Introduction-WPS Office Flipbook PDF

Introduction-WPS Office
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I nt r oduct i on Topr epar ef ormax i mum cont r i but i onst oi mr ov i ngt hei rpr of essi on, t eacher swi l l f i ndi t hel pf ul t ohav eanacqui t ancewi t ht hehi st or i cal dev el opment sofal l pr of essi ons. They wi l l gai naswel l byl ear ni ngt or ecogni z eandappr eci at et hedi st i ngui shi ng char act er i st i csofapr of essi onsoast obecomeabl et oappr ai set heext entt owhi ch t eachi nghasat t ai nedsuchst at us. Becauseapr of essi oni schar act er i zedbyacodeof et hi cs. Hel ear naboutt hatst i mul at e, or gani ze, andcoor di nat et heef f or t soft eacher st o st r engt hent hei rpr of essi on.

TEACHI NG ASA PROFESSI ON Oneoft hest r i ki ngf eat ur esoft hepr esentsoci et yi st hei nf l uent i al r ol eofpr of essi ons andpr of essi onal s.Gener al l yt eachi ngi sconsi der edasapr of essi onandhencet eacher s ar egi v enpr of essi onal st at us.Li t er al l ypr of essi oni sanoccupat i onorcal l i ngwhi ch demandssci ent i f i corar t i st i cl ear ni ng.Teachi nghasl ongbeenr ecogni z edasa pr of essi on.I ti st heol destt y peofpr of essi onal ser v i ceknownt osoci et y . Li keot her pr of essi ont eachi ngf al l sshor tofmeet i ngal l oft hest andar dst hatchar act er i z ea pr of essi on. Amongi t smember ssomei ndi v i dual swhof ai l t ol i v eupt or ecogni z ed pr of essi onal st andar dsofconductandser v i ce. Theseshor t comi ngscannotchanget he f actt hatt eachi ngi sbybot hi t sf unct i onandnat ur eapr of essi on. Teachi ngi sanobl epr of essi onwhi chcomeswi t hsomuchr esponsi bi l i t yanddut y t owar dsst udent s.Teacher sdonotonl yt eachandi mpar tknowl edgebuti nspi r eand mot i v at est udent sf orl i f eandt akei mpor t antst epsi nl i f e.Theykeepwor ki ngt oboost t heconf i denceofst udent sanddi r ectt hem i nt her i ghtdi r ect i on.Ther ewer emany t eacher swhodedi cat edal l t hei rl i f ei nempower i ngt hei rst udent sandmaki ngt hem a bet t erandsuccessf ul humanbei ngi nt hei rl i f e.  Teachi ngi soneoft hemostdemandi ngandr ewar di ngpr of essi on.  Teachi ngpr of essi onhasor i gi nat edf r om t hesoci al andeconomi cal changest hat ar i seni nsoci t i es.  I ndi v i dual whosel ectt het eachi ngpr of essi onpossesst heknowl edgeofsubj ect mat t er , t eachi ngski l l sandsui t abl eper sonal i t yt r ai t s  Apar tf r om i mpar t i ngaccademi cknowl edget hesement or sar eal sor esponsi bl e f ori ncul cat i ngi nv al uabl el i f el essonsi nt hest udent s.  Theykeepwor ki ngt oboostt heconf i denceofst udent sanddi r ectt hem i nt he r i ghtdi r ect i on. 

Ther ewer emanyt eacher swhodedi cat edal l t hei rl i f ei nempower i ngt hei r st udent sandmaki ngt hem abet t erandsuccessf ul humanbei ngi nt hei rl i f e.

Rol eoft eacher Teachi ngasapr of essi on, t her ol eofat eachermustbei ncl uded.Thegener al andf i r st r ol eofat eacheri st ot eacht hei rst udent s.Thenmot i v at et hem andboostt hei r

