “It is necessary at the onset to get secured against the risks of discouragement, by acquiring a sufficient amount of patience and perseverance, by taking account of the fact that the results of such an enterprise can only be appreciated on a long term basis, through all the qualitative changes which appear in the behavior of individuals and peoples facing their problems. In these conditions, it is certain that the expected results will only come when 3

the action, which engenders them, continues and this is the second condition of success continuity. “It is vain and even dangerous indeed to start a work of education and stop it soon afterwards. Besides the fact that no result will be obtained, no worthwhile lesson will be drawn from it, the future is likely to be compromised by the doubt that will get hold of the militants as regards the determination and the competence of the leaders to keep to their promise and to carry on an action that was freely undertaken and presented in the beginning as absolutely indispensable. “This action must be carried on obstinately, without intermission, with, of course, the necessary adaptation of the methods to all the new data.” excerpted from Ahmed Seku Ture’s “FORWARD”, in the STRATEGY AND TACTICS OF THE REVOLUTION

HOW TO JOIN THE ALL-AFRICAN PEOPLE’S REVOLUTIONARY PARTY? The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (A-APRP) fully understands that only man and woman can transform society. This can only be accomplished through consistent and systematic work. Many of us who want a transformation of our People’s exploitative conditions limit this desire to wishful thinking. We fail to understand that we must work consciously and collectively in order to liberate our People. That we must scientifically give time to our People’s sacred cause, just like we regularly give time to work, school, religion, television etc. The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (A-APRP) understands that only through consistent struggle for our People’s liberation can we become truly responsible human beings. This is why we know that the only way we can make a genuine contribution to the People’s progress is by being an active Member of a political organization which sees as its primary task and contribution, the political education and organization of the masses of the oppressed African People. We seek to identify, study and work with other Africans who have a similar understanding of the nature of the tasks which confront us and an equal determination to do what is necessary to liberate and unite our people and our Nation, the African Nation. Joining the A-APRP is a process, not an event. Membership in the A-APRP is open to all People of African descent who accept the ideology (Nkurmahism-Tureism) and the objective (Pan-Africanism) of the A-APRP and work consistently to help build the Party, educate and organize the masses of African People and struggle to materialize its Nkrumahist-Tureist ideology and Pan-African objective. Any African, anywhere in the world can join the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party by implementing the following easy steps: STEP 1: JOIN OR HELP BUILD AN A-APRP WORK-STUDY CIRCLE! 4

All prospective Members of the A-APRP must join or help build an A-APRP Work-Study Circle and voluntarily participate in the A-APRPs Ideological Training Process. Ideological training is the means through which the A-APRP develops staunch Revolutionary Cadre committed to the Party and the People. Consistent ideological education can insure that the proper directions and form of the A-APRP can be determined and fulfilled. Ork and study are the primary means and obligations of all Revolutionaries. Work-Study Circles are the primary Party unit for ideological training and internal Party information, communications, input decision making, responsibility and accountability. The overall objective of Work-Study Circles is to raise constantly the level of consciousness of the circle member through collective work-study. Work-Study Circles are planned ideological sessions which seek to increase the Members interest and commitment in order to better enable them to help ensure victory in our struggle against all forces which seek to exploit and oppress the African masses. Paricipation in Work-Study Circle meetings and activities is the first requirement for membership in the A-APRP. At this level, prospective Party Members are required to engage in serious study of the Required Reading Materials as outlined by the A-APRP in this IDEOLOGICAL TRAINING GUIDELINES. The function and purpose of the A-APRP Work-Study Circles is to train and develop at this stage of our struggle; serious, unselfish, hard-working Cadre capable of building an independent, revolutionary, mass Pan-Africanist Party – the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (A-APRP). Work-Study Circles are designed to: 1) Imbue the prospective Party Member with a genuine commitment to serve the masses of African People through qualitatively increasing their understanding of and accepting, practicing and implementing the ideology, objective, political line and program of the A-APRP. 2) Imbue the prospective Party Member with an understanding of the necessity for waging revolutionary struggle and helping to build the A-APRP, as well as what to do and how to do it. 3) Train and prepare serious, unselfish, sacrificing strugglers and fighters for the liberation of Africa and all her people. 4) Develop a strong, undying, indestructivle and revolutionary love for Africa and her people. 5) Inspire prospective Party members through raising their understanding, to higher and more productive levels of work. 6) Develop a clar analysis and strong hatred for the enemy and all that is associated with the interest of the enemy. 7) Develop a conscientious attitude toward revolutionary work. 8) Cultivate a strong sense of national pride in being African. 9) Develop an understanding of and revolutionary commitment to actively support the just struggles of other oppressed and exploited Peoples in the world. 10) Imbue prospective Party members with a strong desire to learn more and use it selflessly to serve the People. 5

