W6/Unit4:Practice2(12). Extreme sports Flipbook PDF

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Story Transcript

ОЮУТНЫ ӨӨРИЙН ҮНЭЛГЭЭНИЙ ДЭВТЭР /2020-2021 оны хичээлийн жил II улирал/

Хичээл: Англи хэл-II Сургууль: ................................................. Оюутны код: ...........................................

Бүлэг сэдэв (Module)


Хичээл (Unit)

Хичээл 4: Hobbies and Sports

Сэдэв (Topic of lesson)

Практик 12: Extreme sports

Гүйцэтгэх даалгавар (Task)


Эзэмших чадвар (Language skill)


Хэрэглэх арга (Tool)

Түвшин хэмжих (Rating scale), Чэклист (checklist)

Зорилго (Aim)

Хурд, хүч, авхаалж самбаа, эр зориг шаардсан эрсдэлт экстрим спортын төрлүүдийн талаар уншиж ойлгон үгсийн нөөцөө нэмэгдүүлэх [CLO:1.1;2.2]

Товч агуулга (Brief content)

Экстрим спортын тухай эхийг уншиж ойлгон холбогдох дасгал даалгавраа хийж гүйцэтгэн үгийн нөөцөө нэмэгдүүлэх

Хэрэглэх арга (Tool) Level

Чэклист (checklist)

Questions • Where/What/How is…? • When/How did ____ happen? • Who were the main…? • Which one…?


• Why/When did…? • What/Who was…? • Can you list the three..? • How would you classify the type of…? • How would you compare…? • Will you state or interpret in your own words…?

Comprehension • What facts or ideas show…? • What is the main idea of ……?



• Which is the best answer…? • How would you summarize…? • How would you use…? • What examples can you find to…? • How would you organize _______ to show…? Application

• How would you apply what you learned to develop…? • What other way would you plan to…? • What would result if…? • What elements would you use to change…?

Хэрэглэх арга (Tool)

Түвшин хэмжих (Rating scale)

Scale General understanding 1

I did not understand enough vocabulary or information to answer the questions.


While I did not understand a lot of the vocabulary and information, I was able to complete some of the questions.


I showed a good general understanding of the vocabulary and information, with most questions completed.


I showed a very good general understanding of all vocabulary and information, completing all the questions.

Хэрэглэх арга (Tool) Words I don’t know 1 2 3 4

Хүснэгт (Chart) Mean

Sentence using words

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Хэрэглэх арга (Tool)

Түвшин хэмжих (Rating scale)

Scale For vocabulary/ Write original sentences 4

I am able to use all of the words and phrases when I write and speak


I am able to use most of the words and phrases when I write and speak


I am able to use some of the words and phrases when I write and speak


I am able to use only a few words and phrases when I write and speak

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