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Whitnall School District 2022 Summer School Information and Course Guide Flipbook PDF
Information and Course Guide 4.5.22
SUMMER SCHOOL Information & Course Guide SUMMER 2022
2022 SUMMER SCHOOL INFORMATION Registration For Elementary Summer School - Registration opens on April 1st and closes April 25th via the Infinite Campus Portal - Math and Reading Booster participation recommendation letters were emailed to parents through Infinite Campus on April 1st. Elementary Summer School Notes - The 6/13/22 - 7/1/22 elementary and middle school summer school classes will be held at Whitnall Middle School. - If your child is attending the Hales Corner Summer Rec Program, they will be able to take the bus to/from Whitnall Middle School. - If your child is attending the Greenfield Park and Rec Summer Playground located at Edgerton Elementary, they will be walked to/from the middle school by their counselors. - Introduction to Kindergarten will be held at your child’s respective school. - Camp locations are listed within the camp description. - Students should be registered based on their current grade level. - It is the expectation that your child attends their selected courses based on the days and times noted. If your student will be absent from summer school, please notify our summer school administrator assistant at (414) 525-8524. - If your child does not attend the Whitnall School District, you must first register them as a student. - There are no fees for summer school courses. Elementary Transportation - Transportation is available if needed. All families will receive a transportation survey once Summer School registration is closed. - Students will board buses at four set locations. At the end of the Summer School day, students will be transported back to their pick up stop. - There is NO home-to-home service. - Busing is only available for students attending both sessions each day. - A staff member will ride the bus and take attendance at each pick up. At drop off, they will be sure that each student has a parent or guardian there waiting to pick them up. - Since we have multiple stops, it is VERY IMPORTANT that parents arrive early at drop off and are waiting at the pick up location before the bus arrives at the end of the day. - Parent/Adult supervision is required until your child boards the bus; children should not be left unattended prior to the arrival of the bus. - Buses will depart the pick up location at a set time (TBD). If you miss the bus pick up, it will be your responsibility to bring your child/ren to the middle school. If you are late for the pick up, your child will be brought back to the middle school after the route is complete for pick up.
Elementary Bus Locations For Morning Pick-Up & Afternoon Drop Off - Buses will pick-up and drop off students at each of the following locations: - Southwest YMCA - 11311 W. Howard Ave. - St. Mary’s Church - 9520 W. Forest Home Ave. - Whitnall Park 10591 W. Cortez Cir.; Franklin - Hales Corners Elementary School - Pick-up and drop-off times are TBD. - Notifications will be sent closer to the start of summer school. Elementary/Middle School Dates/Times - Elementary, three one week sessions which consists of two classes per day. - Students should register for two classes each week. - Families are welcome to register for ALL three weeks. - Monday through Friday 8:00 - 11:30 AM June 13 - June 17; June 20 - June 24; June 27 - July 1 (Reminder that all classes are held at the middle school.) Registration For Secondary Summer School - Registration opens on April 1st and closes April 22nd via the Infinite Campus Portal. - Registration for HS Credit Recovery classes will remain open until the end of the second semester and will be recommended by your student’s school counselor. You are responsible for registering your child based on the school counselor’s recommendation. - High school classes will be held at Whitnall High School. High School Dates/Times - Work Ahead Courses Dates: 8:00am - 11:00 AM - High School Credit Recovery June 13 - July 15, 8:00 am to 12:00 pm (No School on 7/4/22 and 7/5/22.) Secondary Transportation - WSD does not provide busing for secondary students. Fees -
There are no fees for summer school courses.
Grades For Credit Earning Courses - Grades will be issued for Work Ahead Courses. - HS Credit Recovery classes will be issued a Pass/Fail grade. High School Attendance Policy - It is expected that your child attends their selected course based on the days and times noted. If your student will be absent from summer school, please notify the summer school administrator assistant at (414) 525-8524. A student may be dropped from a course if they exceed three unexcused absences.
COURSE GUIDE Whitnall offers students opportunities to explore their interests, enrich their learning, extend their school year, or enter their next experience.
Exploration Courses
Enrichment Courses
Students have the opportunity to explore the subjects that interest them the most in different and fun formats.
Students have the opportunity for additional learning in a particular subject area. These classes reinforce skills in math and literacy.
Extension Courses
Entrance Courses
Credit Recovery gives students the opportunity to extend the prior school year to complete a credit, while Credit Attainment gives students the opportunity to complete a credit ahead of the next school year.
Entrance courses prepare students for their next educational experience, whether that be kindergarten, middle school, high school, or our music program.