conf i dencet ot akeupt hi ngswhi chcanhel pt hem i nt hei rl i f e.Teacher sshoul df i nd di f f er entway st ot eachst udent sandappl yt hem i nt eachi ngsot hatt hemaxi mum i nf or mat i onandknowl edger eachest hest udent s. Theyshoul dt r yt oexpl ai ncompl exanddi f f i cul tt opi cst hr oughf unact i v i t i esandmakei t easi erf orst udent st ounder st and.Teacher sar enotonl yt eacher sbutt heyar ey our ment or sandgui de. Theyar er esponsi bl enotj ustt ot eacht hesy l l abusbuti nspi r e st udent sbyexchangi ngt hought s, shar i ngabond, andbewi t ht hem i nev er yupsand downs.I fy ouwi l l beabl et opor t r ayal l t heser ol esf ory ourst udent st hent eachi ngasa pr of essi oni sper f ectf ory ou. Teachi ngski l l s, mat t erknowl edge, per sonal i t y , way sofi mpar t i ngi nf or mat i onsar e somef act or st hatef f ectl ear ni ngpat t er nofst udent s.I thel pst eacher st obecomea successf ul t eacher sandment orf ort hei rst udent s. Toadoptt eachi ngasapr of essi on, wemustr eal i set hatnotonl yper sonal i t yqual i t i es ar ei mpor t antbuteducat i onal qual i f i cat i onst ooar eoneoft hemai nr equi r ement s.

TRAI TSOFPROFESSI ONALI SM Thei mpor t antchar act er i st i csofapr of essi onar et hef ol l owi ng: Apr of essi on  I nv ol v esact i v i t i esessent i al l yi nt el l ect ual .  Commandsabodyofspeci al i sedknowl edge.  Requi r esex t endedpr of essi onal pr epar at i on  Demandscont i nuousi nser v i cegr owt h.  Af f or dsl i f ecar eerandper manentmember shi p  Set supi t sownst andar ds.  Ex al tser v i cesabov eper sonal gai n

 Needsaper i odsofspeci al i sedt r ai ni ng.  Demandsasenseofdedi cat i on.  Requi r escar ef ul ski l l sandunder st andi ng.

Someot hert r ai t sar e:

I tessent i al l yi nv ol v esani nt el l ect ual oper at i on.

I tt endt owar dssel for gani zat i on.

I tbasi cal l yper f or msasoci al ser v i ce.

I thasal engt hyper i odofst udyandt r ai ni ng.

I thasahi ghdegr eeofaut onomy .

I ti sbaseduponasy st emat i cbodyofknowl edge.

I thasacommoncodeofet hi csandi tgener at esi nser v i cegr owt h.

Thel ev el ofex cel l enceorcompet encet hati sex pect edf r om apr of essi onal i scal l ed pr of essi onal i sm. Teacherpr of essi onal i sm i st hechar act er i st i coft eacher . suchas compet enci esi ncl assr oom i nst r uct i on, mast er yofpedagogi cal t echni ques, ev i denceof i mpr ov ementandgr owt hmadei ncur r i cul um t r ansact i on, par t i ci pat i oni next r a i nst r uct i onal act i v i t i esandpr act i ceofet hi csoft eacher s.

Compet enci esi ncl assr oom i nst r uct i on Compet enci esar easetoft eacher ' sbehav i ourwhi chi sef f ect i v ei nbr i ngbr i ngi ng aboutdesi r edchangesi npupi l s. compet enci esf orcl assr oom i nst r uct i onar eev al uat ed i nt er msoft hei rpl anni ng, t heef f or t smadet ol ear nandi mpar tt hesubj ectmat t er ,

ef f or t smadet oknowt hest udent, at t ent i onpai di nt hecl assr oom management at t ent i onpai df orbet t eri nt er per sonal communi cat i onandconsi st encyi nev al uat i ngt he achi ev ement soft hest udent s

Mast er yofpedagogi cal t echni ques At r ul ypr of essi onal t eachershoul dacquai ntwi t hv ar i ousi nst r uct i onal t echni quesand knowandwhenandhowt ouset hem f ormaxi mum ef f i ci ency . Teacher scr eat el ear ni ng env i r onmentbyf ocusi ngont hi ngst hatcanbeal t er edt hr oughi ncr easi ngst udent mot i v at i on, usi ngt echni queofgr adat i on,cor r el at i on, quest i oni ng, concr et i zi ngabst r act i deas, andi ndi v i dual i si ngI nst r uct i on.

Ev i denceofi mpr ov ementandgr owt hmadei ncur r i cul um t r ansact i on Pr of essi onal i mpr ov ementoft eacher si sofut mosti mpor t ancei ndet er mi ni ngt he qual i t yofeducat i on.Teacher sar et okeepupt odat eknowl edgeofnewdev el opment s i nt eachi ngandl ear ni ng, cont r i but esef f ect i v el yt oconf er encesandwor kshopsabout t eachi ng, l ear ni ngandassessment .