11) Imbue prospective Party members with a deep sense of ideological conviction that produces an inseperable unity of thought and action, words and deeds, ideas and practice. Obviously, the struggle to train, steel and test revolutionary Cadre is of necessity, a permanent and life long struggle. Having finally, through long hard study, practice, commitment and sacrifice; achieved the honor and obligation of becoming Cadre, there remains an even longer and harder struggle to maintain one’s Cadre status and to continually develop to higher levels of understanding, practice and commitment. The Ideological Training process of the A-APRP Work-Study Circles is designed to ensure that Party Members and prospective Members begin to systematically develop their knowledge in the following areas: 1) African History – a brief outline of African history and of a scientific methodology, which will enable us to properly interpret African history, including a correct historical analysis of the nation/class contradictions of Africa, the nature of the exploitation which African women face, and the historical, current and future role which Africa plays in the world. 2) Capitalism, Imperialism, Colonialism, Settler-Colonialism, Neo-Colonialism, Racist and Zionism – a brief introduction to the political economy of these exploitative systems, and their historical development and impact on Africa 3) Pan-Africanism – a general overview of Pan-Africanism: the total liberation and unification of Africa under scientific socialism 4) Scientific Socialism – a beginners understanding of scientific socialism as the only correct economic system for the African Revolution. All A-APRP Work-Study Circles must follow a uniform set of procedures and rules which include: 1) Members must read a minimum of five pages a day and spend an average of five and a half (5 ½) hours per week studying. 2) All Work-Study Circles must be kept small in numbers to insure proper group dynamics and maximum collective study, discussion, interaction, ideological struggle and accountability. Work-Study Circles should not have less than three (3) and no more than thirteen (13) members. 3) Work-Study Circles must meet once every two weeks. Meeting should last a minimum of three (3) hours and a maximum of five (5) hours 4) Work-Study Circles are organized into three (3) sections: a. Discussion of Required Reading Materials – at least sixty percent (60%) of the Work-Study Circle meeting time should be spent on this section. The Political Education Committee is responsible for ensuring the proper organization and facilitation of this section, as well as the overall WorkStudy Circle meeting. Each Circles Member must take their turn in facilitating the Reading Material Discussion. b. Discussion of World Geo-Political Affairs – no more than twenty percent (20%) of the Work-Study Circle Session should be spent on this section. The Program Committee is responsible for ensuring the proper organization 6

and facilitation of this section. Each Circle member must take their turn in facilitating this section. c. Discussion of Party Affairs – no more than twenty percent (20%) of the Work-Study Circle meeting time should be spent on this section. Each Circle Member must also take their turn helping facilitate this section. The Administration Committee is responsible for ensuring the proper facilitation of this section


CONSCIENCISM, by Kwame Nkrumah, pages 62-63 THE WORLD AND AFRICA, by W.E.B. Dubois CAPITALISM AND SLAVERY, by Eric Williams WOMEN IN SOCIETY, by Ahmed Seku Ture