Elementary & Middle School EXPLORATION COURSES Ooey Gooey Science Grades: K5-2 Dates: 6/13/22 - 6/17/22; 6/20/22 - 6/24/22; 6/27/22 - 7/1/22 Time: 8:00 - 9:40am OR 9:50 - 11:30am Description: Common household products will be used to explore cause and effect, change of state and chemical reactions. Many activities will result in gooey treats! Code Spark! Grades: K5-2 Dates: 6/13/22 - 6/17/22; 6/20/22 - 6/24/22; 6/27/22 - 7/01/22 Time: 8:00 - 9:40am OR 9:50 - 11:30am Description: We will be using the CodeSpark app to expose young students to the world of coding. Students will need to use their critical thinking skills and plan ahead to solve tricky puzzles. Once students have mastered basic coding they will get the chance to start creating their own puzzles! Great fun for kids who love to think hard and solve puzzles! Bonkers for Balls Grades: K5-3 Dates: 6/13/22 - 6/17/22; 6/20/22 - 6/24/22; 6/27/22 - 7/1/22 Time: 8:00 - 9:40am Description: Do you enjoy sports but not necessarily care about winning or losing? Bonkers for Balls is an exciting opportunity to play all different types of “ball” sports without the pressure! Anything with a ball, we’ll play it. Basketball, soccer, fun dodgeball and kickball games are a few examples. Spanish FUN! Grades: K5-5 Dates: 6/13/22 - 6/17/22; 6/27/22 - 7/01/22 Time: 8:00 - 9:40am OR 9:50 - 11:30am Description: Come immerse yourself in the Spanish language and culture. We will learn through speaking, singing, and hands-on projects. Think colors, numbers, shapes, and more!
About the Author Grade: 1 Dates: 6/13/22 - 6/17/22; 6/20/22 - 6/24/22 Time: 8:00 - 9:40am OR 9:50 - 11:30am Description: This course will be an engaging, fun way for students to study and learn about different children's book authors! Each day will be themed around a new author. Students will be reading a book (or books) from famous children's authors. Students will create a flipbook of the special things they learn about each author and their writing (author's craft). At the end of each day, the students will do a craft related to the author's books! Exploring My Emotions Grades: 1-5 Dates: 6/13/22 - 6/17/22; 6/20/22 - 6/24/22; 6/27/22 - 7/01/22 Time: 8:00 - 9:40am OR 9:50 - 11:30am Description: Ever wonder why you feel the way you feel? Why at times you feel like you might explode? We will take time to explore the various emotions that we have and what we can do to calm ourselves down. Bonkers for Board Games Grades: 2-8 Dates: 6/13/22 - 6/17/22; 6/27/22 - 7/01/22 Time: 8:00 - 9:40am OR 9:50 - 11:30am Description: Have you ever wondered how to play a game you saw a friend playing? Look no further than this class. We will teach you how to play a variety of Board Games and then have fun playing them together. Chess Grades: 2-8 Dates: 6/13/22 - 6/17/22; 6/27/22 - 7/01/22 Time: 8:00 - 9:40am OR 9:50 - 11:30am Description: We will play chess and explore some chess strategies. Fantastic Physical Fun Grades: 3-5 Dates: 6/13/22 - 6/17/22; 6/20/22 - 6/24/22; 6/27/22 - 7/1/22 Time: 9:50 - 11:30am Description: Join us as we participate in indoor and outdoor games and sports activities that will keep us active, fit and smiling. There will be something for everyone so come on out and let’s get moving!