Par t i ci pat i oni nex t r ai nst r uct i onal act i v i t i es Pr of essi onal t eachershoul dt akei ni t i at i v ei nor gani si ngandconduct i ngv ar i ous cur r i cul arandcocur r i cul arpr ogr ammes. Theyhav et omai nt ai ndef i ni t enessandcl ar i t y i nschool r epor t sandut i l i zel ear ni ngmat er i al andi nst r uct i onal env i r onmenti nan ef f ect i v emanner .

Pr act i ceofet hi csoft eacher s I ti snecessar yt hatt her eshoul dbeacodeofet hi cswhi chmaybeev ol v edbyt he t eachi ngcommuni t y .Teacher sshoul dmai nt ai nawar mr el at i onwi t hst udent s, par ent s, soci et y , admi ni st r at or s, col l eaguesandpr of essi onal or gani zat i ons.

PROFESSI ONALETHI CSI NTEACHI NG Apr of essi onmai nt ai nsanof f i ci al phi l osophy , knownasi t scodeoret hi cswhi chser v es asagui det oi t smember s.Theobj ect i v eofsuchst andar dsofv al uesandpr of essi onal conducti st wof ol d. Fi r stofal l t heyai mt opr ot ectt hepubl i cser v ed. secondt hey pr omot et hewel f ar eofmember soft hepr of essi oni t sel f . Pr of essi onal et hi csi sl i kea gui dewhi chf aci l i t at est het eachert opr ov i dequal i t yeducat i onandi ncul cat egood v al uesamongt hel ear ner s. I thel pt ounder st andt hei rpr of essi onast hei rt eacher . Some

et hi csar e:  Bei ngwi t hst udent s  Saf et yf oral l st udent s.  Commi t mentt owar dst hepr of essi on.  I nt er act i onwi t hpar ent sandcommuni t y .  Keepl ear ni ng  Heal t hyr el at i onshi pst opt hel i st .

Pr i nci pl esofet hi csar e:

1.Thepr i mar yobl i gat i onoft het eachi ngpr of essi oni st ogui dechi l dr en, y out h, and adul t si nt hepur sui tofknowl edgeandski l l s, t opr epar et hem i nt hewayof democr acy , andhel pt hem t obecomeusef ul , happy , sel f suppor t i ngci t i zens. 2.Themember soft het eachi ngpr of essi onshar ewi t hpar ent st het askofshapi ng eachst udent ' spur posesandact st owar dsoci al l yaccept abl eends. 3. Thet eachi ngpr of essi onoccupi esaposi t i onofpubl i ct r usti nv ol v i ngnotonl yon t hei ndi v i dual t eacher ' sper sonal conduct , butal soshei nt er act i onoft heschool andt hecommuni t y . 4.Themember soft het eachi ngpr of essi onhav ei nescapabl eobl i gat i onwi t h r espectt oempl oy ment . 5.Thet eachi ngpr of essi oni sdi st i ngui shedf r om anyot heroccupat i onsbyt he uni quenessandqual i t yoft hepr of essi onal r el at i onshi pamongal l t eacher s. 6.Teacherasagui de  deal j ust l yandi mpar t i al l ywi t hst udent s.  Respectt her i ghtofev er yst udent  Recogni sei ndi v i dual di f f er enceamongst udent s  Acceptnor enumer at i onf ort ut or i ng.

7. Hav i ngcooper at i v er el at i onshi ps.  Keeppar ent si nf or medaboutt hepr ogr essoft hei rchi l dr en.  Respectbasi cr esponsi bi l i t yofpar ent sf ort hei rchi l dr en.  Seekt oest abl i shf r i endl yandcooper at i v er el at i onshi pswi t ht hehome. 8.Hav i nggoodi nt er per sonal ski l l s.  Per f or mt hedut i esofci t i zenshi p  Par t i ci pat ei ncommuni t yact i v i t i es.  Reasonabl epat t er nofbehav i ouraccept edbyt hecommuni t y .


Ther ewasat i mewhenev er y bodyandany bodycoul dbecomeat eacher . Theodor e Roosev el tsai d" Ev er ymanowessomeofhi st i met ot heupupbui l di ngoft hepr of essi on t owhi chhebel ongs" .Thi sadv i cei spar t i cul ar l yappr opr i at ef ort eacher ssi nce i mpr ov ementoft hei rpr of essi ondependsl ar gel yupont heef f or t soft hesewhot each.

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