INTRODUCTION TO MARXISM, by Emile Burns “Dialectical Approach to Culture”, by Ahmed Seku Ture CLASS STRUGGLE IN AFRICA, by Kwame Nkrumah COMMUNIST MANIFESTO, by Karl Marx “Two Myths” from REVOLUTIONARY PATH, by Kwame Nkrumah

* Plus any book on the A-APRP’s anti-zionist study list. All Work-Study Circle Members can read the same book or they can read different books on the list as preparation for the discussion 7

** If the Work-Study Circle is unable to obtain this book, after serious efforts to obtain it, they may use THE PHILOSOPHIES AND OPINIONS OF MARCUS GARVEY. 6)

The Approved LIST OF A-APRP BROTHER/SISTER AND ALLIED ORGANIZATIONS, in the order to be studied during the World Geo-Political Affairs Discussion include: -



7) Only primary source material can be used for study in both the Reading Material and World Geo-Political Affairs sections of the Work-Study Circle meeting. The Program Committee of the A-APRP has collected the required material from each of these organizations and will make them available as needed. Each Work-Study Circle Member must take their turn facilitating the World Geo-Political Discussion section of the WorkStudy Circle meetings. 8) All Work-Study Circle Members are required to pay monthly dues after the first six months. New Work-Study Members are encouraged to voluntarily pay during the first six months. 9) All Work-Study Circle Members must help insure the development and maintenance of proper Work-Study Circle records. The Administration Committee Members in each Work-Study Circle have the overall responsibility. 10) All Work-Study Members must help build the A-APRP by making input to and abiding by the decisions, policies, rules and regulations.


Implementation of the above is the only procedure for building A-APRP Work-Study Circles, at this time. Step 2: Help Build the Committees of the AAPRP In addition to Work-Study, all prospective Members must also join of the three A-APRP internal, standing committees: Political Education, Program or Administration. The primary task of these committees is to organize and coordinate the work of the A-APRP. All Sisters who join the A-APRP are automatically Members of the All-African Women’s Revolutionary Union (A-AWRU), which is the internal women’s wing of the Party. New recruits, members of a party work-study circle for less than six months, are only required to do committee work related to their Work-Study Circle. A-APRP Committees are the second most important organizational unity (in addition to the Work-Study Circles) of the A-APRP. They are the second most important Party units for ideological training and internal party information, communications, input, democracy, decision making, responsibility and accountability. They are the primary party organizational units for the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of party work, production, growth and development. Their functions and tasks include: 1)



The Administration Committee must organize, coordinate and manage an effective system for internal party communications, the proper handling of external party correspondence, maintaining party files, lists, calendars and archives; conducting and managing the party’s financial and other affairs, the inventorying, maintenance and disbursement of party resources, equipment and supplies, for the reproduction, inventorying and internal distribution of party propaganda and educational materials, etc. The Administration Committee is also responsible for convening the Chapter Coordinating Council meeting and insuring the proper organization and coordination of Chapter Meetings. The Political Education Committee is the most important committee. It must organize and insure the ideological, political and organizational growth, development and understanding of Party Members and the masses of African People. The Political Education Committee must organize, coordinate and insure the proper development and implementation of the AAPRP’s Ideological Training Process, organize and monitory the development of A-APRP’s Orientations, Work-Study Circles; and for the research and development of internal and external educational materials and activities, etc. The Program Committee must organize and coordinate an efficient system for collecting research and information, developing and distributing mass educational and organizing materials; recruitment and other organizing activities, programs and events. It must also coordinate programs and activities to secure and raise funds, resources and supplies; and to solidify the A-APRP’s relationships with our Brother/Sister and Allied Organizations, etc. 9