Ukulele, Recorder, and Xylophones... Oh My! Grades: 3-5 Dates: 6/13/22 - 6/17/22; 6/20/22 - 6/24/22 Time: 8:00 - 9:40am OR 9:50 - 11:30am Description: Join us as we explore different instruments from the elementary music classroom. Students will learn basic techniques on instruments like ukulele, recorder and xylophones. Then we will put them together to learn how to play as an ensemble. Superb Scrapbooking! Grades: 3-5 Dates: 6/13/22 - 6/17/22; 6/20/22 - 6/24/22; 6/27/22 - 7/01/22 Time: 8:00 - 9:40am OR 9:50 - 11:30am Description: Students will put their creativity to work to create their own take home scrapbook! Students will build their scrapbook and create colorful, personal pages inside using their own photos! They can design their pages using a variety of materials including colorful cardstock, stickers, ribbon, and more! Don't forget to bring in photos! Crime Scene Detectives Grades: 4-8 Dates: 6/13/22 - 6/17/22; 6/20/22 - 6/24/22; 6/27/22 - 7/1/22 Time: 9:50 - 11:30am Description: Students will investigate forensic science via computers, analyze fingerprints and handwriting, and use the scientific process to solve fictional crimes and mysteries. Detectives will be engaged in activities to recreate the crime scenes, gather evidence, compare findings, and write brief reports to solve each case. Explorations in Fabric Dyeing Grades: 4-8 Dates: 6/13/22 - 6/17/22 Time: 8:00 - 9:40am OR 9:50 - 11:30am Description: In this course we will be exploring different fabric dyeing techniques, with a main focus on Shibori tie dye. Learn to twist, tie and fold fabric in different ways to achieve different dyeing patterns. By the end of the week, each student will have several pieces of dyed fabric to take home! Summer Band and Orchestra Grades: 5-8 Dates: 6/13/22 - 6/17/22; 6/20/22 - 6/24/22; 6/27/22 - 7/01/22 Time: 8:00 - 9:40am OR 9:50 - 11:30am Description: Summer Band and Orchestra is an experience designed to help band and orchestra students to further develop the fundamentals of their instruments. Students will learn new music, refine their skills, and play together as a group. We’ll also play games, meet new friends, and have lots of fun!
Bob Ross Painting Grades: 5-8 Dates: 6/13/22 - 6/17/22 Time: 8:00 - 9:40am OR 9:50 - 11:30am Description: In this exploration class, we will use Bob Ross's Joy of Painting as inspiration as we create 2 different landscape paintings on canvas. Mrs.Weeks will guide and teach you how to create those mighty mountains, emerald lakes and of course, happy little trees. This class is for the motivated artist who isn't afraid to make mistakes, just happy little accidents. Let's get painting! Pollinators, Ponds and Photos in the School Forest Grades: 5-8 Dates: 6/13/22 - 6/17/22; 6/20/22 - 6/24/22 Time: 8:00 - 9:40am OR 9:50 - 11:30am Description: Students will have the opportunity to learn about nature through hands-on experiences and art! We will use scientific equipment such as trail cameras to study animals in the school forest, nets and collection containers to see what lives in our local ponds, and study the relationship between pollinators and flowers at the WHS school garden. While some of the time will be spent outside, we will catch a break from the heat to look at trail camera photos, use microscopes to get a better look at the pond macroinvertebrates we collect, and create some pollinator art to enhance the garden space outside. As a bonus, students can take home a sunflower at the end of the course to help our community become more pollinator-friendly. Superb Scrapbooking! Grades: 6-8 Dates: 6/13/22 - 6/17/22; 6/20/22 - 6/24/22; 6/27/22 - 7/01/22 Time: 8:00 - 9:40am OR 9:50 - 11:30am Description: Students will put their creativity to work to create their own take home scrapbook! Students will build their scrapbook and create colorful, personal pages inside using their own photos! They can design their pages using a variety of materials including colorful cardstock, stickers, ribbon, and more! Don't forget to bring in photos! Middle School Strength and Conditioning Grades: 6-8 Dates: 6/13/22 - 6/17/22; 6/20/22 - 6/24/22; 6/27/22 - 7/1/22 Time: 9:50 - 11:30am Description: Students will learn the basic fundamentals of strength training, aerobic training and overall fitness training and conditioning. Students will be empowered to make wise choices, meet challenges, and develop positive behaviors in fitness and wellness.
ENRICHMENT COURSES Reading Boosters Grades: K5-1 Dates: 6/13/22 - 6/17/22; 6/20/22 - 6/24/22; 6/27/22 - 7/1/22 Time: 8:00 - 9:40am OR 9:50 - 11:30am Description: This class will focus on improving basic skills through creative activities and learning in a fun environment. Students will work at their own speed while getting the help they need to be a successful reader. Students will be broken into grade level classes. Reading Boosters Grades: 2nd-3rd Dates: 6/13/22 - 6/17/22; 6/20/22 - 6/24/22; 6/27/22 - 7/1/22 Time: 8:00 - 9:40am OR 9:50 - 11:30am Description: This class will focus on improving basic skills through creative activities and learning in a fun environment. Students will work at their own speed while getting the help they need to be a successful reader. Students will be broken into grade level classes. Reading Boosters Grades: 4th-5th Dates: 6/13/22 - 6/17/22; 6/20/22 - 6/24/22; 6/27/22 - 7/1/22 Time: 8:00 - 9:40am OR 9:50 - 11:30am Description: This class will focus on improving basic skills through creative activities and learning in a fun environment. Students will work at their own speed while getting the help they need to be a successful reader. Students will be broken into grade level classes. Reading Boosters Grades: 6-8 Dates: 6/13/22 - 6/17/22; 6/20/22 - 6/24/22; 6/27/22 - 7/1/22 Time: 8:00 - 9:40am OR 9:50 - 11:30am Description: This class will focus on improving basic skills through creative activities and learning in a fun environment. Students will work at their own speed while getting the help they need to be a successful reader. Students will be broken into grade level classes.
Math Boosters Grades: K5-1 Dates: 6/13/22 - 6/17/22; 6/20/22 - 6/24/22; 6/27/22 - 7/1/22 Time: 8:00 - 9:40am OR 9:50 - 11:30am Description: This class will focus on improving basic skills through creative activities and learning in a fun environment based on the Everyday Math Program. Students will work at their own speed while getting the help they need to be successful. Math Boosters Grades: 2nd-3rd Dates: 6/13/22 - 6/17/22; 6/20/22 - 6/24/22; 6/27/22 - 7/1/22 Time: 8:00 - 9:40am OR 9:50 - 11:30am Description: This class will focus on improving basic skills through creative activities and learning in a fun environment based on the Everyday Math Program. Students will work at their own speed while getting the help they need to be successful. Math Boosters Grades: 4th-5th Dates: 6/13/22 - 6/17/22; 6/20/22 - 6/24/22; 6/27/22 - 7/1/22 Time: 8:00 - 9:40am OR 9:50 - 11:30am Description: This class will focus on improving basic skills through creative activities and learning in a fun environment based on the Everyday Math Program. Students will work at their own speed while getting the help they need to be successful. Math Boosters Grades: 6-8 Dates: 6/13/22 - 6/17/22; 6/20/22 - 6/24/22; 6/27/22 - 7/1/22 Time: 8:00 - 9:40am OR 9:50 - 11:30am Description: This class will focus on improving basic skills through creative activities and learning in a fun environment based on the Everyday Math Program. Students will work at their own speed while getting the help they need to be successful.
ENTRANCE COURSES Introduction to Kindergarten Grades: Incoming K5 Students Dates: 8/1/22 - 8/5/22 Time: 8:00 - 11:30am Location: Students should report to their respective elementary school. Description: This class is offered to children eligible to attend our 5 Year-Old Kindergarten in the fall of 2022. Your child must be 5 years of age on or before September 1, 2022 and a birth certificate will be required to register if they are not already enrolled for fall. This class will provide children the experience of a kindergarten environment. Children will experience attending large group activities, small group activities including early math and reading skills, art projects and center time. They will learn about taking turns, sharing, following a routine, large and fine motor activities and being responsible for their actions. Transition to Middle School Grades: Incoming 6th Graders Dates: 8/1/22 - 8/5/22 Time: 8:00 - 11:30am Description: This course is designed for students entering 6th grade in Fall 2022 to help them become acquainted with middle school life. Students will work on organizational skills; becoming familiar with the building, schedule, policies and procedures; and conquering lockers while making new friends from the other elementary school.
CAMPS Summer Theatre Camp Grades: K-8th grade Dates: 6/13/22 - 7/01/22 Time: 12:00 - 3:00pm Description: Whitnall School District is now offering a summer theater experience for all elementary and middle school students. Students will be working on a broad range of theatre skills including, but not limited to, audition etiquette, character study, script interpretation, singing, choreography, and other acting techniques and put on a live show!! This year's theme is Frozen Jr! Live performance will be on July 1st!
Band and Orchestra Jump Start Grades: 4-8 Dates: 8/8/22 - 8/19/22 Time: 8am - 11:30am Description: This course is designated for students entering 5th and 6th grade in Fall 2022. The design of this course is intended to help beginning band and orchestra students learn the fundamentals of their instruments to help them get off to a great start in band or orchestra. Please note that it is not a requirement nor an expectation for students who are planning on taking beginning band or orchestra.Students will learn how to assemble their instruments, how to create a tone, how to read their first notes, and how to play together as a group. We’ll also play games, meet new friends, and have lots of fun!