In addition, all sisters who become members of the A-APRP are automatically members of the All-African Women’s Revolutionary Union (A-AWRU). African women suffer from triple oppression. This oppression is national (racial oppression as Africans), class (i.e. economic as workers, peasants, etc) and as women. Women are treated as the slave of the enslaved (African men) and therefore have a triple responsibility and obligation to develop to their fullest revolutionary creativity and potential and use their energies to liberate themselves and the masses of suffering and struggling women and children of the world. Organization is the weapon of the oppressed. In the A-APRP, the A-AWRU is the weapon for women against their oppression. It is the vehicle for guaranteeing the political education and organization of women, youth and men. It is also the vehicle for insuring that the entire party and the masses of Africans and other oppressed peoples are political educated about, understand, agree with, implement and further develop and enhance the party’s policy and political line (direction) on women. The A-AWRU develops educational materials and organized activities about the oppression and liberation of women and the role and responsibility they have played and continue to play in the African and larger Socialist Revolution. It ensures the recruitment of sisters into the AAPRP and that they develop to their fullest revolutionary potential and make their maximum contribution to the masses of our people, the revolution and the A-APRP. The A-AWRU develops and coordinates revolutionary relationships with the sister unions/wings of the party’s Brother/Sister and Allied Organizations. It raises funds and resources for the A-AWRU and the overall A-APRP, etc. The A-AWRU is also responsible for the coordination of the political education and organization of party youth through the Young Pioneers Institute (YPI), the internal youth wing of the A-APRP. The A-AWRU has all of the institutions of the A-APRP at its disposal consequently the whole Party is involved in the process.



All Party Committees and the A-AWRU must meet at the Chapter level once every six months to discuss, make input to, determine, organize and report on committee, union and over-all party activities, work and policy. All Party members must also attend, help organize and facilitate internal chapter seminars and internal chapter meetings. Internal Chapter Seminars must meet for three hours, once every six months in order to study, discuss and analyze materials and topics of concern to the entire chapter and party. Each committee and the A-AWRU must take turns organizing and facilitating these seminars. 10

Internal Chapter Meetings must meet a minimum of once (1) a year and no more than twice (2) a year in order to discuss chapter and over-all Party Affairs, evaluate the progress of the Chapter and of Party study and work, ratify plans, make decisions, hold elections, make reports, etc. Internal Chapter Meetings are the highest policy making body of each chapter. All decisions made at the Chapter meetings are binding on all Chapter Members and structures. All Party Chapters must implement the decisions of higher Party bodies. All of these meetings (i.e. Committee, A-AWRU, Internal Seminars, and Internal Meetings) must be held on the same day, and must total no more than a maximum of the (10) hours. We strongly encourage that no other interim or emergency meetings be held. 7)

Each chapter will elect a Chapter Coordinating Council of seven (7) Coordinators; two (2) each, for the Administration, Program and Political Education Committees, and one (1) elected by the A-AWRU who will serve on the Political Education Committee. A minimum of two (2) must be sisters, the A-AWRU Coordinator and one (1) at a minimum, who must be a member of the Program Committee. The Chapter Coordinating Council is the interim policy making body between Chapter meetings. The decision of the Chapter Coordinating Council must be implemented by all Circles, Structures and Militants in that Chapter. The Chapter Coordinating Council decisions and policies can be overturned or vetoed by two-thirds majority vote of the Chapter Meeting. All decisions can be appealed in writing to the next higher party body, which has the authority for veto.


All A-APRP structures must keep minutes or records. All records must be ratified by democratic vote at the next scheduled meeting with the right of written minority dissent. A report or minutes of all meetings must be sent to all Chapter Member, the Chapter Administration Committee and to Central A-APRP.