High School EXTENSION Credit Attainment PE 9 Grades: 9th Credits: 0.5 Length: 6/13-7/15 Start and End Time: 8:00 AM-11:00 AM Description: During this course incoming Freshmen students will be introduced to various physical activities and will acquire knowledge that will help them enhance their physical well being. Personal Finance Grades: 9th-12th Credits: 0.5 Length: 6/13-7/15 Start and End Time: 8:00 AM-11:00 AM Description: So you want to be a millionaire? Personal Finance is a course designed to give you the tools to make it happen. Students will learn to manage their financial future through information and exercises regarding budgeting, spending, banking and investing. This course fulfills WHS financial literacy requirement. Art Fundamentals Grades: 9th-12th Credits: 0.5 Length: 6/13-7/15 Start and End Time: 8:00 AM-11:00 AM Description: Art Fundamentals will provide a foundation of the basics and fundamentals of art, along with developing a deeper understanding of the Elements of Art and Principles of Design. This will bridge the gap between middle school and high school.
Credit Recovery Academic Recovery Classes Grades: 9-12 Dates: 6/13/22 - 7/15/22 Time: 8:00am to 12:00pm Description: Students who have failed a course or received an incomplete in the area(s) of English, math, science, or social studies and need to make up the credit can do so through Academic Recovery. Please see your school counselor for options.
CAMPS Summer Trades Camp Grades: 11 & 12 Dates: 6/20/22 - 6/24/22 Time: 8:00am - 3:00pm Description: During this camp students will get to experience two trades each day. Students will meet each morning at the high school and then be transported to the various trade locations where they will be educated about the career and get to engage in activities. Lunch will be provided daily. Space is limited so those that sign up for this camp. Participants need to be committed to attending all 5 days. Peer Mentor & School Leaders Camp Grades: 9-12 Dates: 8/15/22 & 8/16/22 Time: 8:00am - 3:00pm Description: This is a camp for all students in leadership roles here at Whitnall. This includes but is not limited to Student Council, Peer Mentors, Student Leaders, team captains, club captains and anyone else looking to get involved as a leader in the building or grow their leadership skills. This two day training will help students grow their leadership skills. Students will also create a common leadership theme for the year. AP Readiness Workshop Grades: 9-12 Dates: August 22nd Time: 8:00am - 3:00pm Description: The purpose of this class is to better prepare students for all AP classes they will take in the school year. Topics that will be covered include successful AP study habits, AP writing, and AP test preparation. This course is highly recommended for all AP students.
Summer Band Camp Grades: 9-12 Dates: 6/27-6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20,7/27,8/3 Time: 1 PM-3:30 PM Description: This is highly recommended for all students in band. We will be learning music to play at a special event in August. We will be having some fun events along the way like having an ice cream party ! We look forward to seeing you all at band camp!
Summer Band Lessons Grades: 9-12 Dates: 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20,7/27,8/3 Times- Between 9AM-12AM Description: A summer music offering available to any student with prior experience playing a band instrument who is hoping to improve his or her skills over the summer. These lessons will take place on Wednesdays in 30-minute, one-on-one sessions. Final schedule will be determined with the teacher, student, and parent.
Summer Theater Camp Grades: 9-12 Dates: 8/15/22 - 8/26/22 Time: 9AM-12PM Description: Welcome to the Falcon Pre-Show! Over the course of two weeks students will be working on a broad range of theatre skills including, but not limited to, audition etiquette, character study, script interpretation, singing, choreography, and other acting techniques. This will prepare students for the fall play.
Summer School Online Course Selection Before starting course selection, please refer to the Summer School course selection guide to ensure that you are selecting the correct course.
Step 1 ●
Log in to your Infinite Campus Portal account
If you are a parent, select the student to register
Scroll to the menu option ‘More’
Select ‘Course Registration’ This option will only display when the course selection window is open.
Select the school you are enrolled in
If the correct school does not display and you have more than one student attending Whitnall, verify which student you are selecting courses for.
Step 2
← Search for the course name ← Scroll through the list to view all available courses. ●
Click the course to select it
Step 3
Course Description: Please read the course description to verify the Session Dates and understand the content of the course.
Click to
The course completion bar will remain at 0% for Summer School courses, however, your course selections will display under ‘Course Requests’.
Changes to your course selection: Selected courses can be modified as long as the selection window is open.
Questions Please contact your Rene Freyer for additional help or questions.
Whitnall Summer School Registration (414) 525-8524
STUDENTS: If you are unable to log in to your Infinite Campus Portal, please contact the WSD Help Desk. PARENTS/GUARDIANS: If you are unable to log in to your Infinite Campus Portal, please contact the District Office at (414) 525-8526
SUMMER SCHOOL Contact Info Ryan Relich, Summer School Administrator [email protected] 414-525-8663 Rene Freyer, Summer School Administrative Assistant [email protected] 414-525-8524