STEP 3: HELP WORK AND BUILD THE A-APRP! All party members are required to work and help build the A-APRP. New recruits (less than six months membership in the A-APRP) are only required to do that work related to their Work-Study Circle. Today, internal party work includes: participation in Work-Study including preparation for and participation in their Work-Study Circle, Committee and Chapter and other internal party meetings and activities. External Party work, activity, responsibilities and obligations for those prospective members who have been in an A-APRP Work-Study Circle for more than six months, include: distribution of propaganda materials and related activities, recruitment, helping 11

revolutionary fund-raising, working with the party’s Brother and Sister and Allied Organizations, etc. It is the work of the members of the A-APRP that transform the Party’s ideology, strategy and tactics into material reality. Without labor, the party cannot achieve its objectives either in the short or long term. In this process the people are both a means to this end, but also an end in themselves, because surplus production is to enhance the lives of the people themselves. It is the work of the A-APRP that assures its growth and development. Through experience, we have found that A-APRP work and study, both internal and external demand the following minimum time weekly from each Party member. The amount listed here is only an average. The actual amount fluctuates depending on the quantity and quality of party work and activity and the quantity and quality of party members in each area. Of course we know that party work is all the time. To give an even better idea, the party estimates through experience that new recruits (less than six months in the A-APRP) spend a minimum of 5 & ½ hours per week in preparation, study, work, meetings and other party activities. Party militants who have been in the party more than six months spend a minimum of 10 hours per week doing party study and work. Party cadre spend 15 to 16 hours per week. Party Coordinators spend about 20 hours per week. Central Committee Members spend about 25 hours per week. All Work-Study Militants who have been in the Party more than six (6) months are required to spend a minimum of three (3) hours per week doing external, campus work. Cadre are required to spend a minimum of five (5 to 6) hours each week. STEP 4: STRUGGLE TO UNDERSTAND AND IMPLEMENT THE A-APRP’S OBJECTIVE, IDEOLOGY, POLITICAL LINE, PROGRAM AND RULES STEP 5: COMPLETE THE WORK-STUDY CIRCLE PHASE OF THE A-APRP’S IDEOLOGICAL TRAINING PROCESS Work-Study members are eligible to become cadre, full members of the A-APRP upon completion of the Work-Study Phase of the A-APRP’s Ideological Training Process. In order to become cadre, you must: 1) Have been a member of an A-APRP Work-Study Circle a minimum of two (2) years. 2) Have completed the Work-Study Circle Phase of the A-APRP’s Political Education Process. 3) Demonstrate a commitment to the party’s ideology, objective and line and a clear understanding of the necessity to struggle, study and work to help build the A-APRP. You must also be disciplined and willing to abide by, help determine and implement the party’s policies, rules and regulations. Every Work-Study Circle in which its members meet the above criteria must evaluate the individual performance of each member, using the above criteria; and emphasizing their role in helping or hindering the circle in achieving its current level of development. The group then votes, by majority vote; for each member and submits a recommendation to the Chapter Coordinating Council. 12

Every Party Committee and the A-AWRU with Work-Study Members eligible to become Cadre must also undergo the same evaluation process, and submit its recommendation to the Chapter Coordinating Council on each member eligible to become cadre. The Chapter Coordinating Council evaluates the recommendations and makes the decision concerning each member under consideration for cadre status. The Chapter Coordinating Council has the right to accept or reject the recommendations submitted to it. All decisions are subject to the appeal procedures. The Chapter Meeting can overturn the decision of the Chapter Coordinating Council by two-third majority vote. AFRICA NEEDS A REVOLUTIONARY CADRE, REVOLUTIONARY AFRICAN WOEMN AND MEN WHO ARE HONEST, DEDICATED AND WILLING TO SUFFER AND SACRIFICE IN STRUGGLE AND SERVICE TO AFRICA AND WORLD HUMANITY Pan-Africanism needs Pan-Africanists to achieve it. “Accordingly, we are taking positive steps to ensure that the Party (and Africa) produce the men and women who can handle our (Pan-African) program. Africa needs a new type of citizen, a dedicated, modest, honest and informed man and woman. A man and women who submerges self in service to the nation and (humankind). A man and woman who abhors greed and detests vanity. A new type of man and woman whose humility is their strength and whose integrity is (their) greatness.” Kwame Nkrumah, AFRICA MUST UNITE, page 130